Hellobee Boards


August 2015 Moms!

  1. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    How many weeks are you: 32 weeks, 4 days
    Due date: August 13
    Baby's gender: Baby Girl!
    Symptoms you're dealing with now: Fatigue. SWELLING!!
    Innie or outtie: Innie with a small bump on top
    Rings on or off: On most days, off occasionally on bad swelling days like today
    Lately I've been craving: Wine!
    Stretch marks: Not yet!
    Braxton Hicks: Every morning, and if I don't drink tons of water
    Hospital bag packed: Not yet. Right after the July 4 weekend
    Baby's room: Non-nursery is getting organized. waiting on baskets to put clothes in on the bookshelf, arriving this week.
    Baby shower: 2 weeks ago! Vintage Travel theme. It was beautiful!
    How is DH/DW/Partner doing: Excited and nervous. Hospital tour made him feel so much better!
    Most excited about: Meeting our baby! And no more swelling and big belly.
    Most nervous/worried about: Complications for me and baby during labor and birth.
    Any birth plan specifics (RCS, med free, VBAC etc..): Trying to go with the flow! No epidural before 5 or 6 cm if I get to try for a vaginal birth. Otherwise, whatever is safest for me and baby!

  2. abmamma

    kiwi / 641 posts

    How many weeks are you: 32+
    Due date: August 14 if you go by LMP (August 12 by my calculations)
    Baby's gender: Boy!!
    Symptoms you're dealing with now: Mainly fatigue--I have not been sleeping as well the last several weeks given the inability to get/stay comfortable and some insomnia thrown in as well. My iron levels are also low (starting taking supplements) which is probably not helping.
    Innie or outtie: Innie-- although a very shallow one!
    Rings on or off: On!
    Lately I've been craving: Mostly sweets (ice cream sandwiches, cookies, doughnuts).
    Stretch marks: Not so far (knock on wood)
    Braxton Hicks: Maybe-- I've noticed some tightening but not the same as what I recall from last time around so not 100% sure if they are BH or not.
    Hospital bag packed: Nope
    Baby's room: Has furniture in it but we still need to paint, hang up curtains and generally organize.
    Baby shower: Since this is #2, I'm not having a shower but one of my best friends is organizing a "baby brunch" in July with a handful of my closest friends to celebrate.
    How is DH/DW/Partner doing: Fine, I think. Although he finally did the math on child care for 2 this weekend and was a little stressed about that. And occasionally when our almost 3 year old throws a tantrum he looks at me like "what are we doing?!" haha.
    Most excited about: Meeting this little guy and seeing whether he looks like his big sister or completely different. Seeing DD with her baby brother.
    Most nervous/worried about: DD's transition from only child to sibling; parenting a toddler on little sleep; breastfeeding (did not have a great experience last time); getting everything done before baby boy arrives!
    Any birth plan specifics (RCS, med free, VBAC etc..): Not really-- going with the flow but pretty sure I'll be doing an epidural again this time

  3. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    How many weeks are you: 33+1
    Due date: August 9
    Baby's gender: Boy!
    Symptoms you're dealing with now: Swollen feet/legs, heartburn, general discomfort in every position
    Innie or outtie: innie
    Rings on or off: e-ring off, wedding ring on
    Lately I've been craving: ice cream and nachos!
    Stretch marks: not yeeeet
    Braxton Hicks: very very seldomly
    Hospital bag packed: nope - eek, I need to get on this!
    Baby's room: more or less done - just need to organize a little better!
    Baby shower: done and beautiful! I'm also having a little party in July to celebrate the baby/turning 30, but that will be a lot more casual
    How is DH/DW/Partner doing: great - although I think it's still a little abstract for him
    Most excited about: baby snuggles, time off work, finally seeing this little guy face-to-face
    Most nervous/worried about: postpartum recovery, breastfeeding, sleep deprivation
    Any birth plan specifics (RCS, med free, VBAC etc..): vaginal birth with an epi

    @getjazzy: @lilteacherbee: Eeeek - she's my due date twin!

  4. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    A little mad at Amazon today... I ordered items for registry completion using the one time 15% off discount, and only 1/4 of my order "qualified" for the discount!!! So $450 of stuff, and only $15 off?! Whats the point?! And why doesn't baby stuff count, for a BABY REGISTRY!? UGH!

