Hellobee Boards


August 2015 Moms!

  1. LauraBear

    cherry / 215 posts

    @buttermilk: I'm sorry! That is tough but at least you're prepared for worst case! I have my 36 week appt today and will do the GBS test. Not looking forward to it.

  2. LauraBear

    cherry / 215 posts

    @MrsADS: congrats on making it to 36 weeks!! I am 36 weeks on Friday - so close for us both!!!

    @kjpugs: thinking of you gallbladder pain sounds horrible.

  3. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @aprild: I thankfully will have a ton of help. My husband is taking a month off, followed by my mom taking 2 weeks off. My son will stay in daycare so during the day I can rest and my parents live local to us so they will be around evenings and weekend to visit and help out, I'm sure. My mom also hired us a cleaning service as a gift and I'm so excited about that!

    Do you have the birthing suite phone number? You could always call and ask the charge nurse some of the hospital specific/policy type questions regarding their VBACS?

    @LauraBear: Almost there!! Hope you have a good appointment.

  4. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    I went to the breastfeeding group today run by an ibclc person at my yoga studio and it was so overwhelming! 12 mama's and their crying babies, toddlers running around unsupervised , and chaos! It got a bit calmer after weigh ins, but everyone there had problems and it didn't paint a pretty picture for normal breastfeeding. The mamas without problems don't go to the group of course, so I only saw those with infections, low supply, tongue and lips ties, etc. It was too much to take in.

  5. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @aprild my mom is flying down from Tennessee to stay with us for 2 weeks after the baby is born. We get along GREAT, she is a nurse, and also super helpful - she will clean, cook, run errands, etc. the whole time. I feel so lucky she is coming!

    Y'all, I decided to clean my whole house this afternoon in case I go into labor (who wants dirty bathrooms?!). I am so sore now. I think I am going to pay for this later!

  6. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: silently following along...breastfeeding has been tough for us. Although I know it could be a lot worse. Miles lost 9% of his birth weight so the pediciatrician wanted us to feed every two hours (as opposed to on demand) and because his latch wasn't perfected, he TORE up my nipples. I'm currently on day 2 of nipple rest. I've been pumping every time he eats to prepare for the next feed. It's taxing but I know it will be worth it in the end. I think breastfeeding is great and I hope to improve my situation but if I can't, there are plenty of other options. Don't let that group scare you. We give it our best and if it doesn't work, it doesn't work.

  7. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @aprild: my mom lives 10 hours away and will be driving up to stay (in a hotel) for a week when the baby comes. our place is too small for a house guest plus a baby unfortunately. My FIL and his gf live only 1.25 hrs away so they'll be around to help out whenever we need like nights and wknds I suppose, but that's about it. Luckily DH works mostly from home as a writer so we can hopefully manage. Plus he is taking 2 weeks totally off in the beginning.

  8. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    Oh also my brother lives in our same city. He is in college, but hoping he will babysit sometimes. He is great with kids!

  9. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: I'm sorry, try not to let it get you down. Who knows it could go very easily for you! But I feel your pain, it's one of the things I stress about the most. At least I'm not still having dreams about breastfeeding my dog though! Lol

    @getjazzy: you're gonna have lots of help, that's wonderful!

  10. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    I have good news that isn't pregnancy related-- I got a promotion It wasn't supposed to happen until December, but my boss put me in early (work only does promotions in July and December). It's only $273 more a month before taxes, but I'm not scoffing at more money!

    So that sort of makes up for having a bad 38 week appointment. Baby has not dropped yet. The OB I saw this time (I rotate between three) is the one I absolutely dislike. She has no bedside manner. She didn't even let me lean back or take a breath (I was sitting upright!) when she tried to do the internal exam-- she just started to check-- so I yelped in discomfort/surprise. I don't bend like that!! She said that since the baby hasn't dropped there isn't a real point in doing the internal exam. So I'll let one of the nice OB's try next week. I really hope she's not the one on call when I go to deliver.

  11. cat620

    pear / 1809 posts

    @abmamma: @LauraBear: @getjazzy: @MrsADS: @buttermilk: You guys are so lucky to have moms that can come and help out! I actually don't have a relationship with my mother, and my extended family can't do much to help, so that's why my only option is DH's parents. I think they are so worried about stepping on our toes that they tend to stay away instead of just coming by and lending a hand. This makes me wish I had someone I felt 100% comfortable with (like a mom) helping me.

