Hellobee Boards


August 2016 moms!

  1. stratosphere

    apricot / 329 posts

    Hello ladies - checking in after a long hiatus. Work has just been crazy busy.

    Anatomy scan a few weeks ago went well - baby boy is measuring way ahead (especially his belly circumference!) so we're a bit concerned that it could be because I probably have GD again... My regular OB isn't moving my glucose test up earlier, though, so I have a few weeks until that torture.

    I'm down to taking one Diclegis a day to control the nausea--when I don't take any I still vomit. But it's still WAY better than last time, where I had HG until the hour after I delivered.

    Heartburn is out of control. I am also enormous compared to my first pregnancy, which is sad, because I thought I could get away with just wearing all the maternity clothes from the first time since this pregnancy is timed with a due date just one day different from my first, but I've already outgrown most of my maternity pants and dresses that are even semi-fitted, including the outfits I was happily wearing the week I delivered! I had to break down and get some new pants, but I've decided to try to mostly pair maternity tanks with my husband's over-sized starched shirts at work for a menswear inspired look to avoid buying more maternity tops.

    We have our babymoon coming up in two weeks and I'm insanely excited! Maui for 11 nights...heaven. I have been working like a maniac and haven't had a vacation in almost a year (we took a long weekend road trip to Tahoe in March but that involved a lot of vomiting by my toddler due to carsickness...reminder why we never take roadtrips anymore!). Our 20-month old is coming with us to Maui and I am so excited for her to play in the pools and on the beach. Not looking forward to the flights with her, but it's a direct flight each way and hopefully she naps in my arms for a good two hours of the flight! Mostly I'm hoping my husband will give me some lazy afternoon naps on the beach while he plays with our LO, and I'm angling for a mother's day gift of a pregnancy massage at the spa (fingers crossed he gets my hints! )

  2. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts


    April 22: pregnantbee - checkup; coopsmama - checkup
    May 4: Pirouette - checkup
    May 10: Pirouette - growth u/s
    May 12: mrschickpea- 28w checkup/ Rhogam
    May 12: agold - ob checkup

  3. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @mrschickpea: ugh, so sorry you didn't pass. I actually opted into the 3hr this time, because I failed the 1 hour last time and read that a high percentage of women do. So instead of doing both, I'm just going to jump to the 3hr. Pack yourself some good protein for immediately after- Lara bars, peanut or almond butter.
    I'm already planning my snacks and have a sitter booked for that afternoon, so I can sleep off my sugar crash.
    @stratosphere: ah! Prenatal massage sounds divine!

  4. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @mrschickpea: Oh no! I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this. Darn those few points!

    @stratosphere: Sorry to hear about your heartburn. I've been having it sporadically. I've never ever experienced before so it was quite shocking. I think I've pinned down mexican food as the culprit which is so sad becuase its basically all I ever want to eat. And lucky you! Maui! I hope you have a great time and get to take a few naps on the beach.

  5. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @mrschickpea: Oh no! I hope you pass the 3-hr. Can you bring something with you to eat immediately after to boost your blood sugar? I remember feeling so wonky even after just 2 hours

  6. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @stratosphere: So nice to hear from you Glad baby boy is ok, and I hope you don't have GD again. I hear ya on the maternity clothes. Stinks having to buy new clothes especially when only 3 months to go. Maybe you could buy a few new tops that would also work for post-partum? Luckily, I still fit into my pants, but I'm much bigger much faster this time around. Ugh!

    Hooray for your babymoon! Where in CA (in general) are you? There are at least 4 of us in CA, spanning the length of the state. I'm so so jealous of your trip to Maui. My husband and I adore it there. Can't wait to take our kids there someday.

  7. stratosphere

    apricot / 329 posts

    @OldpuebloJenn: Yes - I think even just having an hour to myself in a spa (even without a massage) would be amazing right now! LO is in full-on toddler needy phase right now; she is adorable, but it is exhausting!

    @agold: Thank you! Yes, I never have heartburn ever except when pregnant. Last time I only got it at the end, when my breech baby's noggin was shoving my stomach up into my lungs constantly. This time it started much earlier and has been so persistent. Basically no matter what I eat, I get heartburn about an hour after eating. Tums work pretty well on it, but I am just wondering if it's bad now at the half-way point, what will it be like at 36 weeks!?