    Among things that didn't count are my diaper bag. I am getting the Petunia Pickle Bottom City Carryall in Central Park North. I plan to use it as my hospital bag too! DH had a Columbia messenger style diaper bag for himself.

  5. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    How many weeks are you: 30
    Due date: officially 8/30 but prob RCS around 34-36 weeks.
    Baby's gender: girl
    Symptoms you're dealing with now: crankiness about hot weather?
    Innie or outtie: almost outtie
    Rings on or off: on
    Lately I've been craving: popcorn
    Stretch marks: I think I added a few to my belly collection.
    Braxton Hicks: Nope
    Hospital bag packed: Nope!
    Baby's room: ready to go!
    Baby shower: no, 3rd LO!
    How is DH/DW/Partner doing: he is good and doing research for our mini van
    Most excited about:meeting baby girl
    Most nervous/worried about: placenta previa and delivery. I hope my placenta moves.
    Any birth plan specifics (RCS, med free, VBAC etc..): RCS

  6. krispi

    clementine / 911 posts

    How many weeks are you: 32w 1d

    Due date: August 16

    Baby's gender: Girl

    Symptoms you're dealing with now: Swelling in feet, legs, and hands that seems to get worse every day; Pelvic pain, especially if I overdo it on activity; restless sleep; low iron; general tiredness

    Innie or outtie: Still an innie but barely, more like a slit

    Rings on or off: I haven't been able to wear my actual wedding set for a couple of months. The fake ring I bought that's 2 sizes bigger is starting to get tighter too. I also haven't been able to wear my watch since the first couple of weeks. I retain water like a camel...

    Lately I've been craving: Nothing in particular, haven't really had cravings since the 1st trimester

    Stretch marks: On the bottom of my belly and around my hips. Just started really showing up in the last couple of weeks.

    Braxton Hicks: They're mostly every now and then and just pressure/tightening. I've had about 4 episodes where they were getting frequent and sometimes felt more crampy, but I've been able to get them to go away eventually by resting and drinking water.

    Hospital bag packed: Nope! I need to buy some pjs / yoga pants and a robe

    Baby's room: Mostly done. We organized her closet yesterday. All the big furniture is there. We just need to finish artwork and some other decor items, like curtains.

    Baby shower: We had a surprise work shower last week and a family shower Saturday. We still have one more for friends in a couple of weeks.

    How is DH/DW/Partner doing: He's been really supportive of me being frustrated and tired of being so uncomfortable all the time. He's starting a new job in 2 weeks! His schedule means we'll have to tag team a bit more, but we're hoping he'll be less stressed out and home more overall.

    Most excited about: Meeting her, seeing what she looks like, learning her personality

    Most nervous/worried about: Labor pain, taking care of a newborn

    Any birth plan specifics (RCS, med free, VBAC etc..): Definitely want the epidural but want to avoid a c section if at all possible

  7. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    Hi ladies! I've been reading along, just not posting much.

    Due date: 8/13
    Baby's gender: Boy!
    Symptoms you're dealing with now: heartburn (worst when my stomach is empty), some swelling, fatigue, and last night got up every 2 hours to pee!
    Innie or outtie: A slit? Still innie, I think.
    Rings on or off: Off for recent vacation in the heat. Will likely just keep them off.
    Lately I've been craving: Icebox pie!
    Stretch marks: None yet.
    Braxton Hicks: Every couple of days or so.
    Hospital bag packed: Definitely not!
    Baby's room: A work in progress. Most of the furniture has been assembled, but not the crib yet.
    Baby shower: A mini-shower is planned for this weekend!
    How is DH/DW/Partner doing: He seems to be holding up well.
    Most excited about: Actually holding/seeing this little guy!
    Most nervous/worried about: A BIG baby (was measuring ~90%-ile at almost 30weeks).
    Any birth plan specifics (RCS, med free, VBAC etc..): Still hoping for med-free vaginal delivery...but most of all just want whatever is safe for mommy and baby!

  8. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

  9. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @Torchwood: Ahhh congrats!!

