Hellobee Boards


April 2015 Mamas!

  1. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @loki: So exciting to get to tell people! Glad you are feeling better.

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Hope your appointment goes well! I am feeling really crappy this morning. I actually just threw up twice at work. WTF? I'm 14+2 today, so I should be moving past the nausea, not throwing up for the first time. Not sure if this is a non-pregnancy related stomach bug or what.

    I have an appointment tomorrow. I have to say, this time around I am much less excited for my appointments. Especially since I have the home doppler and have been able to hear the heartbeat pretty regularly. I don't really have any questions this time, since I *just* did this whole pregnancy thing. I'm super jealous of everyone's NT scans! Makes me kinda wish we did it!

  2. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @loki: so glad to hear you're feeling better!!!
    @NeekieRose: that's how my last pregnancy was. I felt sick but didn't really get sick at all until the second and third trimesters. But i still only got sick a handful of times, I hope the same is true for you! I definitely don't feel the same type of awe at being pregnant as I did with the first one so I can relate to that too. This baby is definitely wanted here, it's just way different this time.

  3. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: I only threw up once last time. At 6 weeks. So I thought for sure that I was in the clear! Hopefully it's just a fluke. And yeah, this baby is totally wanted, just realizing that there isn't much to the midwife appointments when I don't have all my first time mom questions! Once we get closer and we have to decide about VBAC or repeat C-section, I'm sure I'll have a lot more questions!

  4. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    @loki: So glad you've got at least a little relief. I hope it keeps getting better for you!

    Re insomnia: I broke down a bought a preggo pillow. So worth it. I am sleeping so much more comfortably. I'm no longer waking up from accidentally rolling on to my huge sore boobs, hurrah!

    How are y'all doing with clothing? In the last couple days, I've reached the point where my pants feel really uncomfortable. I've tried a belly band and the elastic trick, but, it is just not comfy. I busted out some maternity pants, which are so, so much more comfortable. But, um, without a bump they don't want to stay up.

    I've been thinking about doing the one month free trial to Gwynnie Bee to get some bigger pants until my maternity duds fit a little bit better. Anyone used their service before?

  5. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @NeekieRose: I'm a little jealous of those who chose NOT to do NT scans... Last Thursday I got a "borderline" result on ours (3.1mm or less is what they want, ours measured at 3.2!). It totally freaked me out, and I was super sad and worried all day. But they keep telling me that it's most likely nothing and that other than being super-aggressive and going for some risky tests, the best thing to do is wait until the week 16 and week 18 scans to check on the heart.

    If that's all I need to do, I'd rather not have known that I had a borderline result!! I think the next time around, I'm going to forego the NT scan. Sometimes too much information is just too much information. Trying no to think about it though! All that to say that I'm jealous of YOU! Good luck on your appointment!

    In other news, my Bella Bands came in on Friday and they are AMAZING! They fit and work exactly as advertised. They're probably not for everyone, but I'm glad I gave it a try. Here's to wearing normal pants!

  6. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @ineebee: I'm sorry that you have to stress about borderline results! I'm sure it will be fine. Do they do a 16 and 18 week scan? That's not *too* far away! Sending good thoughts your way!

  7. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @ineebee: Didn't you get the Harmony/Panorama screen? Doesn't that tell you more conclusively?

    Does anyone have ideas to treat a killer sinus headache? My head is just going to explode for the last 24hrs. I've been using tiger balm on my forehead, under my eyes and temples but the relief is short. I think it's sinus pressure and pain, but i'm not stuffed up or anything... Help!

  8. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @lilyofthewest: because i've lost weight my clothes are actually fitting fine and i haven't needed to transition to maternity pants. i tried to wear a pair the other day but they were too big.

    @ineebee: oh no, i totally know what you mean. i think the occurrence of false positives is so high that i imagine a "borderline" would be no serious issue. but that extra stress is definitely not something you need so sorry you have to deal with that. i know a lot of people who decided to forego for this exact reason. praying for great news at the 16 week! and blood tests should be able to tell you more definitively, no?

    @Banana330: i have no advice but i'm so sorry that sounds like it suuuucks!

  9. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @NeekieRose: @Banana330: @loki: I did get the Harmony blood test done the week before, and it rules out Downs. But because of that extra fluid there, there still may be an issue, most likely cardiac, which may exist or resolve itself. I'm not too worried (read: I'm choosing not to worry!). I started telling people the great news and I'm choosing to celebrate my baby!

  10. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @ineebee: right.. i figured there must be a reason to do both.. i'm sure there's a margin of error in the measurements so they could be off! Good Idea not to worry and yay for telling people!

    I have my NT on thurs and can't wait!

  11. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @ineebee: so exciting! i'm sure everything is totally fine

  12. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    @Banana330: my NT scan is this Thursday as well. I now have 3 appointments on Thursday. Last RE appointment, midwife interview for the birthing center, and the NT scan.

    Also just found out my hubs has a genetic heart condition. So we have to get our son tested to see if he has the same genetic issue.

