pomelo / 5257 posts
No heartbeat yet I'm trying not to be concerned because the doc thinks I probably ovulated late, which would put me at not even six weeks. There was a gestational sac with a yolk sac, so that's good at least.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@MrsSCB: It's REALLY early!!!! Are they doing another ultrasound next week?
pomelo / 5257 posts
@JoJoGirl: They didn't have an appointment until Jan. 5, so that's when I'll be going back. Actually, the receptionist first tried to make it for Saturday (so...only two days later) but I told her that seemed a bit soon. At this point I'd rather wait to get more certain information than go back and hear, "Oh, it's still early, let's keep waiting," you know?
coconut / 8472 posts
@MrsSCB: My RE doesn't do ultrasounds until 7w because it's just too hit or miss as to whether you'll see the heartbeat before then. I know it's really tough to wait though :(.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@ShootingStar: Yeah, that seems much more sensible! In retrospect, I probably should have gone for a later appointment. I think I just got over-excited, haha. But I'm trying not to stress. I also just got an email a minute ago with my test results that says: "The test results from your recent visit are as follows: Your pregnancy hormone levels are currently reassuring. We look forward to seeing you at your upcoming visit." Kind of weird wording...but I guess it sounds good?
coconut / 8472 posts
@MrsSCB: Haha, I was the opposite when booking my appointment. I have long cycles and I know I ovulated way late and I almost lied to them on the phone when they asked my LMP date. I was like "ok it's 11/5, but I'm only 4 weeks along, please don't book me based on LMP." And of course everything gets screwey with Christmas, so my appointment isn't until I'm 8w.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
Location: Idaho
EDD: 8/11
How far along: 6 weeks, 1 day
First child? Nope. My third!
First doctor appointment: I have no idea. This is probably just because I'm a third time mom but I have no desire to call and make an appt until after the holidays - life is just so crazy right now and this pregnancy is definitely on the back burner until after the 1st of the year! I'll be going with the same midwife group I used last time though.
Any symptoms so far? Yes. Cramping the first few weeks, and the all day nausea has arrived the past few days. And nothing sounds good to eat.
Who have you told? DH, HelloBee, a few ladies from my neighborhood (not close friends - just mentioned in passing) and one of my best friends from college. We always tell each other the day we find it.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@ShootingStar: The holidays definitely throw things off a little -- I assume that's why I couldn't make another appointment until the 5th! In the future, I'm going to wait until the last possible moment for the first one, lol.
@coopsmama: Hi, congrats!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
August 2016 Mamas
August 2: dcw6411 (#3), coffeemom (#2)
August 5: mrsgiraffe (#1)
August 8: mrschickpea (#1)
August 9: mrsscb (#1)
August 11: silva (#2), coopsmama (#3)
August 12: mrsrccar (#3)
August 13: glitter (#2)
August 14: stratosphere (#2)
August 15: gracey19015 (#1)
August 16: oldpueblojenn (#2)
August 18: jojogirl (#2)
August 22: shootingstar (#2)
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
I *think* I got the due date list completed accurately, but I'm sorry if I accidentally left someone off. I also saw that a few of you weren't sure on due dates since your O date would put you at something different than LMP but I did it by LMP until you decide you want it updated further.
cherry / 239 posts
I'm still feeling exhausted and nauseous on and off all day long. This is so completely different from my first pregnancy! I had no fatigue and very little nausea, so I have to wonder if it's because I have a toddler this time around or if it's just differences between pregnancies. Has anyone found anything that helps with the almost constant nausea?
pineapple / 12234 posts
Location: Washington state
EDD: 8/25
How far along: around 4 weeks, 4 days?
First child? Noooo. 4th!
First doctor appointment: I haven't made it yet.
Any symptoms so far? Cramping, nauseous, tired
Who have you told? Just HB and a few best friends
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@CoffeeMom: basically eating constantly. Like nibbling on crackers. Ginger ale or ginger tea helped me some, too.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@CoffeeMom: my boss, who is now 23 weeks, had horrible nausea in the first tri and said the only thing that helped was having snacks on hand all the time. Like she literally carried an extra bag full of snacks everywhere she went, lol. I think usually carb-y, simple things. I hope you start feeling better!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@CoffeeMom: Eating constantly, especially high protein snacks, is the best thing because it keeps blood sugar levels up. I also carry Altoids with me everywhere when pregnant and when I have a bad wave of nausea I pop two or three and usually the strong mint taste helps me to avoid vomiting. That's worked with this pregnancy so far and the last but with my first almost nothing worked.
cherry / 239 posts
@Silva: @MrsSCB: @coopsmama: Thank you I've tried eating more frequently today, and it does seem to help. I hope all of you are doing well!!
pineapple / 12234 posts
@CoffeeMom: unfortunately nothing helped me the last few pregnancies. I'm getting Zofran asap with this pregnancy.
persimmon / 1281 posts
Hey everyone! I hope all mamas and babies are doing well!
