Hellobee Boards


August 2013 - Postpartum Chat

  1. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @Alivoo01: Crap. AF is still mostly absent here, besides a tiny bit of spotting at Christmas. It's getting to the point that I'd kind of like her to show up just so I know we're still friends.

    @delight: Aww don't feel too bad. My LO has 8 teeth, and the first time she bit me, we were co-sleeping, and she was just helping herself to the midnight buffet while I kind of dozed. And then, CHOMP!!!! And it woke me up, and I pretty much punched her in the face, because I had no idea what was going on, just wanted to smack whatever it was away.

  2. mdf106

    clementine / 828 posts

    @delight: LO bit me several times yesterday. He has had two teeth for a few weeks, and a few times he mouthed me with the teeth, but nothing extreme. Yesterday, he would bite down, clamp his mouth, and stay clamped until I removed him. I definitely made some unhappy sounds. I would remove him, and he would wail. I would get him to latch on again on the other side, and this repeated several times until he would not latch on again. The first time this happened, I thought he got enough, and put him down for a nap. The second time I had to pump and give him a bottle. Then at bedtime he screamed, but did not bite, and I was finally able to get him to eat by walking around while breastfeeding (this is his favorite). This morning he ate fine.

    @Alivoo1: I just finished up my first AF. It was heavier and longer than normal. I also had some pain while breastfeeding right before it came.

  3. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Sapphiresun: hahah I totally laughed out loud reading that. "I pretty much punched her in the face"

    B bit me once too, I'm not sure which hurt more, her biting me, or me ripping her off the tit after haha.

  4. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @MrsB2012: I'm so late to the party, but congratulations!! Can't believe one of our mommas is pregnant again

    I'm sorry I haven't been around much; I've been in 'we have a baby, three dogs, and are doing house showings' hell, but the good news is we accepted an offer this morning, so hallelujah! I can't wait for my life to settle down. Or maybe that's wishful thinking? We move just in time for E's party. Haha. twitch twitch.

    Speaking of which, E turned 10 months yesterday and promptly started clapping her hands. It's the funniest thing; DH was bribing her with bananas this morning, so she was clapping for her breakfast ;). She looks so proud of herself when she does it. Still no crawling, but she drags her butt now to get around. This weekend was also a great foodie weekend for her. She had scrambled (whole) eggs, watermelon, and a ton of strawberries from a pick your own place.

    By the way, oxyclean? truly is amazing. I bought the powder and it got all the strawberry juice out of her white onesie. I'm a believer.

  5. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Sapphiresun: @mdf106: @MrsB2012: glad you ladies are here to commiserate with me on biting! It hasn't happened in two days so maybe she learned her lesson when I put her to bed without milk Poor thing.

    @StrawberryBee: awesome news on the offer! We are house hunting and it's such a pain in the butt. The market is so slow. I hope the offer sticks!

    L started waving and clapping and "talking" on her phone this week. I'm surprised she doesn't pretend to text on it cause we never talk on the phone...but one of the grandmas must have shown her. All these new things happening at once, such a fun stage!

  6. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @MrsB2012: Eek! Mine go 3 teeth at once. Not fun, BUT it gave me over a month before the next teeth came. A nice break.

    @delight: @Sapphiresun: Your baby biting stories are funny and terrifying. Luckily, LO has only tested those waters a few times.

    @StrawberryBee: Congrats on selling your house! Clapping sounds so cute! I can't wait for that.

    P finally started babbling yesterday. I swear she was just being a tease. Random odd ba or ma, maybe once a day and then all of a sudden she was "talking" up a storm, mixing them up bababadadgaba. It's so cute! And I'm so relieved.

  7. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @Sapphiresun: oh, the biting! K has bitten me a few times, and has just started pinching/twisting my nipples. OUCH!

    K is picking up new signs quickly- she signs more, milk and all done, and has started 'tickling' us and saying 'teeko teeko'. It's hilarious!
    @Grace: the babbling is so fun! Don't they just sound like little people speaking gibberish?