  13. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @brownie: Whoa! That's a lot -- a lot of appointments in one day, and a lot to take in about DH's heart condition and needing to test the baby. Is DH okay? How did that even come up? In any case, it's great that you'll be able to have that control and do some testing. Hope it all goes well!

  14. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @brownie: Yay for thurs, but wow that's a lot in one day!

    I actually haven't done any of the early bloodwork for this pregnancy yet so I have 4 blood draw recs to do on thurs with the NT scan!

  15. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @brownie: oh my goodness, so sorry to hear about DH! great you found out early though and can take any necessary steps to make sure both he and your little guy are okay!

  16. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    @ineebee: Oh the baby won't have to be tested. It's my son (3 years old) we have to test.

    DH is as fine as he can be. He has Cystic Fibrosis so he is already a genetic anomaly. In June he passed out at work and was transported to the hospital. He had an intestinal issue but they also did an ekg and found a prolonged QT. This could have been attributed to some of his medication. But the follow up testing was a genetic test and it is genetic.

    @Banana330: Bloodwork? The only bloodwork I have had is the three betas.

  17. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @brownie: Wow that sounds stressful. Fingers crossed everything is ok with your son!

    Ya there's the standard blood testing they do here, thyroid, immunity against vaccinatable diseases, STD/HIV, iron, vitamins etc. plus the NT blood test you have to do the same day for the integratd screening. But i have a feeling it will be ALOT of tubes of blood!

  18. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Good luck with the appointment today!

    @loki: so glad you're starting to feel a bit better - hooray!

    @NeekieRose: Ugh, sorry to hear you got sick today - hopefully it is just a fluke and not something that continues.

    @lilyofthewest: My insomnia is TERRIBLE. The last 3 nights I've been awake nearly every hour, on the hour. I can't tell what is waking me up - a couple times I had to go to the bathroom, but the rest of them I was just tossing and turning. I have an extra pillow in bed with me, and have been hugging it while I fall asleep, which is cozy, but isn't helping with the insomnia. Wah! What time of pillow did you get? Re: Gwynnie Bee, I've never used it, but one of the gals in my office has and really loves it - the stuff is super cute!

    @ineebee: Sending prayers that all is well with your 16 and 18 week scans - I love that you're choosing not to worry. God will take care of your little one!

    @Banana330: DH gave me a face & head massage on Friday night that totally got rid of my headache and pressure - it was awesome!

  19. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @lilyofthewest: I tried to get some maternity jeans this weekend at Old Navy, but the store near me doesn't carry maternity. I am going to try to go to one downtown (I'm in Chicago) over my lunch on Wednesday. The hair tie trick isn't working too well for me any more - not too comfy, so I'm going for the maternity jeans! WOOOWHOO! I'm waiting one more week until I tell the rest of my office, and I'm off on Friday - so only 3 more days of disguising the bump, then I'm going to OWN it!

    @brownie: sending prayers that all is OK with your son's heart. XO

  20. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    I had an awesome weekend - I feel like I'm turning a corner and getting some more energy, which is great. I still took naps on Sat/Sun, but also got some walks in and did some things outside of home, which was nice. Other than the insomnia, feeling really pretty good. Tomorrow is 13 weeks, so I'm going to do something to celebrate officially being in the 2nd trimester!!

    I told a few people at church who have been aware of our TTC journey, and the news was met with lots of tears and hugs, which was awesome. So excited to keep telling more people.

  21. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @Banana330: I have all that blood work today! If I recall from last time, it's really not that bad, I promise!

  22. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @ineebee: I'm glad you're not worrying! From what I understand it will most likely be nothing. Prayers!

    Re: clothes. I am fitting fine in most of my stuff & did last time as well. I don't recall breaking out the hair tie trick last pregnancy until almost 20 weeks. I feel like I do have a little poking out but a stranger would never be able to guess that I'm pregnant or anything. Thougg when I have to pee my pants gets really tight lol.

  23. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: good to hear. and good luck!

    I've been in maternity pants for a couple of weeks now! it's heaven. I only got hte ones with the soft waist not the over belly ones. A few friends have promised I can raid their maternity stash soon which will be good. My biggest worry is a coat for winter, I take public transit so i'll need a warm one but my expensive one is pretty fitted.

  24. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @ineebee: I'm so sorry that you have this added worry. This is why we skipped the NT last pregnancy, but we're doing it this time and I worry we'll get a similar result. I don't handle stress well. But I think being so borderline is very good (I mean .1 off is really nothing at all). Your blood tests will tell you more and even if it's a heart issue, I don't think there's much of anything they can't fix anymore. But great of you to choose to celebrate your baby instead of worry!
    @brownie: What a fun, yet busy day! Last RE appointment and NT scan means 2 ultrasounds in the same day right? And it will be fun to meet with your midwife I'm sure.
    @NeekieRose: I had a C-section with J since he was breech and they've technically given me the option of a VBAC as long as baby A is head first. I feel like I'll likely just choose another C-section given that with twins it can happen that you vaginally deliver one and still need a C-section; plus with 3 babies now I don't intend on more probably. But my hospital regularly does VBACs with great success. It's a fabulous option if you're open to it and will allow you to have as many kids as you'd like (if you want more than 3).
    @Mrs. Sunshine: I'm also in that boat of just not having the same kind of excitement about this pregnancy. I think a big part of it is we've already been there, done that, but in addition I just don't have any time to sit down and think about these babies. Between work, my husband, and J I barely have a second to breathe...let alone delight in my babies. But I have really enjoyed using the home Doppler and getting to hear them. In those moments I finally feel like I'm pregnant again.

