Hellobee Boards


August 2013 - Postpartum Chat

  1. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @JamieLee: Certainly be on the lookout for PPD, but I think to some extent newborns are just HARD, and it's good to let out the frustration. I can't remember when your LO was born, but for the first couple weeks I saw a public health nurse and was honest with her about my feelings (and the fact that I cried for two hours straight on day 3 pp). She'd seen PPD a lot and reassured me that I was "normal".

    @StbHisMrs: I hear you on the night (all the time) sweats. I feel like I constantly reek like BO and am soaked. Like, I desperately need a shower while opportunities to actually do so are pretty hard to come by.

    AFM - this kid hates my left boob. I totally don't get it. LOVES the right one, but fusses and pops off constantly on the left unless we're able to do side lying position, which doesn't bode well for nursing in public. Anybody else have a baby that favours one breast?

  2. chanzi

    cherry / 233 posts

    @Sapphiresun: Yes! Mine is doing well on the left and it feels pretty comfortable on that side, but he has trouble on the right and it hurts a lot, even when his latch looks good.

  3. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @JamieLee: hope you're feeling better. It's definitely understandable to feel overwhelmed. I had a mini breakdown this week and tears were shed. Make sure to talk to someone though if it gets too hard to handle!

    @StbHisMrs: I am just generally sweaty all day! Yuck I hate it!

    @Sapphiresun: my LO doesn't favour a boob but I prefer when she's on my left! My right still hurts when she latches.

    We tried my boba wrap (like the moby) today! Had to watch some you tube videos and practiced with her stuffed elephant first! But then I put her in and she fell right asleep and loved it!! I think I'll use it quite a bit these first few months!!

  4. JessKas

    pear / 1693 posts

    @Sapphiresun: my LO totally favors the left boob. It makes breast feeding on the right so frustrating, especially at 2 a.m.

  5. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @JessKas: It's so frustrating. She eats so well on the right, no pain, efficient, gets all milk drunk and sleepy after... it's beautiful. Left boob is a whiny mess. She does the thing where she'll slip off right to the end and then chomp right back down on the tip, and then fuss and pop off. All DH can hear at 2am is "OUCH!", "Why are you being such a silly girl?". I think football hold is a tiny bit better.

  6. skipper2010

    kiwi / 597 posts

    @JamieLee: It's normal to feel overwhelmed, and the first week or two I was an emotional wreck (thank you very much hormones). If your feelings persist or worsen it wouldn't be a bad idea to talk to someone. Hang in there, and of course we're always here for you if you need to vent/talk.

  7. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @JessKas: I've had the itch to DTD for awhile now, and the hubby is totally ready, but I'm still scared to! I have my 6 week follow up appointment next week so we'll see!

    @StbHisMrs: I had night sweats for about 2 weeks postpartum and they started the first night after birth. I was soaking through my clothes too! Now, I only have night sweats here n there.

    @.twist.: Oh no!! Hope the antibiotics kick in and kick the thrush out!!

    @redsmarties: DS eats every 3 hours on the dot so he doesn't sleep for more than 2 hours at a time. I'm so ready for him to sleep in longer stretches because me and the hubby are one tired momma/poppa!! Especially since I have to pump, wash parts/bottle, etc. by the time I get done, I get maybe 30min to an hour to sleep. Sigh.

    @JamieLee: I've definitely felt overwhelmed on some days. I tag the hubby in to take over baby duties for a few hours so that I can get some me time. Even if it's just to catch some sleep! It does miracles for the psyche! Is there someone you can call to help watch your LO for a couple hours so you can breathe and recoup?

  8. chanzi

    cherry / 233 posts

    @delight: My first try with the wrap was a total fail! It was hard to get him in and he was not pleased. I think I may have done it too tight? I don't know if that's even possible... I watched the videos too and will have to try again soon. Ellis likes being swaddled and being cuddled, so I can't think why he wouldn't like the wrap!

  9. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    @Alivoo01: do you exclusively pump? That's what I'm trying to do these days (supplementing with formula though) and I think it really adds to my stress levels. It's really double the amount of work! DH keeps telling me to sleep when the baby sleeps, but that's easier said than done when there's pumping to do and pump parts and bottles to wash, not to mention laundry and dishes to do.

  10. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @chanzi: did you put him in when he was asleep? Make sure you do that the first few times! Keep trying!