  10. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    How many weeks are you: 34
    Due date: August 2
    Baby's gender: girl
    Symptoms you're dealing with now: acid reflux at night, sore hips, baby's head is super low which makes walking uncomfortable
    Innie or outtie: Innie, but only just! It didn't pop out last pregnancy so it will be interesting to see if it does this time
    Rings on or off: Still on
    Lately I've been craving: Still crave chocolate shakes but that's about it.
    Stretch marks: 5 new ones over the past week, managed to avoid them last pregnancy but not so lucky this time. Thankfully they're only small so far
    Braxton Hicks: Every now and then
    Hospital bag packed: Started packing it yesterday! The rest of it will be added before leaving for the hospital since they'll be needed before then
    Baby's room: Pretty much done! I haven't bothered putting sheets on the crib or anything since baby girl will be in a bassinet in our room for at least a few weeks and then we'll be moving her crib into our room. She won't be in her room until 6 months at least
    Baby shower: None, they aren't really done here
    How is DH/DW/Partner doing: Good, he's pretty laid back about everything but he seems excited
    Most excited about: meeting baby girl, having DD meet her sister, watching dh melt at the sight of his baby again
    Most nervous/worried about: I've had several dreams of having an accidental home birth so I'm hoping that doesn't come true!
    Any birth plan specifics (RCS, med free, VBAC etc..): Med free hospital vaginal birth.

  11. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @Torchwood: oh my goodness! Congrats!!!!

  12. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    Does someone want to make a labour & delivery board and update with our first little arrival? I would except I don't have a version of the due date list with the boy/girl codes.

  13. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    How many weeks are you: 31 weeks tomorrow
    Due date: August 25
    Baby's gender: BOY
    Symptoms you're dealing with now: fatigue, not sleeping great, pelvic pressure/pain, hot all the time! And contractions all. the. time. Also starting to get a little swollen in my hands and feet, especially when I get hot.
    Innie or outtie: "Flattie"? LOL
    Rings on or off: Off
    Lately I've been craving: Ummm, everything? Seriously, I am a bottomless pit, I think I could eat like 4,000 calories a day if left to my own devices. I try NOT to do that! I think because baby boy is so low he's not smushing my stomach as much as I thought he would by this point?
    Stretch marks: Not yet! (somehow)
    Braxton Hicks: All the time
    Hospital bag packed: No but I need to!
    Baby's room: Basically nothing has been done so far. Need to paint. We have a crib, dresser, and bookshelf... in boxes still! We've basically done nothing. Although, planning to have baby sleep in our room the first few months at least.
    Baby shower: None Although, I just found out I *may* have one at 36 weeks if I make it that far!!
    How is DH/DW/Partner doing: He's excited although I think feeling a little overwhelmed with what needs to be done.
    Most excited about: Getting to 34+ weeks and getting more freedom to do stuff/go places; eventually meeting baby!
    Most nervous/worried about: Baby coming early and NICU time; also worried about having to have a c-section or traumatic/difficult birth. Worried about being able to successfully breastfeed.
    Any birth plan specifics (RCS, med free, VBAC etc..): Definitely want to avoid c/s if possible and would like to delay epidural/labor augmentation as long as possible if I can, but not opposed to epidural/pain management if necessary.

  14. LauraBear

    cherry / 215 posts

    Love reading everyone's updates! Have been busy with my mom in town but she left this morning I'll see her again when the baby is here! And congrats @torchwood!

    How many weeks are you: 30 weeks 3 days

    Due date: August 28

    Baby's gender: Boy

    Symptoms you're dealing with now: My feet hurt all the time and are the absolute worst at the end of the day, hip and pelvic pain has increased, heartburn. Feel kind of bloated a lot of the time.

    Innie or outtie: Still an innie but it is so small right now!

    Rings on or off: On

    Lately I've been craving: Ice cream, chips, fruit

    Stretch marks: Not yet as far as I can tell

    Braxton Hicks: Not yet as far as I can tell

    Hospital bag packed: Nope - my best friend gifted me the Birdling Overnight Bag (!) from Land of Nod so I am waiting for that to come to think about the hospital bag. But I've still got time.

    Baby's room: Pretty much done!! I love it so much. It makes me so happy to walk in there and I like just sitting in there. My mom and I worked hard to make it all cute and personal. It definitely has some funky to it now! Just need a few little things to complete - changing pad, diaper genie, and I think that's it!