    @getjazzy: That's a good suggestion about giving them a call. I might do that tomorrow.

    @Mrs. Microscope: That sounds stressful. Breastfeeding can definitely be challenging. If it's important to you, give it a little time. I feel like it's something that is hard in the beginning, but as you and baby get more comfortable with it, it gets easier.

    @Ms. RV: Congrats on the promotion! And that OB sounds a little crazy. I hope she isn't the one to deliver your baby!

  12. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: I'm sorry you had a traumatizing time!! Breastfeeding can definitely be challenging but I think it's more of a hands on learning situation so I wouldn't attend any groups that will stress you out until you know whether you need help. There should be a lactation consultant at the hospital or birth centre when you deliver to get you started. I really hope you don't have any issues, but if you do, I'm sure you can get it sorted out. I remember hating breast feeding at first because it hurts so bad. It got better though and LO and I learned together. Just carve out a lot of time with no visitors so you can concentrate on it and don't hesitate to ask for help in the hospital.

  13. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @Ms. RV: Congrats on the raise! I'm sorry about the shitty OB. How did she expect to reach your cervix sitting up like that? Jeeze lady. At 38 weeks, odds are your cervix is still pretty high up there. I find the male OBs are slightly more gentle than women. I've seen 2 men in the past and both of them have given me their hand to help me back to a seated position after an exam. My female OB hasn't a single time, and she is very nice/has great bedside manner. I don't know if they feel like "I've had babies and I survived" mentality or what but I've definitely noticed it even with the nicest women.

  14. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @Ms. RV: Congrats on the promotion!!! And I'm sorry about the OB. If it makes you feel any comfort, the OB I disliked the most (for bedside manner) was on call when I had my daughter. I was bummed but too preoccupied with labor to really care. He ended up being awesome and is so different now- he's one of my faves! I wonder if he just spends more time on patients he "knows." Not necessarily fair of him but just wanted to tell you about how my worst case scenario ended up great!

  15. abmamma

    kiwi / 641 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: that does sound stressful! Try not to worry too much yet- it's impossible to know how it will go until LO is here. I had a really hard time with DD due to a variety of factors (flat nipples, low supply, etc.) but I feel like I was one if the only one if my close friends to have issues - it worked pretty well for most of them. And it could for you too! There is no way of knowing at this point so try not to let it stress you out too much (easier said than done I know)!

  16. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Ms. RV: congrats on the raise!!
    @Mrs. Microscope: I agree with @getjazzy:—I would wait to attend a group like that until you're in the thick of it.

    Appt was uneventful. No internal check, and we are basically working under the assumption that I will go late again.

  17. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Ms. RV: congrats!! That's wonderful! My baby hasn't dropped either but midwife today says sometimes it doesn't happen til labor.

    I feel a little better about my GBS/PROM worries after emailing with my Hypnobabies instructor tonight. She made me feel better about my chances of having a natural birth even if I do need induction help and ended her email with Pitocin Smitocin! lol

    I'm a little nervous bc baby definitely shifted positions a little today but I'm not exactly sure how, it just feels different. I've only felt kicks on my right side for months now, and today I've barely felt them but it's only been on the left or center. Midwife didn't seem to think she was posterior or in a bad position at my appt today, but I have a funny feeling. How do you know if they are posterior?

  18. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    Hi ladies! 39weeks 3 days here! Saw midwife this morning, babies head is definitely locked and loaded (and pretty low down which she has been for weeks) Woke up feeling motivated to have this baby (and today was my guess day for when lo is born but I'm wrong so far!) so today I've been bouncing on my gym ball, had sex and expressed some colostrum for nipple stimulation. Really hope to get this show on the road! Dh is still sick though, he stayed home from work yesterday and is staying home today but will be going back tomorrow if no progress from baby! Was going to ask midwife for a check and a sweep today but she still has stitches in her hand so didn't bother. Had cramping but nothing significant and hasn't turned into a pattern.

  19. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: I nursed for two years. And the first six weeks were really hard. My best suggestion is to see an IBCLC they have the best training. Also, and I love my pediatrician dearly, I wouldn't take lactation advice from a pediatrician unless they have specific extra training in it.
    It is hard, and there is a steep learning curve, but it does get easier for most people barring physiological challenges.