  11. chanzi

    cherry / 233 posts

    @delight: I can't remember, but it shouldn't be hard to catch him sleeping. I'll try that next time!

  12. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    usually when I pump, things start off good, but then I find that instead of the milk going down into the attached bottle, it collects in the 'suction' part that sits on your boob. It wont drain into the bottle and when I take the pump off, it will pour down my chest. Once it starts doing that I can't get it to work properly. Sometimes if i dry off my boob, and dry off the suction part it's better for a hot second then that's it. Anyone else have this problem or know what I'm doing wrong?? It's so annoying because I dont get much hind milk.

  13. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @MrsB2012: sometimes that happens to me, are you tipping the pump away from you? Like, put it in a more upright position or even tilted away from you? I think it collects because its not able to run down into the bottle.

    @Alivoo01: thanks! We're doing better these days. Finally.

    @JamieLee: I definitely have moments of complete overwhelm. I think it's completely normal to have those moments. Babies are stressful! Sometimes, if he's not cooperating at night, I have complete meltdowns.

  14. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @.twist.: yeah, I make sure it's tilted. I can be sitting on the bed completely leaning over forward and it still does it
    glad you guys are feeling better!

  15. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @MrsB2012: I have the freestyle, and I've found with one of my set of parts (I bought two more) that I end up with milk collecting in the horns instead of flowing into the bottles. When I notice it happening I tilt it all back towards me, disconnect the horn, and reconnect. It'll make a big 'blurp' sound and then allow the milk to flow properly. I imagine that as my output increases this will become more and more annoying.

  16. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @MrsB2012: hm... That is frustrating! Could you have the wrong size flanges?

  17. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Sapphiresun: @delight: @lawbee11: @.twist.: The Mosaic photo book arrived today! I really love it, though I'm not quite sure if it's worth $25 a pop. The packaging is awesome though, and I will probably order again :). Considering that these photos came off of my phone (though not all taken with my phone; I downloaded some of them from what we put on Facebook) the quality is fairly impressive.

    If you guys are curious I'll post pics with our faces blurred out. It's tiny but so cute!

    We used up all our bottled milk last night and I only pumped out an ounce and a half (sad face). E lost her cord stump. I'm battling migraines with motrin (sigh). Can't go for a walk in the park today like I wanted to because it's raining.

    And a certain someone is waking up, so time to snuggle/feed!

  18. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @MrsB2012: I find that as well. I only have a manual pump though since I'm off for the year I figured I'd only need it for the occasional night out. I YouTube'd it and there are different size flanges for the pump so I'm thinking maybe the on that came stock is too small so it can't get an acceptable vacuum. Plus the added issue that it has to be in a comfortable position to actually squeeze the lever for me might not have it ideally tipped.

  19. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    Thank you to all the ladies who posted words of support and wisdom to me. I had a good talk with DH asking for more help and support last night and he really stepped up and took baby duty so I could get a little extra sleep. I also had a meeting with a health department nurse today and was able to ask her my million questions. Add in the chance to get out of the house today, and I'm feeling much better. I haven't cried once today, which is a big milestone for me. I'm sure I'll cry again, but I haven't today!

    I have a MIL rant though! DS was nicely napping and I was just about to close my eyes for a few before he needs to eat and then I have to pump. MIL's car pulls up so I decided to be already "sleeping" so she wouldn't come in. Well, she basically just opens the door and does a little knock after she already opened the door. I was laying on the couch with my eyes closed and she walks into the living room and sits down! What is the point of knocking if your not going to wait for an answer? So I open my eyes and she's like "I just needed my baby fix." I had to ask her not to pick him up because he's peacefully sleeping. Does this seem strange to anyone else or am I just overreacting? DH asked them to call or text before they come over but that lasted about a week...I'm just seriously irritated by this!

    @StrawberryBee: I downloaded that app after you posted about it. How big is the book?

    @MrsB2012: I haven't had that problem with pumping yet and I pump a lot. What kind of pump do you have? I have had problems with the milk somehow leaking out of the pump while I'm pumping, but if I have milk in the flange area I usually just lean forward and it drains into the bottle. Could you try different pump parts?

  20. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @JamieLee: hugs, I'm glad you're feeling better! I find it very odd that your mil would just walk right in. Does she have a key? I would never dream of invading someone's home like that.

    The book is 7x7, so pretty tiny, but oh so cute!

  21. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @JamieLee: Sigh. That is definitely weird. I guess hubby will have to remind her to call. Did she stay long?