    Speaking of which, for you second time moms, do you even feel pregnant? Since I have no time to focus on being pregnant it's like I sometimes forget I am or just don't feel pregnant in the same way I did with my first.

    Oh and we did family pics yesterday so we took an announcement shot. What do y'all think? We're not going to post it publicly until after our NT scan on Wednesday.

  25. youboots

    honeydew / 7622 posts

    @marionberry what a fab image! Who is your photographer? I wonder if I know them.

  26. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @marionberry: That picture is great! I can't already picture the responses "Five!?! Twins! OMG!" As far as feeling pregnant, I do just because of the exhaustion. Although it's more like I feel exhausted and not necessarily pregnant. It's definitely different than last time. And I'm open to the VBAC, I guess, but I am probably leaning towards the repeat c-section.

  27. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @marionberry: OMG I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. I TEARED UP! hahaha. it is sooooo beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so cute!!!! and will be so shocking to people who don't know it's twins! so cute, i'm dying!!!!!!!!!!

    i feel very pregnant due to my constant nausea. i don't have a second to NOT feel pregnant.

  28. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @youboots: Layce Nicole Photography aka Layce Bauman
    @NeekieRose: I hear ya about leaning toward the C-section. I had a really good experience with mine and didn't find the healing to be rough at all - plus I'm all about avoiding tearing up down there, lol.

  29. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @loki: Ya I feel for you and all the other super sick mamas so much! I didn't have any morning sickness with DS and now with the twins I just feel yucky and don't want to eat but will take that any day over puking. I can imagine it would be hard to forget you're pregnant when you always feel like that.

    @loki: @neekierose: @youboots: Thanks for the comment about the picture! I copied pinterest for the idea. But I feel justified since I feel I was one of the very first to do a starbucks announcement for my first baby and now they're all over pinterest.

  30. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @marionberry: that picture is fab! & no I don't feel pregnant in the same way that I did last time. I think it's more because my brain is so so focused on other life & my heart is already bursting with love for LO 1 that I just don't feel as overwhelmed with the emtion of it like last time, if that makes sense. I'm feeling more & more pregnant as time goes on but it's not the same

  31. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @marionberry: It's perfect!! I'm cracking up imagining all of your friends doing the math over and over and wondering how you're getting "five"

  32. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @marionberry: I LOVE your announcement photo, it's perfect!
    @ineebee: I like your outlook and that you are choosing not to worry! I'm thinking of you and baby and I know everything will turn out great. I know so many people with "borderline" results with perfect little babies.

  33. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @delight: Thank you! That is VERY reassuring to hear!!

  34. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @ineebee: for the 18 week scan my SILs was close to 7mm and it was supposed to be <5mm and she was super worried, but everything is fine.

  35. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    @marionberry: Yes, it means two ultra sounds in one day.

  36. youboots

    honeydew / 7622 posts

    @marionberry ah! I totally know her, she is one of the photographers I am considering using her for newborn photos. She is super talented!

  37. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @youboots: Yes very talented and very sweet!
    @ineebee: My only concern is that DH has another kid from a previous marriage who lived with us last year and some people may think she's the 4th but I'm sure since some of my friends already know they'll comment about twins before anything can think that. I'm excited to hear the comments...provided there are still two in there.
    @brownie: How very cool! You lucky girl!
    @delight: Thank you!
    @Mrs. Sunshine: That's exactly how I feel. You put it into words much better than me.

  38. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    This weekend I had my 10 year college reunion. It's a really small university (1200 undergrads, and only 1000 when I went there), but while everyone knows everyone within their year regardless of program and language of instruction (English or French), you really don't know absolutely everyone at the school. Case in point, my husband was a year behind me taking mechanical engineering (I took physics) and we didn't meet 'til a few years later.

    Anyway, the reunion was a lot of fun, and I got to see people I hadn't seen in 10 yrs. Told everyone I was pregnant (one girl in my class is due first week of April - I'm trying to get her to join HB and our thread!) and they were all excited. Also found out a really good friend of mine who I hadn't seen in 3 yrs was dealing with IF - they'd been TTC for the last couple of yrs. Which made me feel really bad how easy it was for us. So hoping things work out for them, as they are really wonderful people.

    One cute thing: when one or two people (guys that were clearly blind!) said "not really seeing much of a bump there" my best friend came to the rescue and said that it was really obvious, as I'm normally a size 0! I'm really not even close to that, but in her mind I'm still the super skinny gal she met 15 yrs ago!

  39. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @marionberry: gorgeous picture!

  40. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    Appointment went great! Doc convinced us to get the Panorama test & we will know the sex in 2 weeks! I'm 10 weeks 5 days and the baby already looks so baby like!

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