    @pregnantbee: I'm in SF--I noticed we have quite the CA contingent on this due date board! I've never been to Maui and am so incredibly excited I can hardly contain myself. We went to the Big Island for our babymoon last time and it was wonderful (though only 4 days and I wanted MORE when we left!). We went back there with LO when she was 8 months old and loved it again. But DH insisted on trying a new island this time and I've heard such wonderful things about Maui. Honestly, Hawaii is such a paradise I bet you can't go wrong. In our pre-kids days DH and I were obsessed with travel - we spent all our discretionary income and vacation time on international travel. We love scuba-diving and would try to take at least one trip a year to some crazy exotic dive destination, so we've been to beach destinations from Egypt to the Great Barrier Reef to Thailand to Costa Rica to French Polynesia to Zanzibar to Bali to Cozumel to Raja Ampat, Indonesia. And I can honestly say that the beaches in Hawaii are as good as any I've visited anywhere else--and they're so easy to get to!!! (for us, a direct 5-hour flight instead of 24+ hours of painful flight transfers and layovers to get to some of the other spots we've visited). Don't get me wrong, Bora Bora was amazing. And Raja Ampat probably takes the cake. But so much more than Hawaii to make it worth all the extra time and $$ to get there? Just not sure about that! And certainly not with kids or while pregnant...

  8. Umberto

    grape / 75 posts

    @stratosphere: Oh man, you have my sympathies! I had all day nausea and horrible heartburn (no matter what I ate) right up to 22 weeks. It really was hell. I hope you get relief soon!

  9. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @stratosphere: try drinking a glass of apple juice or a shot of apple Cider vinegar before bed!

  10. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @koalahugz: i hope you have an easy time with it! My LO keeps going back and forth between wanting to train and loving her diapers, and I probably should have taken advantage of opportunities and trained her already, but for me, my big concern is she is super small for her age, and I just can't see her using a public restroom comfortably until she's a little bigger. so i kinda just don't want to deal with the hassle! but I do think she's going to want to train before she starts preschool in the fall, so we'll see. she took off her diaper when she woke up this morning and brought it to me (in bed! good morning mommy here's my wet diaper!) asking for a dry one, so I guess she's starting to be bothered more by being wet.

    @stratosphere: clothes are a frustration for me too. I thought i'd be able to get by with the same clothes from last time, but my body is just different this time. With my first, i carried very small and didn't get bigger anywhere else (other than my boobs). This time, I'm bigger everywhere, and my boobs are insane, so nothing fits right and yet i'm still too small for maternity clothes. so i feel like it's going to be one of those things where I don't fit into maternity clothes until june or july, but really need them by that point, and have to spend a lot of $ on clothes for such a short time. Not cool! SOOO jealous of your babymoon, sounds AMAZING!

  11. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @stratosphere: Hi! Nice to "see" you again Sorry to hear about the sickness and heartburn. You're babymoon sounds fabulous, and I'm sure much-needed!

    @mrschickpea: yuck, sorry you have to do the three-hour test -- I hope you pass with flying colors! Sounds like you were very close in the one-hour. I'll be doing my one-hour a week from Saturday. Hoping to get it out of the way quickly in the morning!

    My little guy has been so active this past week! Moving a lot, and I can see movement on the outside. So weird! Of course, every time I would try to get DH to feel, he'd stop moving. Stubborn already, haha. He finally felt some movement last night and it was so cute. H had the biggest smile and said, "I can't wait to hold him!"

  12. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Pirouette: My LO is fully day trained (she's 3.5), but it wasn't until around 3 that she was really interested in PT. She really likes her floor potty best (we also have two potty seats for her), so I was super stressed about her using a big potty in public. To my surprise, her only issue with public bathrooms is how loud they can be! I just hold her on the seat . . . she has never refused or had any problems in public. Pro Tip: get the TP ready before you put your LO on the seat . . . it can be hard to reach when you have both hands holding her up!

    @stratosphere: Heartburn sucks. I haven't gotten it too much this time, but I do feel ridiculously full for hours after I eat. And my little guy is breech too, so between the bladder bouncing (I swear he thinks it's a trampoline) and the full to the brim feeling, *augh* . . . and I'm only 23 weeks!

    @mrschickpea: Sorry about your test. *fx* that you pass the next one!

    @Pirouette: @stratosphere: My boobs are bigger this time (and I started out a 32D, so I was hoping they wouldn't balloon until my milk came in!), and my belly is bigger sooner. I'm doing okay in the clothes department (although there is a lot of room in the belly area on my dresses), but trying to dress the ladies has been challenging. I bought myself a new necklace this week . . . figured I would be able to wear it regardless of future weight gain (ha!), and it fits with my work "formula" of tank-style dresses/v-neck tops with a necklace to help break up the amount of skin showing.