  8. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @redsmarties: oh my gosh! She says teeko teeko? That is so cute. I love it! And yes, they totally do sound like that.

  9. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @Grace: haha I'm trying to get it on video, but she just looks at the camera and grins.

  10. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @delight: For my 1st cycle, it resembled a lot like my cycles pre-baby so I was glad it wasn't heavier than normal. The first two days for me are normally pretty heavy any way.

    As for the biting - ouch!! C does this occasionally and it leaves teeth marks! He tends to bite me when he's teething, or trying to give me kisses. It's all fine then he decides, mommy's shoulder/nose/thigh tastes good. *chomp* However, he's never bitten DH. DH's conclusion? C prefers white meat over dark meat ( DH's skin tone is naturally pretty dark); and that he's being healthy.

    @mdf106: I had some tender nips too the week before she showed up!! I had no idea it was a sign she was coming. I just thought it was weird. I posted a thread about the weird tenderness and some suggested I take HPT, but it came out negative. Now I know, thanks to @MrsB2012: connecting the two for me. lol

    @StrawberryBee: Yay for accepting an offer! Wishing y'all smooth sailing from here till closing!

    @delight: Texting on the phone - lol!!! Oh my. But you're right. Practically all 1 and 2 years olds I know know how to unlock an iphone using the swipe feature....

    @redsmarties: That's awesome your LO signs so much and says 'teeko teeko'???? Stop it. Just stop. How flipping cute!!!!

  11. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @redsmarties: That is too cute! Can't believe we already have talkers and walkers! So crazy.

    @Alivoo01: Did you get any cramping pre AF? I keep getting some and I'm not sure if it's weaning or AF.

    Also, re: texting: L has figured out that you use your finger to scroll things. So he puts his finger on my ipad and scrolls with it REAL FAST. hahaha.

    ETA: WE ARE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more nursing. I'm freeee.

    We are also flying out to my parents place tomorrow. I'm trying to get our packing organized and our fathers day gift in order, since we won't be here for Father's Day. Oops.

  12. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @delight: ahh, good luck with your house search! I'm glad for the couple whose offer we accepted; they seem really excited about the house, and are expecting their first in January. Trying to fix up little things so it's all perfect for them. It makes me happy to know that someone else is going to be starting the next stage of their life here :). Inspection next week. I'll be able to take a deep breath once that's over.

    So cute about the pretend phone conversations!

    @Grace: Thank you, and congrats on the babbling!

    @redsmarties: teeko! *dies*

    @Alivoo01: thank you!

    @.twist.: L is so cute. Good luck on your flight tomorrow!

    In non house news, I finally got the invites for her birthday party finished and sent off to mpix today. I debated the cost of it, but I just can't help wanting to graphic design things ;). Hoping they come out okay!

    Is anyone else's LO super flexible? The positions this girl gets into while sleeping are just crazy.

  13. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @.twist.: Congrats on the weaning! When is the first parent's only getaway? Btw, I talked to Westjet (we leave Friday) and asked about how to keep the stroller/carseat in one peice and the lady said to take it to the gate because it will get put on the plane last and will be far away from the big luggage. She also said if there is damage that they will repair/replace it.

    @StrawberryBee: Whoa. That is some impressive gymnastics. The best mine does is that she sleeps with her arms under her and her bum in the air.

  14. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @.twist.: Done! Oh man, what does that freedom feel like? Were you sad at all?
    @StrawberryBee: Wow...that's some serious flexibility.
    @mdf106: I had forgotten about the painful nursing before AF! It happened last cycle, and sure enough, I'm in a TON of pain (and AF is coming). Its seriously enough pain to make me want to wean NOW. Nuts.

    Naps are NOT going well here. Or bedtime. We need to do some sleep re-training...its so hard. This regression has knocked me on my butt. Anyone else?