    Baby shower: Just had two last week - one at my husband's work and one with my mom and in-laws! Was so fun for both, and I am so thankful with how thoughtful people were. Coworker of my husband's even looked at my pinterest board and bought me a few things I had pinned for the nursery! (One of the perks of my husband working in education with lots of women for coworkers! ) We will have one at my work on July 15th and then a couples one on July 17th. I didn't know if I'd have any a few weeks ago so I am really excited!

    How is DH/DW/Partner doing: Starting to sink in with how close it's getting for baby boy! He has been busy trying to get some home renovations done, but after making some real headway last week, he feels a bit more prepared now.

    Most excited about: Meeting baby! So curious about what he looks like and what he will be like!

    Most nervous/worried about: Most worried about post-birth stuff - being able to successfully breastfeed mostly I guess since I'll be in class within a few weeks of giving birth. Also, brother-in-law is getting married September 12th on an island out here (Washington State), and so if I am at all late, we may not be able to go. They know but there is still lots of family pressure. Pain in the butt! I don't want to stress about if I'm overdue and going to miss the wedding

    Any birth plan specifics (RCS, med free, VBAC etc..): Will try to go med free and just bought the hypnobabies stuff. Hope it works!

  15. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @getjazzy: I'm going to try to type up her birth story tomorrow, so I'll start the thread then if it's not up by then. But we're both doing quite well!

  16. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    I've been reading everything but not posting. My touchscreen on my phone has a dead spot so typing is hard. Finally dusted off the laptop though.

    How many weeks are you: 33 today-- 49 days to go!
    Due date: Aug 10
    Baby's gender: Girl via MaterniT21 at 20 weeks, never had any visual confirmation
    Symptoms you're dealing with now: Acid reflux. If I eat a normal size meal or larger, I'll be sick about an hour after. But all I want to do is eat!!
    Innie or outtie: 1/4 out, 3/4 in.
    Rings on or off: No rings, but they would be off if I had them!
    Lately I've been craving: Food and more food
    Stretch marks: None yet!
    Braxton Hicks: None yet!
    Hospital bag packed: Uh, no. Should I have that done??
    Baby's room: Just assembled the crib yesterday and painted a few weeks ago.
    Baby shower: Not until a day before I'm 37 weeks. Baby girl better not come early!!!
    How is DH/DW/Partner doing: Hanging in there. I have an anxiety disorder and have been unable to be medicated since we were TTC and it is definitely taking a toll on him. Really excited, though!
    Most excited about: OH getting laid off at the end of July and not picking up a new contract at least until September. There will be someone to cook and clean while I'm still pregnant and working and then we'll both be home when the baby first comes!
    Most nervous/worried about: Being able to stay off of previously mentioned meds long enough to breastfeed a few months.
    Any birth plan specifics (RCS, med free, VBAC etc..): Whatever my doctor wants.

  17. cat620

    pear / 1809 posts

    @OhCaptain: I'm so glad you said that you also don't have much done! It makes me feel better about my lack of progress, especially since it seems like everyone I know who is pregnant has everything completely ready even though they are due after me.

    Our nursery was my husband's office, so we still have all kinds of random crap in there that we need to decide where to put or get rid of. All the clothes, toys and baby stuff is in the garage in boxes, but the garage is a huge mess right now, so I can't get to anything. I need DH to help me organize and move things, since it's hard for me to do pregnant. Plus, my toddler follows me around all day long, and if I take him in the garage or office, he will touch things he's not supposed to or make a huge mess by dumping things on the floor. It's so frustrating! We've been gone almost every weekend for the past month and a half, and DH doesn't want to do anything on weekdays except relax, so everything keeps getting pushed back. I'm going to tell him we need to get stuff done this weekend or I'm going to lose my mind!

  18. cat620

    pear / 1809 posts

    How many weeks are you: 33 weeks

    Due date: Aug 9th

    Baby's gender: Boy

    Symptoms you're dealing with now: Some swelling in my feet/ankles mostly in the evening. Being very hot, thanks to the 100 degree weather. Heartburn and acid reflux depending on what I ate.

    Innie or outtie: Still in but getting flat

    Rings on or off: Still on. My hands don't really swell

    Lately I've been craving: Cold foods, because it's so damn hot outside!

