Hellobee Boards


April 2015 Mamas!

  1. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: wow !!!! Congrats!!

  2. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @Banana330: Connor is cluster feeding from 6-9 but he still doesn't give me a long stretch of sleep. He's waking every 2.5 hours. I'm so tired!!

  3. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    Some indications today that I probably won't be pregnant forever! Belly has dropped some, I've got new lower back pain, my cat is acting like I'm sick, and I'm seeing bits of mucous plug when I wipe.

    I'm not horrifically impatient yet, but, I would prefer labor starting within the next couple days rather than another week or more out.

  4. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    Still waiting. 41w2d today. If baby doesn't schedule their own exit during the day today or overnight, I'm thinking of trying to nudge things along with castor oil early tomorrow morning once my favorite midwife comes back on call.

    For now, I guess I go to Costco. And afterwards maybe clean the kitchen floor. It is gross and has been bugging me for a week, but, I kept hoping I would go into labor and have an excuse for not dealing with it.

  5. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @lilyofthewest: fingers crossed you go soon. Make sure you rest cause you'll need it for labour when it does start!

  6. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    @Banana330: Part of why I'm starting to get so antsy is because while I've been resting a lot, I don't think I've been getting much (if any) REM sleep and I am really starting to feel it.

    Baby has been super well engaged for 3-4 days now, and my bladder capacity is basically nonexistent. I usually have to pee once every 45 minutes to an hour (including overnight). 2 nights ago when I was up to pee I was thinking to myself, "I'm sleeping really well tonight!". Then I looked at the clock as I got back in bed and realized I'd been up 5 times in 4.5 hours. Ugh. Pretty sure I will sleep better (or at least get the occasional stretch long enough to reach REM) with baby on the outside.

  7. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @lilyofthewest: you will! At least on your side of the sleep, baby might have other things in mind!

  8. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    How is everyone doing? Lots of cluster feeding here, she is having a growth spurt. Quiet thread while everyone is busy with babies! @loki: how are things going, hope you and baby are doing better.

  9. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    @PawPrints: Still pregnant, oy!

  10. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    @lilyofthewest: oh no! We were 41w1d when she was born and I was going crazy then!

    We are home from the hospital and it's been great so far with our toddler and the new baby. I am bravely thinking of venturing out today to a playgroup with baby in a carrier. I have pretty bad birth injuries still, but I think the playgroup isn't a super active one with a lot of lifting, so it's worth a shot!

  11. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @PawPrints: cluster feeding here too! It actually isn't as bad once you accept it and know it's coming.

    We borrowed a Mamaroo which has been awesome she had three great day time sleeps in it yesterday. She typically fights sleep so this has been a godsend.

    @Rockies11: you are brave! I couldn't imagine a play group.

    Other c section moms how do you deal with the restrictions? My midwives have said no driving, stroller pushing or wearing her for walks for 6 weeks! It's making me stir crazy and I can't imagine estentially not being able to go anywhere without help for another month!

    @lilyofthewest: hurry up baby!

  12. Mrs.Pinecone316

    persimmon / 1316 posts

    This is a little late.. life is crazy with a newborn! But my little girl was born April 16th after I went into labor the evening of my due date. The membrane sweep really kicked things off for me. We are doing well. BFing has been a big challenge but I love being a mommy!

  13. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    Congratulations to everyone who I've missed that has had their baby! For those of you still waiting, I hope your LO comes soon!

    @PawPrints: overall things are good. He is a really easy and sweet baby so in that sense we are so lucky. We are still having so many issues breastfeeding. I've gone to my lactation consultant four separate times and we leave making progress and then after a few days at home it's like we are starting all over again. Baby has a shallow and painful latch and most feedings I'm frustrated and in tears because it hurts so much. I've been using a shield, I've alternated feeding on the breast and pumping, and we still cannot get it. I have an appointment with an ENT on Monday to see if he has a tongue and/or lip tie. I am hoping he does so that we have a reason for all of our issues. Despite all of our issues he is gaining weight and doing well, it's just momma that's not doing as well.

  14. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    @Mrs.Pinecone316: our babies are birthday buddies!