  15. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @redsmarties: haha love the "teeko teeko", that's adorable! We have "hi" and "uh oh" so far. I keep trying so hard for "mama!" @Grace: awwww baby talk is so cute! I love everything about this stage!
    @.twist.: have a great flight tomorrow! Did your weaning go well overall? I'm sure it was a big adjustment but you seem happy so it must have gone well! I'm kind if dreading the days of weaning ahead. I'm not sure even what my plan is. I have 5 more days of work/pumping left before I'm off for the summer. My supply is drastically down but I wonder if it'll pick back up when I'm home all the time again.
    @StrawberryBee: That's so nice you like the couple moving in. You're such a sweetheart for fixing up the little things for them. We are hoping to find something really soon, but it feels like we've been looking for ages. We were looking before L came along but put things on hold and now we are just ready to move.
    Your LO's positions are hilarious! I had to show DH. We don't have a video monitor so I can only imagine what L is doing. She's still in a sleepsack though. She does pull up now and is kneeling waiting for me and waves when I come in.

  16. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @redsmarties: that's so funny that she says that! What a smartie pants!!
    @.twist.: Congrats on finishing breast feeding! You did awesome going this long! Have fun at your parents, it's really nice out this way.
    @StrawberryBee: Congrats on selling your house! That is so funny how she sleeps!! B just sleeps on her back or her side
    @redsmarties: Um. Since April 1st B has been the.worst.sleeper.ever. She was so good before. She was seriously at the point where she was screaming for 3 hours before she went to sleep. Naps? What's a nap? She hasn't had one in weeks but she desperately needs them. I ended up taking her to my chiropractor and I can say things have done a 180. She will go to bed and go to sleep within about 10 minutes and stay asleep. She's waking up around 5 to eat and then sleeping until 730-830. However, when she comes into our bed to eat at 5, she will not go back in her crib, she wants to sleep with us. So, it's improving with the chiropractor. He said she had some tender spots on her back and I've noticed a huge difference since we've gone. I'm getting seriously stressed about going back to work next month with her not sleeping as good as she did for the first 7 months. Hopefully she gets her act together once this tooth pops through.

  17. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @MrsB2012: heehee, "smartie pants". You're punny.

    @redsmarties: this makes me scared! LO is just starting to show signs of the 9 month regression.

  18. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Thanks!!! Those positions are hilarious! What a funny little girl! L doesn't sleep like that, but he's still in a sleep sack because I'm worried it's not warm enough yet to take it off... What temp is your room?

    @Grace: HA! I am not sure. Something like that would be LOVELY though! Great tip about the car seat! Thanks!

    @redsmarties: I actually feel great. While L was a GREAT feeder, we had a stressful breastfeeding experience. I never did feel bonding like I've heard about while BFing either. So that was hard. I actually feel so so so great about our decision to stop.

    @delight: Weaning went fantastic! L was a comfort nurser, mostly. So when I started dropping sessions, he didn't really seem to notice. Which was great.

    @MrsB2012: Thanks! I'm excited! Good luck with the sleep. L was such a horrid sleeper for the first 6 months of life. We ended up doing CIO, but I have heard of chiropractors who work with babies and have only heard great things!

    L is excited for flying too:

  19. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    Ok - I am terrible and so far behind. Going to try super hard to stay current on here as I am finally starting to feel caught up with everything in life these days!

    K just turned 9 mos last week. Here's her current deets:

    Size: 17lbs 14oz, 28.5"
    Clothing: Mostly 9mos or 6-9mos, depending on the brand
    Sleeping: STTN (7:30-6/6:30 usually), two to three naps, usually 1 hour each
    Eating: 4 bottles (wake up, 10am, 3pm, bedtime), 3 meals (8am, noon, 5pm) consisting of 4oz puree w/ 2 T cereal plus half a yogurt and some treats (puffs or yogurt melts)
    *I have started letting her try real food, still terrified of her choking
    *She LOVES standing, but needs to still hold something, kid is fearless and lets go all the time and falls
    *Just got her her first pair of shoes (Stride Rite)
    *Babbles a lot, has said Dada intentional a few times, loves to scream and belly laugh
    *Sits like a champ but does not crawl, she does an army crawl thing instead
    *superstar at locating her binky and plugging herself with it

    In other news, we found out today we are ear infection free, took 6 weeks and 3 kinds of antibiotics. Thank god she was a trooper through it!

