Hellobee Boards


August 2015 Moms!

  1. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @getjazzy: @Portboston: mine too! our instructor showed us a skeleton pelvis and how the bones move and it was obvious that laying on your back creates the least space for the baby to pass!

  2. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @buttermilk: exactly what mine said!!! She didn't show us the skeleton but she talked about the space issue. So crazy that dr's and nurses prefer that position...I know it makes it easier for them but helllloo, they're not really the ones doing the hard work!!!!!

  3. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @buttermilk: @Portboston: Exactly! So counter intuitive. Squatting is apparently how many other cultures give birth because it lines up the birth canal and pelvis perfectly, and helps gravity birth the baby with minimal pushing.

    Oh speaking of, I was reading this article about breastfeeding. Thought I'd share. Hospitals tend to track football hold or cradle hold, which can work for some but if it doesn't work for you, try laid back breastfeeding. I of course, can't find the link right now but apparently tummy to tummy nursing is the instinctive way babies feed (like other mammals). Kind of a cool concept!

  4. Mrs.Scientist

    cherry / 211 posts

    @getjazzy: the vast majority of my massage was actually spent on my sides but she had me move onto my back for the very end. She probably only cut it about 10 mins short and I'm not even positive that was the reason why. I ended up getting the massage for free anyways so I can't complain too much!

  5. cat620

    pear / 1809 posts

    @raspberries: I've been taking Zantac every night, and I still am up with heartburn multiple times a night! I don't know what else I can do for it.

    @Portboston: I've heard that too (about not laboring on your back). I took a natural childbirth class with my first son, and the instructor explained that being on your back makes it harder to push the baby out. I believe it has something to do with the pelvis not being as open as it could be with other positions. She recommended squatting, but it seems like that's not popular at hospitals.

  6. cat620

    pear / 1809 posts

    @getjazzy: I think this is the article you read: http://www.mothering.com/articles/natural-breastfeeding/

  7. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @aprild: That's the one!

  8. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    Hospital bag is packed! Well, besides the stuff we need now, but it is all on a list on the fridge to grab! Need to buy a few items, like snacks for DH, but otherwise we are set! Now the 3-6 week countdown can fully commence.

    We will be ordering the rest of our items from BRU this week (stroller, swing, random items) and then we have everything.

    Freezer meals from friends are arriving the week of July 27, when I will be 38 weeks.

    How are the final preparations going for the rest of you ladies?

  9. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: I'm also working on my hospital bag this weekend. We have everything we need for baby, nursery is finished! Gotta work on those freezer meals next, which I may start tomorrow.

  10. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @buttermilk: @Mrs. Microscope: what are you all packing? I've done this so you think I should know, but pregnancy brain...

  11. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    For Labor:
    Tennis ball, medium massage ball, stress squeezer
    wireless speakers for music
    swim suits for me and DH (for the tub)
    Robe to cover open back of hosp. gown while walking
    2 aromatherapy sprays; one energizing, one calming
    Snacks for DH

    Postpartum for Me:
    breast pads (6)
    nipple cream
    nursing nightgown
    nursing bra
    nursing tank to wear home
    warm fuzzy socks
    toiletries with shampoo, conditioner, face wash and lotion, mascara, toothbrush/paste, hairbrush/clips/bands, deoderant
    Hair towel
    Glasses/Contact case/Contact Soln

    For DH:
    4 shirts, 2 short sleeve, 2 long sleeve
    Socks (4)
    Underwear (4)
    Toiletries DH needs
    Electronics charger for all devices

    For Baby:
    1 newborn size outfit with hat
    1 0-3Mos size outfit with hat
    1 swaddle wrap (Summer Infant)
    1 A+A blanket (to send home early so the cats get her scent)
    Infant car seat

    I think thats it? It all fit in 2 diaper bags and one small carryon size suitcase (except the car seat). I will also have my purse. We have the "during labor" stuff in my diaper bag, snacks in DH's diaper bag, and all our postpartum stuff in the suitcase.

    We are planning to wear jeans to the hospital, so that is why no pants on on the list. Same with shoes!

  12. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    I've been thinking about my hospital bag too. Well, birth center bag I guess.
    We won't stay over night, so I think I'm really only going to pack
    something to change into, probably yoga pants, nursing bra and a tank top,
    Nb and 0-3 month outfit,
    car seat,
    something to labor in the tub (probably just a sleep bra)
    phone and charger.

    Maybe a small toiletry bag.
    Oh, and pads.
    ETA: I've done some searching and it seems the consensus is you actually need to bring more stuff to a birth center becasue they won't have the same freebies (diapers, nipple cream etc) a hospital does.
    I'll be interested to see what my midwife says at my appointment on Wednesday!

