Welcome and congrats to our August 2016 moms.
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
Welcome and congrats to our August 2016 moms.
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
clementine / 928 posts
Cautiously joining
Location: Austin, Tx
EDD: 8/8
How far along: 3w5days
First child? Yes!
First doctor appointment: n/a Office is out for holiday until Monday. Just found out I am pregnant!
Any symptoms so far? Cramping, headache, watery CM for a few days, bloating (my hands! ) heartburn, and dry mouth.
Who have you told? Just DH and the lovely Bees
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@mrschickpea: yay! I think I'm going to wait until Monday when I get my first HCG results back, but hopefully I'm joining you soon!
apricot / 382 posts
Cautiously joining as well! Congrats @mrschickpea! Fingers crossed for you @silva!
Location: Central California
EDD: August 2, 2016
How far along: 4 weeks!
First child? Nope.... 3rd! I have a 3 year old and a 1.5 year old.
First doctor appointment: This Wednesday, 12/2.
Any symptoms so far? The nausea is already hitting, as is the crazy bloat!
Who have you told? Just DH. This pregnancy was a big shock for us so we are still a bit stunned and it is definitely going to be a bit before we share with anyone else.
clementine / 928 posts
@Silva: @dcw6411: Congrats to you both as well! Had blood draws yesterday just for thyroid and it looks like the baby sucked up most of my TSH already Had to really up my dose! I'm 4w1d today!
First nurse appointment with procedures and questions is 12/22 and 1st ultrasound is 12/29. I'm still very cautious but so excited that we could finally GET pregnant!
pea / 10 posts
Haven't been on here in a long time!
Location: Toronto, Canada
EDD: Aug 5 (based on lmp) or Aug 11 (based on rough ovulation) depends on what doctor goes by and how baby measures at Ultrasound! ill update once I know 100%
How far along:3W 6D or 4W 5D again depends on EDD
First child? yes
First doctor appointment: Dec 14! then I can book an ultrasound
Any symptoms so far? just sore boobs!
Who have you told? only DH knows. I was to wait till first ultrasound! we had a miscarriage in august so it was hard re telling everyone. so we decided to wait till first ultrasound.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
Location: Indianapolis Indiana
EDD: August. we aren't really sure.
How far along: 3 or 4 weeks
First child? Nope 3
First doctor appointment: January 13th
Any symptoms so far? Apparently I glow.
Who have you told? DH, my mum, a close friend of mine and Hellobee.
I am pretty nervous not having a precise date. My betas came in today at 204.5
kiwi / 595 posts
Cautiously joining! Eep!
Location: Tucson, AZ
EDD: 8/16
How far along: 3w6d
First child: no, 2nd DD is 3
First doctor appointment: we need to decide if we are doing midwife or ob this time around. So I haven't called anyone.
Any symptoms: boob soreness, sleepy.
Who have I told: DH, and two friends who've been very supportive during our m/c and ttc.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
My first hcg test was today, number is 506. I think I'm 17 dpo so that's a good number, but doesn't mean much on its own. Another blood draw Wednesday, and hopefully it's increasing appropriately!
clementine / 928 posts
@Silva: roll call woman!
@OldpuebloJenn: *waves* Hooray Nov POAS ladies! Glad you got another chance so soon!
cherry / 239 posts
Very cautiously joining! I've been lurking and reading for a long time, but finally decided to join
Location: NC
EDD: 8/2/16
How far along: 6w1d
First child? Second
First doctor appointment: 1/5/16
Any symptoms so far? Fatigue, nausea, cramping, bloat
Who have you told? Just my husband, and now here!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
my second hcg test came back well, it more than doubled in 48 hours (from 506 to 1551)!
Location: northeast, u.s.
EDD: August 11
How far along: 4 weeks 6 days
First child? No, I have a daughter who turns 3 in April.
First doctor appointment: we have an ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 23!
Any symptoms so far? Fatigue, bloating, sore breasts and sensitive nipples
Who have you told? A few close friends and my mom
coconut / 8472 posts
I got a today, so I'm going to cautiously join in here.