    I have started planning her birthday party in my mind - thinking either a bright rainbow color theme or pink and teal. Torn!

    Here are some current pictures of my lil ham!

  20. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Mrs D: holy she is a ham! Soo cute! She looks so strong! B has that same play cube, she's obsessed with it.

    @.twist.: haha such a cute picture!!

  21. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @MrsB2012: So I have a love hate relationship with that cube. K loves it - which I love. However it is where she has whacked her self quite a few times and its such solid wood it always leaves a mark!

    AND CONGRATS! I was scanning the page and noticed the big announcement. Awesome news to hear one of the August Mama's is ready for more...gives me hope I'll get there some day!

    How is everyone doing with the weight loss? I am struggle city! I'm down 28lbs from the hospital, 8lbs since I stopped nursing (yes I was a total odd ball that lost no weight while nursing). I still have 15 to go for pre preg...then 10 more to get to where I am happy! UGH!

  22. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Mrs D: OMG!!! She is flipping adorable!!!

    @.twist.: Ahhh!! L!!!! Such a handsome lil man. He definitely looks ready! Congrats on being fully weaned!! I'm about to drop another pumping session, which means down to 1 pumping session left. Hope I can drop that easily by the time he's 1!!!

  23. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @.twist.: Oh L is so cute! And so big! And doesn't pull all the clothes out of the suitcase like mine did.

    @Mrs D: Paige is the same size as K. Do you find that she outgrows pants for length but doesn't fit the next size in the waist? I'm on the hunt for baby belts. And wow - those big mouth pics just make me giggle.

    As for weight loss, it all came off quick, but then maternity leave happened and apparently, I'm a grazer, so a whole bunch has come back. Sigh.

  24. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Grace: umm this is B. Pants are way to short but the next size is hugeee around the waist. Lots of her pants of those stretchy bands on the waste where you button it to make them tighter, but they're still huge on her.

  25. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Grace: 100% that is our problem with K...tiny waste and long legs...no clue where she gets that from as I am short and chubby!

  26. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @Mrs D: I am too! I think she has my sister's build. Lucky girl!

    @MrsB2012: I've never seen any pants like that. Do you know which brands off the top of your head?

  27. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Grace: Carters and Osh Gosh. If she wasn't sleeping, I'd take a pic of a pair to show it better. I googled a pic to show. You just yank that white elastic and it cinches the waist tighter.

    So, we've been having a really hard time with B's sleeping since April. I took her to the chiropractor and that helped with her going to bed quicker, but she was still sleeping really crappy during the night. Yesterday I found this sleep consultant and she has a blog, so I read every entry and every facebook page question that I could relate too. Then I wrote everything out and changed some things for B. She slept for 12 hours last night! Well, she woke up once at 230 but was back asleep in 15 minutes and I didn't feed her. I found a few helpful hints while reading through everything so thought I'd put a few here incase anyone else is struggling. Some of it might be common knowledge but things I never tried.
    - #1 thing is the environment. She recommends blacking out the room completely, so I used tinfoil on the window. ( So ulgy in her pretty room
    - keep white noise on for the whole night ( I put a fan on )
    - keep everything out of crib except blanket if needed and a lovey.
    - Feed further away from bed time. Don't feed right before bed as then they can associate sleep with food. Every time they wake up they might want boob/bottle and cuddles to go back to sleep. If they keep waking up early ( like 4-5am ) she suggests moving the night time feeding back as far as possible. She said that you may need to give the bottle/boob right after the dinner meal, but that it would help them sleep longer.
    - bedtime should be 3-4 hours after last nap wake up time. Closer to 3 hours if under 12 (? I think she said 12, maybe 13 months)
    - At B's age ( 10-11 months ) they should be eating at least 3 meals a day with 4 food groups in addition to nursing/bottle.

    ANyways her website is wee bee dreaming. I found lots of good info on there. I was going to use the email consult if I didn't find an improvement with B, but hopefully she keeps this up and I don't have to.