  20. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    Did anyone buy a belly binder of some kind? I didn't eat to spend the money but am now realizing it's probably mega worth it. But there are soooo many out there and I only want to buy one. And not 2 diff sizes. Any advice?

  21. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @buttermilk: I didn't because my hospital usually provides a basic one after a csection. I am intrigued by the Bellefits, etc!

    @MrsStar: you are getting close! Good luck!

    @kjpugs: I hope you can figure out the pain soon!

  22. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @Ash: thank you!!

    @Mrs. Chocolate: thank you!i can't wait to hear more about your LO 3.

    @Ms. RV: congrats on your job and sorry about that OB!

    @aprild: my husband is going to take 5-6 weeks off and my MIL and Sil/bil live nearby for some drop in help. I don't know when I want my parents to visit...maybe after a couple weeks? They (mostly my mom) tends to stress me out!

    @Mrs. Microscope: that class sounds a little overwhelming. I definitely had my share of issues with BF with LO 1 but I felt like I was the only person since it came so easily to my friends who had kids around the same time. FX for you!

  23. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    The rounding high risk Dr. sent me home yesterday for strict bed rest and she moved my csection up to Monday at 36 weeks because she says waiting any longer with my troublesome placenta is not an option. I am thrilled to be home but kind of nervous about everything she discussed with me....placenta, blood loss, baby, possible hysterectomy, etc. Our maternity/paternity leaves start today so I can get rest right now. I have to chill out but easier said than done!

  24. abmamma

    kiwi / 641 posts

    @autumnlove: glad you were able to come home! Hopefully the next few days will be quiet.

  25. MrsBananaGrabber

    apricot / 309 posts

    @autumnlove: Good luck! I know it's probably impossible, but try to relax.

  26. cat620

    pear / 1809 posts

    @buttermilk: I'm not sure how to tell if a baby is posterior, but I know they can turn during labor, so a baby that isn't posterior could become posterior and vice versa. My son was completely posterior, and I remember him turning from sideways to facing the front during my labor. I think some babies are just going to do what they want to do unfortunately.

    @MrsStar: I hope your baby comes soon! I know it's hard at the end when you never know when the baby will decide to come.

    @buttermilk: I never had one with my first, but I've heard good things about them. Not sure what I'll do this time.

    @autumnlove: I know it's hard, but try to relax and rest up. I'm glad your doctors are doing what they think is best for you.

  27. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @buttermilk: A friend who is a NICU nurse gave me one of the belly binders they use at the hospital and I ended up getting another after my c-section. I wore it for about 2 months and I think it really helped! Especially because the c-section made me feel like my insides would fall out at any given moment

    @autumnlove: Thinking of you. Next week is going to be busy around here with babies!! Glad you're home with your girls and able to get some rest. Try to keep your mind occupied!

  28. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @lilteacherbee: thanks !!!! I hope everything is going well with you!

  29. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @aprild: My mom and MIL will probably take turns coming over to help, but I doubt they will spend nights because they are local (25 and 45 minutes away). My sister and DH will each have about 2 weeks until they go back to work. I'm just thankful to have family nearby because I know I will need someone to help with the active toddler, especially after a c-section.

    @MrsStar: Hope you see some progress soon!!!

    @Mrs. J: I'm still holding out that you'll go early this time (or at least not 10 days over!). And yay for a name, if it's the one I'm thinking of, I it!

  30. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @autumnlove: I'm happy you're at home!!!

    @buttermilk: I have a belly bandit in two sizes. I think you might be able to get them from buy buy baby/bed bath beyond and use the 20% coupons on them. I thought they really helped!
    @lilteacherbee: I am hoping for not ten days late too! Lol can't believe I'm 39 weeks today. According to whentoexpect, today and tomorrow are my most likely days (ha!) blue moon on Fri though, so maybe a lot of us will get kicked into gear??

  31. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @autumnlove so nice you get to go home and not be on hospital bed rest!!!

    This late 3rd tri insomnia is KILLING MEEEE. I went to sleep at 9:30 (don't have any problems falling asleep). But then I was awake from about 2 til 5, just couldn't sleep. And then after I finally fell asleep, I woke up about 5:45 with the leg cramp from hell that took about 30 minutes to work out and go away! I'm sorry to complain. I'm just so over it!!! My OB said she could give me Ambien but I really don't think I feel ok taking that with the baby.

