Any San Francisco / Bay Area / Silicon Valley moms? Advice needed... please hear me out...

This may be the only post that I'd be posting about this if DH didn't get a job offer, or it may be the first of many posts in this topic if he does get an offer.

DH, DS (4 years old), and I are currently living happily in Atlanta Georgia, and we really were planning to grow old here. Then all of a sudden, DH's company / career got quite rocky, which made him look into changing jobs. His field and his level made it very limited in terms of what he can find locally, so he ended up applying to a position in Sunnyvale SJ, and I have a feeling that he will get it. He said the job is perfect and if he was offered the opportunity there is a very big chance that we would relocate.

I was in shock and went through 5 stages of grief. I love where we are. We own our house, I know where everything is and I love the great kids programs here, I am in love with the Atlanta Alliance Theatre that has such wonderful wonderful programs and acting classes for children. I have great play date + wonderful mom friends that I am truly friends with. We just got into the pre-k we wanted that goes all the way to 8th grade, and we just finished a massive kitchen remodeling just 6 months ago. Basically, I love my life here and did not want to move.

We have lived in the bay area before when we were in our 20s / 10+ years before DS was born. It was so expensive. I gave up my high-paying career since DS was born, and I traded for one that makes a lot less $$$. It makes me so nervous to move back there with just 1.2 person's income with an additional child. We also lived in San Mateo and Redwood city before, and while the San Mateo area has so much going on now, I just wish we could live in San Francisco instead. But everywhere is so expensive. And honestly, back then when we moved back to Atlanta, we were actually quite happy and we thought we will forever call Atlanta home.

I am trying to learn to accept this new fact so I am hoping to pick your brains Bay Area + SV moms. Can you advise us on where to live so we can get the best in terms of schools, and if there are any great programs you love, or summer camps, and where are they located? Does the SF theatre offer any kind of children activities for kids? Any arts activities that you love locally? And where do you find your play dates / mommy network / support system? Do you guys do Hellobee meetups and make friends with each other? DH said although he would be working in Sunnyvale he is open to the idea of living in San Francisco. Also tell me about housing! I think we are going to rent first and see how it goes before even thinking about buying, but I want to get a place where we can be in a good public school system as we can't afford private anymore, obviously. We read an article about the SF schooling system, and it seems to be a wild lottery and you can't control where you go to school. Basically, school, housing (in the right school district), children activities, play dates with boys that are the same age and wonderful mom friends, parks and recreation, $$$....etc. are things that I worry and I want to figure out. If I move out there, can you guys be my friend and can we have play dates? Please talk to me and share your thoughts.....sorry for rambling, and thank you in advance....