  22. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @JamieLee: um no. No one comes into my house for a baby fix without asking me. Not cool!

  23. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @.twist.: @Sapphiresun: Thanks I didn't even know you could get different flange sizes! I'll be making a trip to find some tomorrow. I hope that's it ccuz it will like double the amount of milk I can get I bet!

    @JamieLee: Glad you feel better today! It sure makes a huge difference when someone can step in and help. DH was trying to make breakfast while I showered and realized how hard it is to do anything when every 10 mins B is asking to eat. (she cluster feeds like mad in the am.) Good that the nurse could come and answer some questions for you, I found the public health nurses in our area were super helpful. Guess maybe you should lock your door so MIL can't do that that's so annoying. Did she listen when you told her to leave him sleeping?

    My MIL came over yesterday when I left B with DH so he could spend some time with her and I went to my moms. I get home and MIL there talking to B in her super annoying baby voice that makes me want to gauge my eyes out. B is obviously getting hungry and starts rooting around, opening her mouth looking for titties. MIL starts saying " oh you're trying to talk to me, don't worry you'll get your voice soon." I say, oh, she's getting hungry, she's rooting. ( hint #1.) Then we go look at the curtains that she made and FIL hung up. B starts giving her warning cry she's hungry. I say, oh she needs to eat, she's hungry. (hint #2.) We go back downstairs and MIL passes B to FIL who now starts to full on cry. I say again, she's hungry, she needs to eat ( hint #3, give me my damn baby.) MIL says to FIL oh, she needs her grandma, give her to me, I'll get her to calm down. B is now in full on hysterics. Finally I snap and look at MIL and say " Can I please have her, she's starving and wants to eat now!" MIIL literally glares at me and is like, yes you can have her. I whip her out of her arms and run upstairs to feed her and they leave. Like seriously, how many times do I have to politely say, she's hungry, let me take her to feed her before she gets so upset. She seriously drives me mental. Feeding her is more important then you trying to feel special if you can get her to stop crying for 5 minutes.

  24. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @JamieLee: And stories like these are why I'm glad 1) we live in apartment that we have to buzz people up (or not) and 2) my inlaws live far away.

    @MrsB2012: I'm going to go looking at different sizes too. I have no idea how you figure out what size flange you need though. I guess just trial and error??

    @MrsB2012: I hate when people do that... I've had a few relatives do the same thing. I hate being a bitch all like "GIVE ME MY BABY!" but if you're not going to take the subtle hints when it's like "oh, she's found her hands!" - "yes, that's an early sign that she's hungry" and you don't pass her over... or when she's just hungry enough that she'd be interested in eating, and people still want to kiss/rub her cheeks. I'm like... yeah, if you want to be able to hold her for a couple more minutes stop touching her cheeks or she's gonna be pissed if it doesn't mean you're gonna whip out your boob - and they keep doing it and then get all mad when now I'm going to take her to eat.

  25. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

  26. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @.twist.: hmm mine has tons of space around the nipple, I wonder if it's too big and I should try the smaller one. hmmmm decisions decisions. My sister works at a pharmacy and gets everything at stock price, I shoould see if she can just order the smaller and larger size I guess. ( it's so handy having her work there and getting medela stuff for super cheap. Too bad I forgot about that perk when I bought my pump )

    @Sapphiresun: yeah it was super awkward. Makes me look like a bitch because they don;t want to give up snuggle time.

  27. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @JamieLee: Glad the hubby listened and is helping you out now! And OMG! Crazy MIL!! That would not be acceptable!!

    We had a one month celebration for DS couple weeks ago (it's an Asian thing), and I closed my bedroom door to pump and people kept opening my door. WTF people - closed door means private/don't open! Not come in at your leisure, especially at the host family's house! Sheesh!

  28. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @MrsB2012: Wow - that's....I have no words.

    @Alivoo01: Wha?? You don't go into people's bedrooms!

  29. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Grace: LOL!!! It was extremely awkward because I'm pumping which means my boobs are out in plain sight!!!! Maybe I'll be more like that Luvs diaper commercial where I'll be more carefree about flashing my boobs to everyone with numero dos. Until then, I like to keep my boobs to myself and the kiddo, thanks.

  30. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @Alivoo01: Exactly! That's why you are in a bedroom! Any chance they got all embarrassed and ashamed of themselves?

  31. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @MrsB2012: sounds like maybe its too big! That would explain the pooling milk.