  13. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @MrsSCB: The movement is so great! I wish my little guy would flip so that DH would be able to feel him move. His kicks are so low that it would take a pretty big one for DH to be able to feel it.

  14. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @MrsSCB: aww so sweet! isn't it the best? my guy has been active this week too! i LOOOOVE it! but with an anterior placenta, it'll be a bit longer before DH can feel it I think. This morning, my daughter put her hand on my belly and said "he's kicking me, i feel it!" but I'm pretty sure she was lying lol. I was telling her the other day how she used to kick like crazy so I guess she has it on her mind.

    @pwnstar: this is a huge relief to me, thanks! part of my fear stems from her refusal to sit on the potty attachment one - she'll only use the floor potty. and i'm not carrying around a floor potty everywhere we go! I'm not in a rush at all, but she doesn't really like having her diaper changed in public because she gets embarrassed that she doesn't use the bathroom like adults, so I think she might feel uncomfortable at preschool if most of the other kids are trained (it's not a requirement). but with LO2 coming right when she's starting, I might just let her start in diapers and see how it goes.

  15. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @pwnstar: @Pirouette: Yes, I love it! So fun, really makes it sink in that there's someone in there

    In other news, daycare is still an ongoing saga over here. I am starting to feel panicky. I am on the waitlist for one place, but they don't expect to have an opening until a couple months after we need it. I called another place in March, and they couldn't schedule a tour until May. Now I just saw on their website that their waitlist can be six months or more, and we'll have about six months left until daycare in May! I'm going to be pretty irritated if the waitlist is over six months, because I originally called them so long ago. Ugh, I never thought this would be so stressful. As if leaving my baby with someone else won't be stressful enough...

  16. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @MrsSCB: Ugh, I would keep calling and explain the situation. I know so many people that just have their name on a list but if you call and remind them you are serious sometimes things "open up"

  17. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @MrsSCB: Can you put down a deposit? Even if you decide to go with another center, at least then you'll be able to relax a bit more (and keep it in your back pocket as a Plan B).

  18. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @pwnstar: So maybe heartburn isn't what I am having. I am feeling like you: "ridiculously full for hours after I eat." Last week I had a cheese quesadilla with salsa at around 11 am. And I felt like it was filling up my stomach all the way up to my throat until like 10 pm that night. WTF is that???

    @pwnstar: @Pirouette: @stratosphere: And boobs. EVERTHING about my boobs is just looking huge right now. Not. A. Fan.

    @MrsSCB: So exciting that your husband felt your baby kick. That is one thing that i am dying to have happen. I keep putting my husband's hand on my stomach and saying "did you feel that one??" But he hasn't just yet.

    @MrsSCB: I'm so sorry about your daycare situation. I hope it gets sorted out so you don't have to worry about it too much.

  19. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: @pwnstar: Yeah, I should probably at least call back and ask how long the waitlist actually is currently. For some reason that didn't occur to me... But I may end up just putting down the deposit and hoping I like it. For $100, though, I'd really like to be able to visit first. Not sure why the tour situation is so complicated at this place. At another I called this morning, they just said, "Sure, drop in any time!" Much more sensible.

    @agold: It took a lot of tries! I kept telling him, "Oh, he's kicking a lot now!" and then DH would put his hand on my belly and...nothing. He's a little trickster already

    ETA: Just called and they said they'll have openings in january or february of next year. Ughhh, I should have just made the deposit and gotten on the list in March. The idea of doing that without even seeing the place didn't feel right, but now I'm kicking myself.

  20. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @agold: i know pregnancy and nursing boobs suck big time!

    @MrsSCB: when are you going back to work? can you register for january and then be on the waitlist for earlier? I'm sorry this situation is so stressful. it will work out!!

  21. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @Pirouette: I'm going back in November. I'd be fine with switching after a few months to get our "first choice" daycare. At this point I just need to actually find something to be second choice. Everywhere seems to think they won't have openings until 2017. It's probably time to start looking at in-home places, but that just seems like a whole other ballgame

  22. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    Ladies I am struggling, it's been a miserable week. I am sick AGAIN! Never dealt with so much mucus, every time I cough I throw up. I fell over yesterday, luckily my knee took the brunt and not the belly and I did something to my pelvis trying to change the sheets on my daughters bed and feel like my hooha is broken. @silva: @Pirouette: Is this the kind of pelvic pain you were talking about a few pages ago? What did you call it? I can totally make it another 14 weeks right?