  15. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    @Boopers: I'm an April mama who's been lurking on this thread (originally due at the end of March but Felix arrived on 04/04) and wanted to let you know that although bf'ing was a struggle for almost three months with my first baby it has totally been worth it! Miss A had her ties clipped at 7-8 weeks and it didn't make her latch perfect but it was good enough that it eliminated most of my pain (and she's still nursing at 2.5!). Hang in there!

  16. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    Well DD is 5 days old and weve been home since Sunday. It's going pretty well, she usually only wakes twice between 930 and 630/7am so things are good. Our 1.5 year old is handling things really well right now. DH goes back to work tomorrow and I'm terrified. I'm madly in love with both my children but I am struggling a little. I cry several times a day. DH is being so supportive and wonderful though.

  17. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @Kemma: ahh that gives me hope! I'm crossing my fingers that the ENT sees an issue and decides to clip. If the ENT doesn't think he has any ties then I might cry

    Can you describe some of the issues you had before you clipped? He keeps sliding off the nipple and then ends of just gumming away and after three weeks of this I have cracked nipples and they are just soo sore. What else clued you in to your LO having ties?

    @Mrs. Sunshine: I'm glad to hear things are going well with your LO! I cried and cried too knowing I'd be by myself and so far it's gone better than I expected, but I can imagine how anxious I'd be worrying about two LOs! I hope it goes smoothly for you, you got this momma!!

  18. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Banana330: We just are told not to drive for two weeks - the same goes for lifting heavy things- but after that I did anything I wanted to, within reason. I've had no issues doing this with either pregnancy. Can you just ignore their restrictions?

  19. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    @Banana330: I had a vbac with this one, but with my first, there was a bunch of stuff that I wasn't supposed to do, but I just took it slow and saw how I felt. I didn't drive for a couple of weeks because I didn't feel like I could hit the brakes without hurting myself. Wearing some carriers put pressure on the area, some didn't. I thought walking the dog would hurt, it was totally fine. I think you're good to just do as much as you can do, and let pain be your guide!

  20. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @Banana330: Like others have said, the restrictions were closer to 2 weeks (I'll be honest, they didn't give me an exact time frame). But I didn't drive for just shy of two weeks and lifted DD1 minimally for the first 2 weeks. Since then (DD2 is one month today!), I have been driving, lifting DD1 (22lbs), wearing a baby carrier (pretty much daily), going for nightly walks wearing the baby and pushing the toddler in a stroller...

    I cannot imagine having all those restrictions for a full 6 weeks. I definitely don't need them.

  21. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @marionberry: @Rockies11: @NeekieRose: interesting, I was hoping maybe that would be the case. I'm only at two weeks tomorrow and I have a midwife appointment next week so I'll see how I'm feeling by then.

    @Boopers: did you get the all purpose nipple ointment? It's prescription but awesome for healing cracked nipples. I found watching YouTube videos of nibbling vs drinking helpful to know when she's really drinking properly. That and you really tilt the chin towards you and head back and shove their face pretty quickly in to your boob. I was surprised how aggressive it seemed.

  22. As Time Goes By

    apricot / 346 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: @Rockies11: @Mrs.Pinecone316: congratulations on your babies!

    @Boopers: I hope the ENT can help solve your feeding issues.

    @PawPrints: we've been doing really well overall. He's developed a bit of a schedule they he follows most days, but today has been a crazy cluster feeding day that started at 1:30 am. There's nothing like sleeping 45 minutes at a time. My mom has been over all week so we've been able to get out a lot more this week which has made me more confident doing it on my own. Winston has been eating so much he's already gained almost 2 lbs over his birth weight. It's a bit bittersweet because he's growing out of size 1 diapers and a bunch of his 0-3 month clothes

    How's everyone else doing?

  23. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    We had the ENT appointment today and LO got his lip and tongue tie clipped. I was so relieved when the doctor said that he had ties because I couldn't take another day of not having a solution for our feeding troubles. It got to the point where I was almost exclusively pumping and when we did try to breastfeed I couldn't do it without the shield because it hurt so much. I tried getting him to nurse once we got home from the ENT and he wouldn't latch. I think it's going to take some time and retraining to get him used to nursing again, but I have hope!

