Hello bees,

I went back to work this week after maternity leave (LO is 2 months) and boy am I stressed out over the milk situation. I am only able to fit in 3 pumping sessions a day for about 20 min (15 min pumping and 5 min setup/cleanup) and I am barely making enough milk for the next day. LO doesn't eat much, about 10 oz for the time that I am gone. On Monday I was able to pump about 9 oz but towards the end of the week, I only did 7! The only way I could leave enough milk was to add a pumping session in the morning after I nurse her since that's when I'm at my fullest. But I am really worried that I'm not going to be able to keep up for long without supplementing if my supply is already decreasing after just 1 week back at work =(

So I am wondering now that it's Friday, if my output will increase again on Monday from nursing over the weekend, or is 2 days not enough to change anything? Anyone have any tips or experience with trying to increase supply over the weekend? I am planning on pumping at least in the mornings to save up a few more oz for the following week.

And by the way, now that I'm back at work, I can honestly say I hate pumping! (I work in the hospital so I don't have my own private office). I've already thought about just supplementing with formula but then I feel guilty because I still want to be able to breastfeed when I'm with her so I don't want my supply to totally vanish if I don't pump at work.