    Stretch marks: None! I didn't get any last time, so I hope it stays that way

    Braxton Hicks: Not sure. I don't feel them

    Hospital bag packed: No! I'm so behind with everything!

    Baby's room: Don't want to talk about it. Very behind!

    Baby shower: Not getting one. Second babies aren't as exciting

    How is DH/DW/Partner doing: I think he's a little nervous about #2, but he's being supportive

    Most excited about: Seeing my baby and watching my toddler interact with him

    Most nervous/worried about: My toddler. I think he will be jealous in the beginning

    Any birth plan specifics (RCS, med free, VBAC etc..): I'm trying for a VBAC

  19. cat620

    pear / 1809 posts

    @Torchwood: Congratulations!

  20. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @aprild: I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels behind. I don't know how you survive that heat!!

  21. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Torchwood: I still can't believe it!

  22. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @aprild: I'm with you regarding the toddler and getting things done! My 19 month old is really well-behaved (for a toddler...), but the minute I'm trying to be productive, he decides he wants to tear the house apart. Ahhh!!

    Also, I'm nervous about how I'M going to handle the two of them. I have these irrational fears that make me feel silly but at the same time, it's scary. Like, do you really love the second as much?! Everyone says you do, but my toddler is my world and I can't imagine sharing that love (argh, does that make me sound awful?!). I think he'll be okay and won't be too jealous because he's young enough to be okay with change still. I'm just worried (also irrational...) that he'll think I've abandoned him and/or be "mad" at the baby. And then he'll do something like tonight when he kissed my belly and said "baby Carter" and I melt and think it will all be okay

  23. Mizhi

    coffee bean / 46 posts

    How many weeks are you: 34+1
    Due date: August 3rd
    Baby's gender:
    Symptoms you're dealing with now: Back pain, hot flashes (sweating), acid reflux
    Innie or outtie: Shallow innie (I had a deep belly button to begin with). Hopefully it stays that way!
    Rings on or off: Off since 20(?) weeks.
    Lately I've been craving: Still spicy (hot sauce on everything) and sweets like chocolate donuts with coconut sprinkles … which is terrible because white carbs give me terrible acid reflux.
    Stretch marks: Yes, since 30 weeks, and they’ve only gotten longer …
    Braxton Hicks: Maybe? I’ve had two or three menstrual crampy episodes since the weekend.
    Hospital bag packed: No, but most of it is in a pile ready to be packed.
    Baby's room: Ready for use, but not decorated. I really have to get on it ...
    Baby shower: Had a surprise baby shower thrown for me on June 13, which was awesome.
    How is DH/DW/Partner doing: He’s seems pretty normal! He’s more laid back than I am, which drives me nuts because I want things done yesterday.
    Most excited about: Taking a steaming hot bath. Cracking my back. Not peeing every 10 minutes. Oh, and meeting my baby girl.
    Most nervous/worried about: Labor … and being responsible for a tiny human.
    Any birth plan specifics (RCS, med free, VBAC etc..): Hoping for med-free vaginal delivery, but open to an epidural. (Whatever's best for mommy and baby.)

  24. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @aprild: We have almost nothing done! I'll be working on things like organizing/washing the clothes to keep busy while we wait for her to come home.

    @buttermilk: I can't either!

  25. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @Torchwood: Sounds good! I didn't mean to pressure you in to it mama, I know you have your hands full now! I'm so glad to hear you and Liliana are doing well

  26. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    How many weeks are you: 34w 2d
    Due date: August 1
    Baby's gender: girl, but I'm (for a totally unknown irrational reason) skeptical she is actually a boy.
    Symptoms you're dealing with now: BH, some cramping, pelvic pain. Didn't have any of that with my first! Return symptoms include bad sleep, frequent peeing, heart burn and an expanded rib cage.
    Innie or outtie: innie
    Rings on or off: can be on, but I forget them half the time.
    Lately I've been craving: cold slushy drinks and fruit.
    Stretch marks: just noticed that my old ones are now expanding!
    Braxton Hicks: yes!
    Hospital bag packed: ha, ha, ha. No. I'm hoping to VBAC in a birth center that doesn't let you stay longer than 12 hours, so I don't even know what to bring! A change of clothes and a hair tie? Probably something to wear while laboring in the tub.
    Baby's room: also non existent. She will be sharing with us to start, we are still considering flip flopping our current master with our current guest room, so the crib will go one of those places. My husband is going to pick up a second hemnes dresser from ikea next week on a business trip. So that will be her dresser/changing table. I did buy a new cover for the changing pad. Points?
    Baby shower:Yep! My friends threw a small one for just our group two Saturday's ago. Very thoughtful.