  32. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    Also ladies, anyone having trouble not buying stuff? I can't stay inside all day, everyday, so we usually go out and I often end up at carters, or the mall, or target and I usually don't leave empty handed! This is a terrible habit to start!

  33. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    @Alivoo01: OMG! Do people not understand that new moms need privacy sometimes! That's a big reason I need DH's family to call before they come over because I'm often (like every two hours) pumping and I'm not going to always do it in the bedroom. So I'm sitting in the living room with my boobs out!

    As a side note, if you pump a lot, do you have one of those hands free bras? If not, I would HIGHLY recommend it! It has seriously saved my sanity.

    @.twist.: guilty! I had to get out of the house yesterday and went to Target, Gymboree, and Children's Place. Frankly, it's for the best we don't have a Carter's!

  34. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @.twist.: hahah we must be twins, Target and Carters are my weakness. I have like every outfit from Carters. I was there today (to exchange a few gifts we got as doubles ) and they have a bunch of new stock in. Luckily I only spent an extra $5 todat on top of the exchanges. They have a bunch of new zippered sleepers that I want. I'm obsessed with zip ups for night time. So much easier than snaps.

    B had her 1 month check up today. She's 8 pounds 5 ounces! 2 weeks ago she was 7 pounds 1 ounce. I can't believe how fast she's gaining ( 6 11 at birth ) THey say 5 ounces a week, but she's way above that my little porker haha.

    @Alivoo01: That's so awkward! I don't understand why people think they can just do anything around new moms, all manors just go out the windows

  35. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Alivoo01: haha, I keep on thinking of that Luvs commercial too. Today we ventured out to an outdoor shopping center with Gymboree (wanted to check out their sale merchandise). She cried the moment we got there (diaper change and BF'ing in the car) Unfortunately I didn't plan things out right and hadn't left the car running and it got HOT, so I ended up cracking the door open and praying that nobody could see me. Luckily I picked the parking lot behind the shopping center that not many people use, but still...

    She went around just fine with me in her Ergo (first time ever, I really love it!). About halfway home she started shrieking because she was hungry again.

    @MrsB2012: I think I have a lot of stuff to return to Carter's (summery 0-3 that she doesn't fit into yet). Is there a limit on returns? I don't have receipts but I didn't remove the tags or wash anything.

  36. chanzi

    cherry / 233 posts

    @Alivoo01: I'm not even pumping but with all the company we have I keep going into our bedroom to nurse. Maybe if we were quicker at latching I'd be comfortable out in the living room, but I also like getting away for some alone time with the baby.

    @.twist.: I haven't been out anywhere except for a walk and to visit the doctor and lactation consultant, so not much to buy... I might go out soon to return some girl clothes we were given though, so that will be a better test.

    I forgot to mention that at his appointment yesterday (9 days) Ellis had regained his birth weight!

  37. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @StrawberryBee: no limit and! You can buy stuff for next year and I'd it doesn't fit, you can bring it back next year! Isn't that so nice!

  38. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    We had company last night and I nursed outside the bedroom (with a cover) for the the first time. It was nerve racking! I need to find the time to pump, why can't I find it!!!

    I am really really dreading tomorrow. My husband is going to work tomorrow and I have to pick up my step-daughters, and be alone with 5 kids for the weekend. I'm gonna die. His ex wife won't bring them out to me, and wants to know the exact time I'll be at her house to pick them up. I think I'll give her 5 minutes notice How are you suppose to plan times with a toddler and a newborn? Hopefully he'll be home a couple hours during the day on Sunday before I take them home.

    School starts on Tuesday for my oldest, he's such a big help, I'm not sure what I'll do without him!

    I'm going to give Gripe Water a try, we've had a couple more projectile episodes. I went to 3 different stores and couldn't find it, I'm going to order it on Amazon. We need to get a hold on this before it becomes the norm. I'm not a fan of cleaning it up

  39. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    Question for you ladies. When you became more active postpartum, did your bleeding pick up again? The last day or two it's been a fair bit heavier, but I have also been feeling better, so I've been up making dinner, etc. I've also been passing more clots.

    Not sure what your experience was? I'm two weeks pp today.

  40. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @redsmarties: they told me multiple times that if your bleeding slows/stops then picks up again that it's your body telling you that you're doing too much. Maybe just slow back down for a few more days and see if it slows as well. Good that you're feeling up to more though!

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