  32. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @Mrs. J: thanks! I hope your little boy doesn't go overdue! 39 weeks!!!!

  33. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @Laurabear for what it's worth, I thought the GBS swab was no big deal. I thought it would be super uncomfortable like a pap but it wasn't. My OB basically just used a long Q-tip, swabbed the inside of my vagina, and then just barely touched it to the outside of my rectum (at least that's how it felt). No probing or digging! It was very quick and not uncomfortable at all.

  34. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    Thanks for the encouragement ladies! I know bf is going to be a challenge but I hope I don't have it as bad as the group yesterday. At least the IBCLC consultants there knew their shit!

    @buttermilk: I have a belly bandit packed for the hospital! We shall see how it goes!

    @autumnlove: so happy you are home and have a plan!

    @Mrs. J: Hope baby arrives soon! Refresh whentoexpect.com to get an updated prediction... Hope this little guy wants.to meet you sooner than later!

    @aprild: when baby girl arrives it will just be me and DH at first, then FIL and step MIL for 4 days, MIL for 7, then a close friend for another 7... But that doesn't start until Aug 27. We will have a few days at home just us. But DH is a good cook and he is very helpful with cleaning and laundry when it counts!

  35. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @autumnlove: Glad you can spend your last few days of rest at home! I know it all sounds really scary but given that the doctors are on top of your situation, I am confident everything will be fine. You'll be meeting baby sooo soon!!

    @buttermilk: I didn't use one with my first, but I'm considering it with this one since it's possibly my last and I want to give my belly a jump start on looking normal again haha. I'm so lost with all the choices. I think I want to shop around locally and see what stores sell that way I might be able to return it if I pick a slightly wrong size or something. In terms of the posterior thing.. the 2 biggest indicators with my first were 1- feeling fluttery or small bumpy movements right around the pubic bone area (hands), and 2- right at the end of my pregnancy when he engaged in a fully posterior position, the front of my belly sort of got flat and empty feeling because his nice round spine was no longer there and it was on the inside of my belly, towards my spine. As for what can be done, I don't know. I've worked really hard on my posture this time, done tons of pelvic rocking and pelvic floor lifts to keep the whole area strong, forward leaning inversions and belly sifting so .. we shall see if it makes any difference lol. So far, I've managed to coax baby girl back to a LOA/P position (bum back on the left side of my belly and feet on the right) instead of the ROA/P that my first was. Right side has a higher chance of posterior presentation because baby needs to make a full rotation as he/she enters the pelvic brim where as from the left, it's only a 1/4 to 1/2 turn. Can you tell I've bee preoccupied with this topic? Borderline neurotic but I want to do everything I can to help this baby not get stuck. Ultimately though, it can have everything to do with you pelvic shape and your ligaments which you can't always change.

    @MrsStar: Hope little one comes soon! The last few weeks of up and downs are difficult to cope with!

    @Mrs. J: How exciting about the name!! My "when to expect" is showing tomorrow, followed by friday as my most likely days. Crossing my fingers!! My odds drop down for the day after (Sat) and then increase again for Sunday & Monday which is weird haha. I've basically just been pushing back my "most likely" day, every day that I remain pregnant. My first was born on the summer solstice, a blue moon sibling would be cool!

    Woke up feeling totally awful again today. I'm sure it means nothing, and seems to have improved actually which is a little disappointing.. I never thought I'd say that! Going to have some Mexican food for lunch with my mom and I told DH we need to start DTD every day now until baby shows... he's very sad about that one LOL. COME OUT BABY!!

  36. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    Ugh it's so awful and hot out. I was at work and started feeling very faint and nauseous so I just came home.

  37. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @getjazzy: my days have now changed to tomorrow and Friday too!

  38. Mizhi

    coffee bean / 46 posts

    Woke up around midnight (2.5 hours ago) and on came the back labor ... So far it's gone from approximately every 10 minutes to every 7 minutes. Ouch. I'm letting hubby sleep for now in case these contractions die out. I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't. This sucks! I'm trying to bounce on my ball between contractions, but I need to stand when it hits.

  39. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @Mizhi: hopefully this is it! Good luck! Can't wait for updates!

  40. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Mizhi: Ooooh maybe this is it!!

    @Mrs. J: Mine is now Saturday and I'm not ready for that!! I reallyyyy don't want to go into labor before the c-section! I'll send some of my "early baby" vibes to some of yall!!

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