    How is DH/DW/Partner doing: he's nervous, and so am I. I feel like we are finally in a good family/parenting rhythm and its all about to change!

    Most excited about: not being pregnant, seeing my son as an older brother and watching this little girl wrap her daddy around her finger.
    Most nervous/worried about: changing family dynamics, my son feeling abandoned.
    Any birth plan specifics (RCS, med free, VBAC etc..): I'm planning on/hoping for a VBAC. I medicated because that's the only option at my birth center, haha. I don't have a backup RCS date, that probably won't be set unless I were To go post dates.

  27. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    How many weeks are you: 31+2
    Due date: Aug 22
    Baby's gender: Girl!
    Symptoms you're dealing with now: Heartburn, nausea, exhaustion, but mostly back and hip pain (mostly due to a pre-existing condition.)
    Innie or outtie: Still an Innie, but I had such a deep belly button before I doubt it could be an outie if it tried. When I lay down it's very shallow. I had my belly button pierced when I turned 18 (poor life choices) and the scar from it is like a full inch and a half away from my belly button, haha. That's how deep it is/was!
    Rings on or off: On, but I don't wear them a ton since I WFH.
    Lately I've been craving: Sweets? And carbs.
    Stretch marks: Yep (literally noticed them the minute after I posted about not having seen any yet on this thread, haha) but nothing too crazy. I wasn't wearing bikinis before anyway...
    Braxton Hicks: Nope, and didn't have any last time either. But when I'm too active or on my feet I do feel uncomfortable. But nothing like labor was at all, and not contractions- just a general sense of discomfort.
    Hospital bag packed: Nope. I hardly used anything from it last time but I guess I should just pack it.
    Baby's room: She'll be in our room first, then sharing with LO. Not much to do but set up the RNP/PNP!
    Baby shower: Nope, no friends or family here, WFH, and 2nd baby. There was literally not a chance!
    How is DH/DW/Partner doing: Good, in disbelief! But things are going well at work so I think that'll help him not to have that stress when baby arrives.
    Most excited about: Not having this intense back pain!!? Seeing her face.
    Most nervous/worried about: Handling two while rolling solo (story of my life, woohoo marrying a chef.)
    Any birth plan specifics (RCS, med free, VBAC etc..): Hoping for a repeat vaginal birth. I had an epi last time and as long as there's time I will be happy to again.

    Can't wait to read through everyone else's responses! My maternity pics got cancelled today due to potential rain. We have to drive 1.5 hours to get to the photog's park so I'm glad we didn't waste the time. We had to reschedule for next Monday since DH is off weird days so it's really hard to schedule around him. Praying no rain next week! Really hard here in FL in the summer. It was 100 anyways this afternoon... woof.

  28. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @kjpugs: Hoping your rescheduled date works out for you!

  29. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Torchwood: congrats! and what a fast labor! hope baby gets to come home very soon!

    @Mrs. Microscope: That's so irritating about your amazon order...especially the big ticket diaper bag!

  30. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    Created the new thread for labor and deliveries - eeeeek! Let me know if anyone's due dates/genders are wrong, this was the most recent list I could find. http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/august-2015-labor-amp-deliveries

    *August Babies*
    June 22: Torchwood - Liliana Rae


    August 2015 Mamas
    August 1: OhCaptain , Goldy
    August 2: MrsStar
    August 3: Anutka, Joneo6o3, kayakgirl73 , Mihzi , getjazzy
    August 4: Mrs. scientist
    August 5: dagny, Mrs. J , Portboston
    August 6: lil owl
    August 7: MrsStormy
    August 8: lilteacherbee
    August 9: aprild , raspberries
    August 10: Ms. RV
    August 11: buttermilk
    August 13: Mrs. Microscope , FliegepilzHut
    August 14: abmamma
    August 15: Anagram
    August 16: krispi
    August 19: BamaBee
    August 21: MissLace
    August 22: kjpugs
    August 23: mommygrace
    August 25: MrsADS
    August 26: kitty
    August 28: Summerbebe, LauraBear
    August 30: autumnlove
    August 31: lulibee
    TBD: pinkcrayon

    @Torchwood: HUGE congratulations, first August mama!