  13. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: Installed the carseat base in the car today and repacked baby's hospital bag. Going to go through my hospital bag this week and repack/add to my packing list. I think I finally feel organised enough for baby to make her appearance! 37 weeks today, kind of sad to know that this is almost over - even though I'm super excited to meet our girl!

  14. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: I'm in the same boat! Hospital bag is mostly packed apart for a few last minute items I need to jot down and put in a place we will look. Next week is my last week at work so hopefully he gives me at least a week off before he comes...I want to make my padsicles & bake/make a bunch of snacks to freeze. My mom will be here to cook dinners for us but I want to freeze a bunch of high protein snacks to have during breastfeeding!

  15. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    Thanks everyone for posting your hospital bag list! Very helpful for this FTM! I have one sort-of packed, but there's stuff I can't really pack until I know I'm going (some clothes, some toiletries, etc).

    I feel like I am a ticking time bomb since my cervix is down to nothing - yesterday I had about 6-7 hours of pretty painful contractions ranging from 10 to 3 minutes apart and was about 1 inch from going to the hospital, but I just kept thinking "I'm going to just wait another 30 minutes," and eventually they fizzled out. I've had some cramping today, but not like the pain from yesterday (at least not yet). I know there's plenty of people who walk around for weeks at 90% effaced (and who knows how dilated I am), but these runs of painful, frequent contractions I keep having make me think it won't be weeks, especially after yesterday. But, who knows. Of course, I hope he waits a while to come (I'll be 34w on Tuesday), but I feel like at this point it's out of my control.

    My mom is calling/texting me every 30 minutes or so - "how are you feeling? Are you in labor?" Which doesn't help!! LOL. Just trying to take it easy, drink a lot of fluids and not worry too much.

    DH finished painting the nursery yesterday and put the crib and dresser together! So we are making progress on that front today. Maybe I will organize some baby clothes today.

  16. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    Spending some quality time bouncing on my yoga ball today. I got baby to flip again from right side (more likely to go posterior like my first) to my left side so I'm trying to get her dropped lower in to the pelvis so she won't flip back. Not sure how well it will work but I feel like at 37 weeks tomorrow, I need to try! She had been flipping back and fourth lately but the past week, seemed to settle on my right side and refused to budge which got be worried. Lots of pelvic rocking, forward leaning inversions and sifting going on this week thanks to my sweet hubs.

    Say a little prayer that she stays lined up properly! I envy people who can just go about their business and have baby line up properly this is exhausting!

    Also still haven't got to my packing and carseat installing. Slacker!!

  17. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @getjazzy: I'm also a slacker! I go the infant carseat out of storage and that's it! Haha. I'll finish today (maybe). Haha.

  18. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: great list! Just saying, I would not wanna go home in jeans, though! Comfy pants all the way.

    I've made my list, now to pack the bag!

    For baby: going home outfit and hat, mittens, socks, nail clippers/file, A&A blanket, car seat

    For me: phone and charger, glasses/contacts, nursing tanks and bras, pjs &robe&slippers, yoga pants, flip flops, Belly Bandit, deodorant, hair ties/headband, nipple cream and some breast pads, water bottle, makeup, toiletries, flip flops, Chapstick, socks

    For DH: track pants, boxers, tshirts, hoodie, socks, phone and charger, swimsuit for tub.

    Misc: Gatorade, honey Stingers (this snack that triathletes use), granola bars, and maybe our iPads.

  19. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    I am so Crampy! I didn't get this way with my first until 39.5 weeks, so I'm crossing my fingers it means baby won't be 2 weeks overdue and I'll be able to attempt a VBAC.

  20. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @OhCaptain: hopefully!!! I am hoping this kiddo isn't late like DS!

  21. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @Mrs. J: Maybe I should throw some yoga pants on my list! Oh, and I have a Belly Bandit too, and its in my bag, I just forgot to mention it. Did you use it with your first? Did it work well? I plan to wear my flip flops to the hospital, so no need to wear those separate.

    @MrsADS: Here's to hoping baby holds on a few more days! SO EXCITING to know he's coming soon, if even a teeny bit early!

    Looks like the Labor and Delivery board for August is really going to pick up here in the next week! EEK!

  22. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: I did use it the first time, and I like to think it helped! If anything, I felt more contained? Together? With it. I got it in two sizes, so i started with the larger one and moved to her smaller one once I shrank a bit.
    I will probably wear flip flops there, but I threw an older pair in my bag that I don't care what happens.