NW of Boston
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Will schedule after a few more positives.
Any symptoms so far?
OMG, so many symptoms. Cramping, tender breasts, fatigue, loss of appetite, increased peeing, and a tiny bit of nausea. I didn't have MS with DS, so I'm hoping this pregnancy is the same.
Who have you told?
Just DH.
apple seed / 1 posts
Location: Northeast
EDD: 8/15/2016
How far along: 4w5 days?
First child? Yes!
First doctor appointment: 1st u/s is Dec 28! HCG today was 629, up from 215 on Tuesday when I found out!
Any symptoms so far? Sore breasts, some things taste different, and I cried easily over something silly last week!
Who have you told? DH. dying to tell someone, but waiting to tell our parents at xmas.
persimmon / 1281 posts
Location: Trinidad, Caribbean
EDD: August 13
How far along: 5 weeks
First child? Second
First doctor appointment: no idea, just found out today!
Any symptoms so far? acne & cramping
Who have you told? DH, mom and one of my girlfriends
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
How's everyone feeling? I'm pretty tired, and if I go to long without eating I feel nauseas and lightheaded- like I'm way more impacted by low blood sugar. It's required a lot of planning on my part because I have celiac disease and there isn't always something I can eat! Yesterday I had to make an emergency exit from a 3 year olds birthday party to drive to the health food store for a gluten free grilled cheese. I then ate it in like two minutes flat.
apricot / 382 posts
@silva I have celiac too and have the same issues plus extreme nausea. Lately I don't leave the house without at least a gf snack bar and some nuts in my purse. If I can keep a steady stream of food then it seems to help my nausea, but it's so hard to find gfree food sometimes. How is everyone else feeling? We had a bleeding scare and ended up at the ER, but it looks like things are ok for now. Fingers crossed!
coconut / 8472 posts
@Silva: I'm having a ton of exhaustion and morning sickness. I didn't have morning sickness with LO1 except for about a day, so this is bizarre. You should carry some little boxes of raisins with you. They'll help to quickly raise your blood sugar and be nutritions, and no gluten.
apricot / 329 posts
Just got my third HCG level and levels are rising appropriately, so cautiously joining in now!
Location: San Francisco, CA
EDD: August 14 (based on LMP) or August 19 (based on day I actually ovulated) - will see what doctor decides to use at my first prenatal appointment and update.
How far along: 4 w 3 d (according to ovulation date)
First child? 2nd (DD is 16 months)
First doctor appointment: January 8
Any symptoms so far? Mild so far - a bit of faint nausea that comes and goes; fatigue.
Who have you told? DH and my best friend - that's it until our first ultrasound.
I had HG with my first pregnancy, though the true misery didn't kick in until 6 weeks, almost to the day. I am hoping so hard that I get to avoid HG this time, though just in case I am eating as much different healthy food now before it kicks in as last time there were weeks when all I could keep down were clementines and spaghetti-O's on toast. Not exactly the building blocks of champions.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@Silva: I have celiac too. Food is such a challenge.
I saw my doctor today because I am considered high risk because of heart issues and previous preterm babies. We also got a due date of August 12! I am almost 100% sure we won't make it to August but I hope we do. My ultrasound went well but it was too soon to see the heartbeat.
clementine / 928 posts
@Silva: I have nausea that comes and goes, especially when I haven't eaten. I'm hypothyroid though so I have to take my pill and wait 45 minutes to eat so it's causing some issues when I wake up I'm 6w1d so I'm still waiting to see if MS kicks in at full force. Other than that just tired and I get super bloated at the end of the day before bed.
apricot / 382 posts
@silva, @mrsrcar: crazy all three of us have Celiac. It is becoming more and more common. It is nice to know you ladies understand the food challenges!
@stratosphere: I had HG with my first (girl), but not my second (boy). This one seems to be a repeat of my first, and I have been vomiting around the clock. Fingers crossed that it skips you this round!