  28. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @MrsB2012: so, I am not sure what B's sleep issues were but we have gone through some issues (albeit mild), we have finally settled on the following (somewhat odd) routine:

    5pm: final "meal" at DC, consist of 4oz puree, 2T cereal, 1/2 gerber yogurt (sometimes w grains, sometimes without), puffs/yogurt melts and water.
    5:20pm: Daycare Pickup
    5:45pm: Home
    Very rarely K will fall asleep on the way home and be so exhausted she sleeps straight through. Every time this happens I say an extra prayer before bed that she does not wake up in the middle of the night. We still feed her a bottle in her half sleepy state before putting her in her crib.
    5:45pm-7/7:30pm: Playtime with Mommy & Daddy. Sometimes a bath, sometimes a walk, but generally awake and stimulated time.
    7/7:30 (when she starts rubbing her eyes or acts cranky): put down for a nap in the swing.
    8:15-8:45pm (depending on schedule): wake her up and start bedtime routine. From here on its soft voices, gentle movements and whatnot, indicating its bedtime. She gets an 8oz bottle at this time and usually drinks 6-8oz.

    We have always done the same thing in the same order for bedtime (trying from early on to set a ritual)...1) lights low 2) marpac on 3) diaper change/lotion rubdown 4) jammies on, sleepsack on 5) bottle while rocking 6) binky replaces bottle 7) placed in crib while groggy but not passed out

    I have tried a few times to put her down at 7/7:30 (since I get the question WTH are you doing having your kid nap right before bed all the time) but honestly she just isn't hungry enough at that time to crush her last bottle which will leave her hungry in the middle of the night!

    Just something to think about if anyone else out there struggles with the before bed feeding!

  29. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

  30. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @Alivoo01: Oooo! That's perfect! AND ships to Canada for free! Whooooooo!

    @MrsB2012: Huh. She has tons of Carter's and I've never noticed. I'm going to have to look closer.
    I'm going to have to try total blackout in her room. LO keeps waking at 6, even if she's last woken at 4. I wonder if the tiny bits of light are messing her up. How long before bed do you nurse? My thinking has always been to nurse right before story and sleepsack and bed in case she gets hungry.

    @Mrs D: Lol - that did seem crazy to have her nap right before bed, but if it works, it works!

  31. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    Anyone planning their first birthday party yet? Have any themes going?

    I have 3 months yet, but I am thinking of rainbow colors for my theme...like all the primary colors!

  32. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Grace: Awesome!

    @Mrs D: Theme for C's 1st birthday is Safari. I was checking out at Wal-Mart one day and they had a clearance bin full of 1st birthday stuff on sale for $0.97 each so we picked up 40 invitations, matching plates, napkins, cups, and even a Happy 1st Birthday banner. So that drove the decision for theme. Ha!

    Rainbow sounds like fun!

  33. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @Mrs D: She's so cute. Looks so thrilled with herself and the standing.

    @Mrs D: Weight loss.... ugh. I'd lost all the weight I gained while pregnant plus another 7lbs at my six week appt. Let's just say I've gained it back and then some. Yep... GAINED over 25lbs in 9 months while EBF. Major Fail. Probably not going to get better when I go back to work when my mat leave's over and have even less time to work out.

  34. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @Mrs D: I'm just starting to think about her party. I was going to do an "Over the Rainbow" theme too. As I said before, so I can use whatever primary colour stuff I can find, and so DD gets to wear her sparkly red shoes with a loose Wizard of Oz tie in.
    But now I'm not sure what we're actually even doing for LO's birthday. DH's parents decided they're going to come visit for her birthday weekend, and since they're traveling they said they'd be upset if they wasted all that time and money coming here, and ended up not being able to spend as much time with her as they want because everybody at the party wants to see her. So they'd prefer to just go to the park and then maybe dinner with the three of us, and call it a day.

    And my mom thinks it's rude to ask our family to "waste" another long weekend since her baby shower (which I didn't pick or plan) was September long weekend last year, and my sister's wedding is on Thanksgiving, and bridal shower on Sept long. Her actual birthday is the Sunday of August long, so it seems weird to me not to do it then.