  23. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: yoga pants all the way. And post partum underwear. I got granny panties in one size up.

  24. cat620

    pear / 1809 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: I haven't started on my bag yet, but I probably should soon. While I'm in the hospital, my son will go to his grandparents, so I need to pack his bag too!

    @MrsADS: It sounds like you could be going into labor soon, but hopefully the baby waits a few more weeks!

    @getjazzy: Slacker here too! My carseat is still in it's box, and my hospital bag is an empty suitcase.

    @OhCaptain: I hope you get your VBAC!

  25. cat620

    pear / 1809 posts

    I just had a very relaxing spa day today! I went with two of my fellow pregnant friends and a friend who recently had a baby. It was great to catch up with everyone and also get a fantastic prenatal massage and facial! I haven't felt sore recently, and apart from the heartburn, I feel great overall! I'm hoping I continue to feel good until baby comes.

  26. abmamma

    kiwi / 641 posts

    I've been reading along with everyone but not posting much this week--sorry!

    @MrsADS: Thinking good thoughts for you and hoping you get another couple of weeks before baby makes an appearance! Hang in there in the meantime.

    All of you with your packed hospital bags and finished nurseries are making me feel bad-- I have so much left to do! We went to visit my parents for the weekend (they live a few hours away) so hoping I can get the rest of the major stuff done next weekend-- nursery organized, car seat washed (since it's been sitting in our garage for 2 years!), etc. I did throw a few things in a bag so I'd have things mostly ready to go if baby decides to show up early. So far I have: pjs/robe, yoga pants, cardigan, nursing tanks, slippers, warm socks (the same ones I wore when DD was born-- decided they are "lucky" ), kindle and charger and some basic toiletries (will need to add a few things before we leave). Left to pack are: outfit/mittens/blanket for baby (need to do laundry), birth ball, pillows (one for me and one for DH with brightly colored pillow cases to distinguish from the hospital ones), cheap flip flops, phone charger, snacks, and the ipad.

    I was feeling pretty off this evening and a little crampy but it has since subsided. I didn't go into labor on my own with DD (was induced 39+6) so I'm getting to the point where every twinge has me on high alert (especially since EVERYONE--well at least my coworkers and my mom-- seem to think I am going to go early...why I am not exactly sure). I am only 35+ so seems a bit early right now-- I need to chill.

  27. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    Every time I come online, I'm just waiting for an August announcement! The yoga ball bouncing is doing something at least, been feeling pain and cramping either from cervix doing stuff or baby twisting in to proper head position. Or at least I hope it's one of those productive things!

  28. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @getjazzy: me too lol! I wanna see some baby pics!

    Washed and organized all the rest of baby's clothes today! I went to target for things I needed to buy for the hospital bag, and got the ingredients for making padsicles yay!

    Things left to do: install the video monitor, order my breast pump, get a pediatrician locked in, install car seat, write up our birth preferences, and I'm sure lots of other things I'm forgetting.

    I'm putting off stocking the freezer mostly bc I have never been a big fan of freezer food - I always prefer fresh. I just need some recipes that appeal to me bc I know I'll regret not doing it once she is here.

    Still no BH's or anything. But I have been noticing super duper light period type cramping very randomly the past week or so. Like I would probably not even notice if I weren't anticipating it.

  29. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @aprild: sounds like you had a great day!

    @Mrs. J: Oooh I need to get one of those bandits! I forgot about them. Anyone else used one?

    @MrsADS: I hope your babe stays put a bit longer but I also can't wait!

  30. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @abmamma: don't feel bad. I don't even know where my baby is going to sleep! Our house is two bedrooms on the main level and one in the basement. Right now we sleep on the main level and so does our son. Our current room doesn't have enough space for a crib (a bassinet/pack n play would work, albeit cramped), and I don't want the kids to share a room yet. so we are still trying to decide which bedroom will belong to whom. I figure, worse case scenario the baby sleeps in the Pnp or RNP if she comes before we figure it out. Oh, and subsequently she also doesn't have a dresser yet, becasue I don't know where to put it.
    Poor second child.

  31. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @buttermilk: I have a friend who is a NICU nurse and she gave me lots of hospital stuff with my first LO, like nipple shields, etc. She gave me this band thing that I assume is similar to a belly bandit. I used it for 2 months or so and it was amazing! I had a c-section, so it helped to make me feel like my insides wouldn't fall out in the beginning. I need to look for it and make sure I still have it somewhere...

    We brought out a lot of the baby stuff (swing, rock n play, car seat, etc.) today. I'm interested to see if the 20 month old will try to climb into everything!