  23. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @AprilFool: If you feel pain right in front, in the center, that's SPD - symphis pubic dysfunction. I'm sorry you're having such a tough time :(. Try to stay off your feet, and when you are standing, have both feet on the ground. If the pain doesn't get better, a back support has been helping me a ton. I can totally feel the difference when I don't wear it. http://www.amazon.com/Pregnancy-Back-Support-Maternity-Large/dp/B017GTPYIU?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00

  24. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @AprilFool: yeah, its pain low and in front- feels like its in my vagina sometimes. worse with exercise or if i cross my legs too much.

  25. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @AprilFool: I am trying to be more mindful of how I get in/out of the car (turn to the side and get up with both feet, rather than one at the time) or how I roll in bed (push with both feet instead of one), that kind of movement- basically you want to have your weight centered as much as possible. Try to avoid positions where you lean or put more weight on one side of your pelvis.

    I can really only exercise every other day at this point. And by exercise I mean my walks (45-60 min usually). On the days that I walk or do yard work I get a ton of braxton hicks that evening and often all the next day. I know they are probably harmless but they just freak me out. Time is dragging for me a little- can't believe I'm only 24 weeks. I feel huge and like I"m already waddling. WE have a lot to get done before the baby comes, so I'm trying to focus on that rather than feeling like I have been pregnant for EVER.

    Work has become frustrating. I stopped taking new clients at the beginning of the second trimester in part because I was very full, and in part because its not fair to take on new clients knowing I'll be going on leave soon. I still have a good number but many of them have been inconsistent in their attendance lately, and many of them are down to every other week. I knew this dwindling would happen- but I'm still paying rent on my office for 2 days a week- which isn't cheap! I think I"m going to drop to one day beginning in June and my clients will have to make it work with their schedule.

  26. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @AprilFool: Oh yuck! I've caught another cold too and its terrible. I dont even know what meds to take.

    Yes to the pain. Crossing my legs and sitting too long actually make it worse for me. Doing some stretching (sit like a butterfly) actually helps. Mine comes and goes so hopefully you dont have 14 weeks of it solid.

  27. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @MrsSCB: I would just show up and ask for a tour. If they say they are too busy for a tour (which I would be very surprised if they did), I would ask about registration and availability and all that. It might help. And let you know the real timeline with regard to openings in the infant room. I'm sorry it's so stressful!

    @AprilFool: That seriously sucks ass - it would be miserable even when you're not pregnant. And falling is just so damn scary. I'm sorry! I hope you catch a break, are able to rest, and find relief from the extra pressure.

    @agold: I seem to do better in the morning and afternoon with the fullness, but by dinner (which I guess is technically supper), anything I eat really seems to just sit there. It feels like it's right at the bottom of my throat and if I were to cough too hard it would all just come up. I ate with LO last night at 5:30, and I was still full--like just eaten full--when I went to bed at 11. The weird part is some nights I still feel compelled to eat (although I don't usually), like I feel full but am not really.

    @stratosphere: @Pirouette: @agold: Speaking of boobs, I had a good laugh at myself this morning. I put on a necklace that normally would lay flatter . . . now the very bottom piece is just sort of stuck in between mah cleavage. I have it fastened as tightly as possible and have all the slack pulled up in the back . . . but it's like they have their own gravitational pull. Ha! Ah well.

  28. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @AprilFool: I don't think it was me, but it sounds like the others have good info on this. I've never dealt with that before, but it sounds miserable I'm sorry you're sick again! my LO is sick again, and I'm losing my mind over here - between her and DH, we've only had 4 days in the past 5 weeks when both were healthy! not fair!

    @Silva: i'm sorry work has become so frustrating. i hope you can work it out going down to once a week!

    @pwnstar: hahaha i feel like my boobs are taking over my entire body. and they're so heavy lately! I swear i've gained several pounds in each boob

  29. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @stratosphere: Wheee! Without giving too much away, I'm kinda near you Will post on your wall with Gold and give you a way to chat with me privately since you're not Gold. Sucks about heartburn. I didn't have it most of last pregnancy except the last month or so. Then I'd eat tiny meals and still be completely and utterly full and feel like the food would reappear. UGH.

    Also, I had to buy pretty much all new maternity clothes this time b/c I started heavier. Wah!

    @MrsSCB: My girl has been having dance and gymnastic parties this week. I'm absolutely LOVING all the movement I'm so jealous of your SD trip. Looks like you had an amazing time. I hope everything in Houston is ok. Looks so scary on the news. My family and I just flew into Houston a couple weeks ago for a long weekend in Galveston. Great place to be.