  31. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    Had my 31 week OB appointment this morning. (31 weeks - woohoo!!). They took some blood to see if my iron is going down any more, so waiting on that still. And I only gained 1 lb in the last 2 weeks which is kind of nice, my weight gain has been crazy lately. (although I have been eating a ton, so not sure how I only gained 1 lb!)

    I was measuring 1 week behind at my 29 week appointment, and today apparently I was measuring exactly the same I was then, so I guess now I am measuring 3 weeks behind Just had a growth u/s last week that looked okay, so trying not to worry too much. Doctor says I may be measuring small since he's so low in my pelvis. So, I'll probably have another growth ultrasound in the next few weeks to check on how he's doing.

  32. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @raspberries: Thanks for doing that... my due date got moved to Aug 3rd but no rush!

  33. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @getjazzy: I'm on it!

  34. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @MrsADS: Glad it was all around a pretty good appointment. I'm always skeptical about growth concerns because I've known soo many people to measure ahead or behind and have totally average size babies (myself included). I feel like torso length has a lot to do with it and can sometimes be tricky to measure. I'm glad they aren't concerned though!

  35. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Torchwood: oh my goodness!!! Congrats!!!

  36. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    Went in for my appt and now I have to have a blood work up for cholestasis (sp?) since I have a rash on my belly. Midwife isn't worried since DS has it, but better safe than sorry.

    How many weeks are you: 33+6
    Due date: Aug 5
    Baby's gender: boy, but I'm secretly skeptical!
    Symptoms you're dealing with now: uncomfortable, but mostly fine.
    Innie or outtie: flat haha. I had the most perfect innie, but my turkey timer popped!
    Rings on or off: On
    Lately I've been craving: nothing really.
    Stretch marks: nope!
    Braxton Hicks: yes yes!
    Hospital bag packed: Nope. In denial!
    Baby's room: kicking DS out of the nursery. Still have to finish his new room.
    Baby shower: nope! 2nd baby
    How is DH/DW/Partner doing: eager to meet baby! Very behind on projects though
    Most excited about: finally meeting this baby
    Most nervous/worried about: two under two!!! Eeeeek
    Any birth plan specifics (RCS, med free, VBAC etc..): Hoping for repeat med free vaginal delivery. Want to labor in tub this time!

  37. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @raspberries: whoo!!!
    @MrsADS: I agree with @getjazzy: ...Ive heard of the growth measurements be way off with a lot of people!

  38. Mrs.Scientist

    cherry / 211 posts

    @Torchwood: Wow, congratulations! Glad you and baby are doing well,.

  39. Mrs.Scientist

    cherry / 211 posts

    How many weeks are you: 34 weeks today
    Due date: Aug 4
    Baby's gender:
    Symptoms you're dealing with now: Dealing with a little discomfort, fatigue and heartburn but overall I feel pretty good,
    Innie or outtie: half and half...outie on top and innie on the bottome!
    Rings on or off: On
    Lately I've been craving: Carbonated water with lemon. Also sweets? Not sure that's pregnancy-specific though.
    Stretch marks: three small ones
    Braxton Hicks: Oh yeah. Painful ones, too. Didn't have this problem with DS but my OB assures me all is well and normal.
    Hospital bag packed: Nope. I've thought about it though.
    Baby's room: We're likely moving when baby will be about 5 months so we're skipping a nursery for now and will just be keeping her in our room.
    Baby shower: not having one. baby dos.
    How is DH/DW/Partner doing: he is great. a little nervous about having a girl
    Most excited about: Meeting baby girl and seeing DS with his little sister.
    Most nervous/worried about: trying to juggle two under two, especially if I end up with a RCS.
    Any birth plan specifics (RCS, med free, VBAC etc..): RCS scheduled for my due date, Aug 4. VBAC attempt if I go into labor naturally beforehand.

  40. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Mrs.Scientist: How old will your LO be when baby is born? I'm nervous too about RCS recovery with 2 under 2 (LO will be 20.5 months). My first recovery was pretty easy, though and I'm lucky to have family nearby. Just makes me a little nervous

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