    How is everyone else doing? I go back to work in two weeks, blah. Luckily I only have to work for 3 weeks then I'll be off for summer break. I hope the 3 weeks fly by!

  24. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    @Boopers: I am so happy for you. A lactation consultant or la Leche should be able to help you guys relearn the latch.

    I went back to work the Tuesday after birth but it's just one class a day and only through the first week of June. Then I have all summer with my littles. Well sort of as we move 7 hours north.

    Otherwise thins are good. My baby is normal which is great after a very high needs baby the first time. She isn't the best sleeper especially if she isn't in our arms but we are adjusting.

  25. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @brownie: I've been working with an amazing lactation consultant. I am going to call her tomorrow and hope we can get back on track!

    how do you feel going back to work already?

  26. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @Boopers: that's great news! I hope things continue to improve!

    We're doing okay. We've been home for a week now and today was my first day being 100% solo (no visitors or anything) with both girls and it went well. I must admit that there were many many days this week where I wondered if this was a mistake but I really seemed to have turned a corner this weekend and am feeling happier/enjoying being with both my kids again.

  27. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: that's wonderful! I'm happy to hear it's going well with your LOs! You guys will get into such a good groove I bet you won't even remember life without two soon enough

  28. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    @Boopers: good to hear. I like being back at work. It's 1 hour a day and I get out of the house and away from just holding a baby. And I am
    Looking forward to all summer with the babes. This is my second so that makes it different. I don't know that I could do it with my first.

  29. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @Banana330: I had a c section and my only restrictions are not lifting anything heavier than baby and the car seat together. I drove after 2 weeks and have pushed the stroller tons already - I'm at 3 weeks post delivery.

  30. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Glad to hear you're feeling better! Last week was a pretty rough one for me, emotionally - I was crying ALL the time and felt super anxious and was wondering if I was going to feel better or not, but this week has been much better so far.

    DH has been back to work for a week and a half and it's definitely harder not to have him here for help, support and just plain ol' company! My parents were in town last week which was really, really great. I'm "solo" this week and so far it's going well. I went to a new moms support group yesterday organized by the hospital and it was so great to sit around and chat with other moms and see other babies! Our LO was the youngest one there, so neat to see where he'll be headed in terms of development.

    We had some feeding issues and he had continued to lose weight, but as of last Friday, he hit birth weight again, so we're happy - we're doing a bit of everything - nursing, pumping and supplementing with breast milk and formula, and it's working well for him, so that makes me happy.

    He is getting so much more alert - which is fun to see! He has these big beautiful blue eyes like his dad and I love when he's awake so we can see them!

    Nice to have some activity on the board again - I've missed everyone!

    What are you guys doing for Mother's Day????

  31. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @brownie: One hour a day out of the house sounds good to me - I'm thinking of trying to schedule that at least a few times a week once DH is home from work!

    @NeekieRose: Sounds like you are super active already - good for you! I love the idea of nightly walks with the baby - I might try that! It's getting warmer here, but a few nights have been rainy and cold, so we had to stay in!

  32. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @SunshineMcC: I'm glad that you started feeling better and that your feeding system is working! I was doing that for the first two weeks too, and even though it was so time-consuming and draining, it's good to know that it's working!

    Things here have settled into a bit of a rhythm here. I can't believe my baby's almost 7 weeks old! It was a pain figuring it out, but it's been interesting learning some of the tricks that help him sleep/stop crying/etc. Breastfeeding was a huge challenge at first because he was just so small (4 lb 12 oz at birth!), but now he eats like a champ and my supply seems just right. Thank goodness - I thought we'd never get here! I'm so glad because we're traveling on a plane with the baby to a wedding where I'm the MOH! Yikes!

    Mother's Day here is gonna be pretty uneventful. I'm not really feeling up to doing anything big so I just asked DH to write me a handwritten card. Might be some lingering pain from past Mother's Day while suffering through IF... Then on my birthday the next day, we're cutting into my favorite Carvel ice cream cake and ordering sushi in! It's gonna be glorious. I'm easy to please!

  33. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @SunshineMcC: in guessing my midwives are super cautious on the restrictions. But everyone I know here has been told the 6 weeks no driving thing. It's such a relief when they hit their birthweight isn't it!