  35. Ocean girl

    kiwi / 637 posts

    @MrsB2012: thanks for posting this sleep info. 9 month sleep regression hit H hard and we are starting to get desperate to return to STTN!!

    I've read everyone's updates and have to say that August 2013 babies are the cutest babes around! As I've said before, I'm horrible for keeping up with my own posting, but check in on this thread often to see how everyone is doing.

    Hannah's growth has finally slowed down a bit! At her 9mth appt last week, she was 22 lbs and 30"! She's only gained a couple of lbs in the last few months which is probably a result of her constantly being on the move! This girl does not sit still!! Pulling to stand and creeping along furniture is slowly replacing crawling. I hope she starts walking when we are visiting family in July!!

    For sleep, we went from 5-6 blissful months of STTN to 1-3 wake ups (sometimes more). Most nights I can get her down by 8 but then she's up again around 3am. She's been teething so that could be a contributing factor, but I think she also just is so excited to be mobile that she wants to practice, practice, practice! (Side notes: 1-her sleep sack does not slow her down, at all, 2-yesterday, I caught her standing in the corner of her crib by the window, pulling down her curtains).

    I go back to work in September and am terrified... We have daycare arranged with our neighbor across the street - that part is ideal and I'm not nervous for that at all. It's my job that's going to be scary! We had major layoffs last month and the team I am on was reduced to 10 positions from 31.5! I will now be the most junior in my role and am afraid that a bunch of crap will get dumped on me.

    Anyway, now for a few recent pics! Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

  36. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @Sapphiresun: I really don't think I know what I feel about that. On the one hand it sounds like both sets of grandparents don't want her party on the long weekend, so you could make everyone happy by having it a different weekend. But on the other hand, why do they have any say on when you throw a party? And I take offense at the thought that it's wasting a weekend. If people don't want to see you or celebrate LO, then they aren't obligated to come.

    We're at the airport waiting for our flight and my shy LO is crawling all over and making friends with all the other passengers. So out of character for her.

  37. Ocean girl

    kiwi / 637 posts

    @Sapphiresun: ugh, I hate juggling family logistics! I say, plan what works best for you and your immediate family and if others can't/don't want to come then it's their loss.

  38. Ocean girl

    kiwi / 637 posts

    Is anyone else struggling with LO tossing their food on the floor? I'm not sure how to correct this behaviour. She often does it with the first couple of things she picks up and then chows down, so I don't think it's a sign of not being hungry. We have done BLW with great success, except for this one thing.

    Also, any other August'13 LOs obsessed with blueberries? H cannot get enough!

  39. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Grace: It's mostly on the heavy pants, like the jeans and cords and stuff, not on any of the leggings.
    - I used to nurse her right before bed, but now I'm trying to change it to about 45 mins before she goes to bed to see how that goes. I was under the impression, the closer to bed you feed them, the longer they'll sleep, but not according to this consultant. ( thought I'm sure they all have different thoughts on it. )
    - I think the blackout has been the best decision, she's having her second nap of the day.. woohoo!

    @Mrs D: Rainbows will be so adorable! We're doing a butterfly theme I found a butterfly cut out chalkboard today, and I made her a butterfly mobile for her room before she was born so I'm using all those supplies to make butterfly streamers for her highchair. Also going to make lots of puffy poms to put up. I got her this adorable dress and I bought butterfly wings for the kids to wear if they want. Eek I'm so excited!

    @Sapphiresun: ugh birthday drama I think you should just do whatever works best for you. The people who matter will make it work.

    @Ocean girl: zomg!!! She is so frigging adorable! I love her!
    B throws food on the floor all.the.time. She thinks it's hilarious because the dog eats it. She will pretend to eat and then she will throw it on the floor and laugh when the dog grabs it. I have to like hide the dog when she eats now.

    @Grace: Good luck on your flight!

  40. Ocean girl

    kiwi / 637 posts

    @MrsB2012: yes! We have a dog too!! She's pretty good not to beg, but H tempts her

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