    Ugh re: daycare. I'm sorry it's been so tough. I'm sure it will ultimately all work out. For what it's worth, we used an in-home daycare, and it's way less expensive than a center, and it was also more personal. It was the best for us

    @Pirouette: @pwnstar: I'm scared to have to potty train a girl! It seemed to take forever for my boy, but the one huge benefit is that he can pee standing up, so public restroom seat contact and holding is minimal. If the toilet is too high, I just hold him in the air. Works well for us.

    @AprilFool: Oh, no! Being sick while pregnant is the worst. And ouch! I also hope you heal quickly from pulling your groin.

    @T.H.O.U.: Boo re: cold. I'm sorry. It sucks b/c there isn't much to take. I lived on tea and honey for weeks.

    @pwnstar: Same thing happens to me with food. I feel like it will come back up, even if I don't eat that much. And HA re: boobs. Well, apparently necklace-in-cleavage is in b/c I've been watching the new show Billions, and every woman on there wears super low-cut v-neck shirts with stacked necklaces. The longest one disappears in the cleavage. So you're on trend!

  30. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    As for me, I had a good check-up this morning. Almost missed my appointment because I kept thinking it wasn't until an hour later. Oops! Baby is measuring ahead -- no wonder I feel like all of a sudden I'm all baby. I can't move the bump at all anymore. Her heartbeat was good, and I'm on track for weight, though I won't lie: the numbers are scary b/c I've never been this heavy in my life.

    A little Friday fun:

    What has been the best thing about your week?

    Today, FINALLY, DS was able to feel baby girl move! Over the last 2 weeks, every time I'd feel movement, I'd try to let him feel, then she would stop. It was the absolute sweetest thing on the planet to hear him giggle every time she blipped in there.

  31. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @pregnantbee: awww so sweet!!! This has been a rough week between lo being sick (a-freaking-gain!) and dh travelingall week and again next week but I'll go with more frequent movement from the little guy as the highlight. But dh cant feel it yet i dont think. Maybe by the time he's back next week.

    also, i thought the bonus of a boy was whenever dh is around he's on public restroom duty but standing up is definitely a perk too!

  32. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @Pirouette: Hang in there. 1 hour at a time if needed. Oh, and tons of screen time

  33. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @pregnantbee: haha you know, after weeks of being immobile and then sick, she is kinda over tv for the time being, despite being sick again! I wish she wanted to be lazy with me right now

  34. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @pregnantbee: I'm so glad you had a nice appointment. And that's nice your baby is measuring good. So my dumb OB didn't even tell me how my baby was measuring. I like specifics!! And weight gain. Darn. I'm going to get nervous about it too. But all we can do is our best!! Now... with that said.. my best is to just go cut a small piece of lemon cake from my work fridge and not a big or medium piece. And lucky you with your husband feeling your baby kick!

    My week has just been general! Nothing outstandingly "best". Husband worked overtime so I haven't really seen him since Saturday morning so I think the best is yet to come! He's home today and I can't wait to see him tonight!

  35. CoffeeMom

    cherry / 239 posts

    I haven't posted here in a while...I have a hard time keeping up! I hope everyone is doing well.

    I've been put on modified rest as of today. I started contracting a bit yesterday afternoon. It settled down overnight, but every time I'm up and moving around today the cramping picks back up. So it's rest for me until it settles down. It could be as short as a few days or it could be the rest of the pregnancy. Hoping that it's short! I have a 3 year old DD and have no idea how that would go. Positive thoughts are welcome!!

  36. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @CoffeeMom: Thanks for checking in. I'm so sorry you have to be in bed rest - temporary or through the end. Eye on the prize: it's best for baby. We can surely find ways to entertain you.

  37. CoffeeMom

    cherry / 239 posts

    @pregnantbee: Thank you! I know the end goal is a healthy baby, but I can't imagine how the next few months will go if this ends up being long term. I'm trying to stay positive and keep thinking this will be short lived.

  38. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @agold: I don't know numbers or anything -- just that baby girl is ahead. My preference is to cut a small piece of cake. And then 2 more after that one Doesn't count that way. Ha!

  39. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @pregnantbee: What about if after you cut the small piece of cake and eat it, then you learn that your office building is handing out hand-dipped ice cream cones downstairs in the lobby!! Yep. I'm eating one now.

  40. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @agold: Oh, I'd get one of those, too.

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