  32. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    @raspberries: Just wanted to chime in on your heartburn issue. I have GERD (preexisting before pregnancy) and I started out on Zantac, but my body got used to it, so my doctor had me switch to a prescription. It's Esomeprozole (Nexium) and it's made a big difference for me.

  33. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @OhCaptain: Totally feel you on the second child thing. I had LO1's entire nursery finished by 35 weeks and all his newborn/0-3 clothes washed and organized. This time... Not so much He'll be in our room for awhile and hopefully share with big bro. I have his clothes out, but they haven't been washed yet. I totally haven't picked out a "coming home outfit" yet and LO1 had a monogrammed one. Yikes!

  34. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    We hung the blinds in the baby's room today, it's officially done! Just gotta sterilize some bottles (incase I have trouble breastfeeding) & the breast pump!

    Question- how do you ladies tell if baby is posterior or anterior facing? I know he's head down but I can't tell which way he's facing!

  35. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @Portboston: Do you ever feel fluttering or tickles near where your public hair grows? If not, then baby has a good chance of being anterior. Can you tell where baby's bum is vs legs? My first was always bum up on my right, legs over in upper left area and I had flutters in the pubic region.. He was posterior.

    The most ideal position to try and avoid posterior position is baby along your left side, so bum on the left and feet over on the right. I guess in labour babies tend to move the same direction (clockwise) and due to pelvis shape, a baby sitting along the right side will need to do a full turn before dropping in to the pelvis which is where the increase in posterior positioning comes from. The trip from the left side of the abdomen is much shorter.

    There's a section on belly mapping on spinningbabies.com that helps you determine baby's position, I think!

  36. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @getjazzy: I feel big kicks in the upper right quadrant but I also feel a big lump stick way out up there sometimes too. I don't feel a ton of flutters down low, mostly just pressure. So I'm not sure! I'll look at the belly mapping thing. I also have a midwife appointment Tuesday. I can ask her to feel him & explain to me!

  37. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @getjazzy: aaaahhhhh! I'm totally freaked about baby position now! I feel movement by my Pubic hair and kicks/jabs like...all over. Sometimes I can tell the baby is balled up on my right side, and I can usually feel a bony something at the very top of my uterus, right in the middle.
    Time to start paying attention to how I'm sitting/moving!

  38. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @Portboston: @OhCaptain: Honestly ladies, I wouldn't worry to much. It's such a crap shoot, especially when a baby is still changing my positions daily. With my DS, he never ever flipped around or changed positions after 28-30 weeks, I felt kicks but never any actual movement which is now obvious to me that he was already a stuck. This baby still flips back and fourth several times a day which I think is the way it's actually suppose to be, and means she may move back and fourth all the way to delivery.

  39. Mizhi

    coffee bean / 46 posts

    I had my 37 week appointment today. Thank goodness the woman I saw doesn't deliver because I really REALLY disliked her. She was hurried, didn't pay attention to what I was saying, didn't answer my questions fully or in any detail whatsoever, had to be reminded to order a lab (after I already had waddled to the lab and back), and gave me information I know is wrong/outdated. I asked her for a prescription for a breast pump which she gave. When I looked at it as I was checking out I noticed it just read "#1 breast pump" written on it when my insurance (Tricare) requires you to specify whether it's a hand-held or electric (or hospital grade). I had to go back and forth with the nurse assistants as messenger until one of them (I don't know if it was one of the assistants or the OB) scrawled "electric" on the script. If I get rejected for a pump I'll be SOOO ticked ... Many angry letters will be written!

    Anyway, I've been feeling menstrual cramp sensations randomly for a week or so plus lower back cramping and *ahem* rectal pressure. None of it was regular or worth timing. We had a typhoon this past Thurs/Fri which was when I felt the most cramping and baby movement action. Something about atmospheric pressure affecting things down there ...?

    Oh, and my feet finally started swelling. It was just my right foot for a few days and barely noticeable. Then today at the OB appointment DH and I both noticed my feet bulging out the sides of my sandals. So attractive! (Not.) I treated myself to a pedicure to make myself feel better afterwards ...

    And I officially weigh more than my husband. He was wise enough not to mention it, though.

  40. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Mizhi: I hope it works out!!!! I would be so frustrated. That reminds me, I need to call insurance about getting my pump.

    we ordered the stuff off our Amazon registry yesterday! Made sure to do only Amazon so we could get the discount with Amazon Mom. Eek! It's getting so real.

    I got up like 5 times to pee last night...so over it!!!

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