We had our first ultrasound last week and saw a heartbeat. Baby is measuring right on track! Yay!
pomelo / 5257 posts
A bit nervous but cautiously joining in here. I just got my BFP today but I'm pretty sure I'm already about six weeks!
Location: Texas
EDD: August 9 (one week after my bday!)
How far along: about six weeks
First child? Yes!
First doctor appointment: Thursday
Any symptoms so far? Not too much -- most unusual is horrible skin. I rarely break out normally! And insomnia, but I get that generally sometimes. No MS (knock on wood) but I think my appetite is actually smaller...
Who have you told? DH
Hi everyone!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@MrsSCB: Holy cow I just saw you comment on the other thread and my jaw dropped! HUGE congrats to you! I am sooooo excited for you!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@travellingbee: Thank you, I really appreciate it!! I think it's still sinking in, but I'm pretty excited
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
Also cautiously joining!! Was such a bummer having to remove myself from the March 2016 moms thread
Location: Boston area
EDD: 8/18
How far along: 4w6d!
First child? Nope - DD turns 3 in May.
First doctor appointment: I'm not bothering to have hcg done this time.. I did last time and everything looked great until the first u/s. Sooo first appointment is my viability ultrasound on 12/31 - I'll be 7w.
Any symptoms so far? Extreme fatigue but I don't know if that's related to pregnancy or not
Who have you told? Too many people, even after swearing I would tell nobody after my loss! DH, my parents (not his), and 2 friends.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
My husband is home on vacation this week (he's in residency so he just gets assigned vacation time). I'm going to be struggling when he's back at work and I'm home with our daughter again. I slept from 9:30-8:30 last night, and then took a nap from 11-noon. Seriously. How is it even possible for a person to sleep that much.
I'd forgotten how brutal the fatigue can be. Even after all that sleep my body just feels exhausted.
Walks and fresh air help if I can motivate, so hopefully I will get one in this afternoon.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@Silva: Thank you!! That's really nice your H can be home for at least a little bit -- I know a resident's schedule can be crazy. I hear you on the exhaustion -- sometimes it feels like I got hit by a bus, and yet I'm still having trouble sleeping somehow. I can't imagine looking after another LO at the same time!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@dcw6411: @MrsRcCar: I was just diagnosed a year ago. I ate soooo many bagels my first pregnancy. Luckily I spent the summer learning how to grow a GF sourdough starter and now can make decent bagels (they are chewy!). Takes some effort, but worth it,
@MrsSCB: luckily he will be done in June and starts his " real" job in July. We waited a while to TTC again because I was like "no more babies in residency!"
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@Silva: can you wall me your recipe? I love bagels but I haven't found a good gf one yet.
I go to meet the doctor who will be following my case on Friday. Hoping to get another ultrasound Friday or early next week. I had one Wednesday but it was a bit early to see the heartbeat.
pomelo / 5257 posts
I have my first appointment today and I'm a bit nervous... Partly because I don't feel all that different (other than fatigue and my lovely "glow" aka terribly oily skin/acne lol). Also, I know it wouldn't be unusual to not find a heartbeat this early but I still think it would make me anxious...FTM jitters I guess!
@MrsRcCar: will that be a separate doctor in addition to your OB?
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@MrsSCB: ooh you're getting an ultrasound today? What time! Good luck! My first one is 2 weeks from today, feels like an eternity
pomelo / 5257 posts
@JoJoGirl: 11:30 (central time). When I called to make an appointment, the receptionist said, "we have Dec. 17 at 11:30, or sometime after Jan. 11." So I grabbed the first one, haha. Now I'm wondering if it's too early, though? Guess I'll find out soon enough!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@JoJoGirl: I think about 6w2d. They said they like to do the first appointment between six and eight so I'm just squeaking in there!
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@MrsSCB: Yeah! I think if your dates are accurate you should be able to see something. I just asked this question a couple of days ago
pomelo / 5257 posts
@JoJoGirl: Thanks, I will cross my fingers then! I know the exact date my last AF started, but I've been having really wonky cycles and have no idea when I ovulated...so I'm interested in whatever details they can tell me, haha.
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