    @ineebee: wow 7 weeks! I'm sure that feels like a whole other world. Sounds like a great birthday plan.

    We're a few days shy of 3 weeks now. The first two weeks were tough. But we're getting a rhythm. I'm sure she'll hit another growth spurt and things will change again. She's been feeding pretty well except for the tingling nipple pain I get after feeding. I got some cream for thrush but it hasn't gotten rid of the pain completely. She's fairly alert during the day but sleeps 3-5hr stretches at night so I'm not complaining.

    Not sure what we'll do for Mother's Day. My mom wanted to take me to high tea but he baby is just too unpredictable to plan something where I'd have to be away from her for a few hrs.

  34. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @Banana330: Sleeping 3-5 hours a night?!? Amazing!! I hope the pain starts to get better soon. Doesn't sound pleasant.

  35. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @Boopers: Awesome about the ties being clipped, hope nursing is going well now! I've honestly felt ready to go back to work for a few weeks now. DS is 5 weeks old today. I just get bored at home. I do love spending my days with him, but I just need more interaction! I'm going back June 26th, full time though. Full time is just too much, but I'll make it work.

    @SunshineMcC: I was worried about being solo with baby, but it's actually pretty relaxing for me. He still sleeps so much that I have time to do a lot around the house. My toddler is still going to daycare so we don't mess up her routine, so that makes it easier for now. I can't get anything done when she's home!

    We were planning on visiting the ILs for mothers day, but we just had a death in the family and made the trip two times in the last week. It's 3 hours away. With a toddler and infant, thats a lot of work! We might still go, but we haven't decided yet. I'm leaving it up to my husband since it's his mom. If we don't go, we'll probably go out for brunch and just hang around at home.

    C has started doing this thing while nursing his last feed of the night and i'm trying to get him to sleep. He gets super sleepy and passes out for a minute or two, then he suddenly wakes back up and starts thrashing around and pulling my nipple super hard in all directions. It hurts so bad!! I don't know why he's getting so worked up. I try to settle him different ways, but it doesn't work. Maybe he just does;t like nursing to sleep, I'm holding him too long? I don't know. I tried to put him down drowsy but awake last night to see if he liked that, but he started crying 5 minutes later. I picked him up and relatched him and he was out cold 1 minute later. So weird.

  36. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    @yellowbird: Mine is doing a similar annoying thing with nursing. Drifts off to sleep, but, if I try to take back my nipple immediately wakes up and nurses furiously (but well) for a a few sucks and then starts just jabbing his tongue at my nipple and pulling on and off. It is frustrating during the day, maddening at 3am.

    I stepped on the scale this morning and had a huge shock. I'm only 3lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight at 9 days post partum. I gained 22 lbs...I can't believe that was all baby, placenta, and fluid fluid fluid.

  37. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    How's everyone doing?

    I'm curious how much your babies are all sleeping in a day, for those who track. My 8w old (6w adjusted) sleeps only about 11-13 hours a day. I think this is well below what "they" say a baby this age should do. What about everyone else?

  38. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @ineebee: my son is 6 weeks and he still sleeps a ton. He is a total change from my daughter who never slept as a baby!

    He usually sleeps 12 overnight with 1-3 wake ups and then will take a couple 2 hour naps and a few shorter naps between 1hr and 40 minutes during the day.

    How is night sleep looking?

    I also find my son sleeps a lot less if I allow him to get overtired. He's usually only awake a max of an hour and 15 minutes at a time

  39. As Time Goes By

    apricot / 346 posts

    @ineebee: things are going pretty well here!

    W's sleep still isn't consistent at almost 6 weeks but I have noticed an overall pattern... He'll sleep for 10-12 hours over night with 2-3 wakings. Naps can be difficult depending on if we are at home or not but he usually has another 3-5 hours of sleep during the day (more when he slept less over night.)

    I have found that using the suggested wakeful times for infants has really helped me notice when he's getting tired and he sleeps so much better! Of course he's starting to extend his wake time which has made it more difficult to get him down at the right time! http://www.hellobee.com/2015/04/20/working-with-waketimes/

  40. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @ineebee: my babe is only 3 weeks so she's still getting a ton of sleep time right now, maybe your LO just has low sleep needs? is he extra fussy?

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