Had our first ultrasound on Thursday (2 days ago) at 5 wks 5 days. We weren't able to hear a heartbeat but we saw the sac and thankfully it's in the right place (not ectopic). Was really exciting because my mom and siblings n nephews flew in for the weekend so that was some awesome news!! The fatigue has surely kicked in as well as off and on nausea. So far, still much more bearable than the first pregnancy, or perhaps I'm too busy chasing a toddler (G is 19 months old) to focus on how I feel!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@HLK208: Does the Zofran take care of the persistent underlying nausea (and thus the vomiting) or does it mostly just stop you from vomiting but the nausea is still present? Does that question even make sense?
pineapple / 12234 posts
@coopsmama: I wasn't as nauseous on Zofran (I know they say it just helps with the vomitting). But for me, certain scents would make me lose it before I was on Zofran. I could tolerate those scents better while taking it so I personally think it helps all around!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@HLK208: Shoot, I don't think it would work for me then.
I feel so crummy you guys!! Ack. The food aversions are here in full force and the nausea is 24/7.
I already think this is a boy haha because I was realllllly sick with DS and not so much with DD and man do I feel poorly!
Anyone else? Any updates?
clementine / 928 posts
7w tomorrow no morning sickness yet for me. I do get waves of nausea during the day though. I've been craving healthy, mostly vegetarian foods and then mashed potatoes I've developed a few lovely pimples on my chest in the past few days
and I get super bloated at the end of the day. Our first OB appt is Tuesday, but it's just to meet with a nurse and do blood work and paperwork I think. Our ultrasound will be next week!
pomelo / 5257 posts
Not too much new to report here -- thankfully no real nausea yet, except in the morning when I first wake up and am starving. I am finding a few foods unappealing though. Actually, the day before I found out, I told my DH his suggestion of sandwiches for dinner was "physically repulsive." When I got the BFP I thought, "hmm, that makes sense," haha. Lots of trouble sleeping, which is great for my exhaustion but overall feeling good. Next appointment is Jan. 5!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
I'm anxiously awaiting our ultrasound on Wednesday. I feel really crappy, but after my miscarriage this fall I just can't quite believe I'm pregnant yet. I'm hoping that if the ultrasound goes well I will feel more into it, and more excited/happy!
I'm nauseous most of the day, and have to force myself to eat. I haven't thrown up, and have only come close a couple times, but it's usually remedied by very large burps (gross).
The fatigue is killing me, especially because we are hosting Christmas this year and have so much to do to get ready. I move like one box around or sweep one room, and feel like I need a nap. Fresh air and exercise helps quite a bit, but it's nearly impossible to motivate!
Also lots of bloating. I can't really wear most of my regular pants anymore, but my maternity stuff is still a little big/falls down a bit. Luckily I'm home most of the time, and so leggings are totally acceptable.
kiwi / 595 posts
Is anyone sharing your news with family this week because of holidays?
My parents fly in tomorrow and we told DD and bought her a "Big Sister" shirt to wear to the airport. We'll only be 6 weeks tomorrow, and I feel trepidatious after our m/c in June...but my mom will totally know any ways if I'm not drinking.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: my parents know already. My husband is going to tell his after the ultrasound Wednesday. We will see extended family this weekend, and I'm not sure whAt we will do. Me not drinking is super obvious...
We are going to try not to tell our daughter until 12 weeks because I think she will tell everyone she meets.
coffee bean / 27 posts
Dipping my toe in, as we had a chemical pregnancy a few months ago:
Location: Northern VA
EDD: 8/13 based on LMP; expect to update this after first ultrasound
How far along: in my 6th week
First child? No, 2nd.
First doctor appointment: 1/4/16.
Any symptoms so far? Tired, morning sickness, light cramps, bad skin
Who have you told? Just husband, doctor, and the lady who handles the waitlist at DD#1's daycare! ha ha.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: we won't be home for Christmas so I think we'll hold out a little longer. If we were seeing family we'd probably have to say something! I'm considering waiting till mid-February, when we go to my grandma's 90th bday celebration, so we can tell in person.
@LittlePinkHouses: welcome and congrats! I grew up in NoVa -- all my family is still there
clementine / 928 posts
We are still debating telling family even though we will see them over New Years. We will tell my best friends since we are hosting them both for Christmas and it's been hard enough not saying anything up until now If anything should happen, those are the only people I would want support from anyway due to family dynamics and with how private DH and I are. We may wait until 12 weeks for family in January.
cherry / 239 posts
@Silva: I'm glad that I'm not the only one who has considered wearing maternity pants because of the bloat! My regular pants are definitely getting uncomfortable, but I'm trying to hold out until we hear the heartbeat.
We've only told my aunt and my husbands dad (both will keep quiet until we are ready to tell more). We are super cautious since I had a m/c before I had DD. It's hard to keep my mouth shut though!!
persimmon / 1281 posts
@Silva: sorry you're feeling crappy! Hopefully after your ultrasound you hear the heartbeat and that excitement balances out the crappy
I'm having a not-so-great day myself. So exhausted I've barely been able to pay my toddler any attention. Lying down now for 3 hours and not feeling any more rested than before.
persimmon / 1281 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: my family all flew in for a week (left today) and it was great giving them the news in the midst of the season's excitement! I love that big sister shirt idea!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@Glitter: I have to take a nap with my toddler now. We got about 90 minutes in today. It's the only way I make it to bed time. Outdoor time helps a lot, too. It was gross and kind of rainy here today, and I still just forced us out for playing and a walk.
In other news, I would do a lot of terrible things for a baked potato with butter, sour cream, salt and pepper, and chives right now. Somehow we don't have any potatoes in the house.
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