pomelo / 5257 posts
@agold: definitely hard with the holidays. I went shopping yesterday and was grabbing apples, avocados, granola bars, just trying to fill the house with healthy snacks so at least I'm not going for the chocolates and caramel popcorn and everything we have lying around
I feel you on the testing temptation. I'm sure if we still had any around the house I'd be using them, but I already used them all...
apricot / 382 posts
@mrschickpea: I don't have IBS, but my hormones are also causing digestive issues for me. One day I am backed up and then next I have cramping and loose stools. Yuck. I hope you find some relief soon.
@struggleisreal: Congrats and good luck at your ultrasound tomorrow!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@CoffeeMom: Thanks. I'm going to stop it with the pregnancy tests. I already have an appointment on the books for wednesday so I'm just going to leave it at that.
@struggleisreal: Thanks, lady. I'm so excited for your ultrasound tomorrow!
@MrsSCB: Yes, I"m going to stop but why oh why did I purchase a box of three tests!?! Two in my house is going to drive me crazy.
@mrschickpea: I don't have IBS but I have often had digestive issues. On Christmas Eve, I had quite a few desserts and I was tooting up a storm! I had to keep excusing myself or sneak off somewhere. So horrible!
clementine / 928 posts
@agold: Yes, he's going! He's a teacher so we were lucky that my 8th week fell on his winter holiday break
clementine / 928 posts
@dcw6411: Thank you! Yesterday was better, hopefully it stays that way!
@agold: LOL! Oh the gas! Its so irritating. I made the mistake of having some delicious bacon and brussels sprouts on Christmas Eve and I definitely paid for it that night, it was terrible
coffee bean / 48 posts
@JoJoGirl: I have one in a couple hours! So nervous. Supposed to be about 8w. If it goes well, I'll officially join this board How are you? Do you have one this week?
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@struggleisreal: Yay, good luck! Yes mine is on Thursday at 7w. Also nervous.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@struggleisreal: good luck today, I hope all goes well!!
My next US is not until a week from Tuesday and the wait is tough! I'm nervous because it was too early to see anything besides a yolk sac at my first so I'm really just wanting to see a heartbeat.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
So many ultrasounds soon! How fun. I'm so excited to hear about some exciting and calming results.
I've not even scheduled my first appt yet but going to do that today or tomorrow so nothing on the calendar for me yet! Hoping for an appt at 10 weeks. (7w4d now.)
pomelo / 5257 posts
Has anyone given any thought to genetic testing yet? At my first appointment they outlined our options: No testing at all, a blood test that will screen for various issues, or an extra-fancy blood test that can also determine the sex (Counsyl). We're definitely at least going to do the basic blood test. As for the Counsyl test, we love the idea of knowing the sex so early, buuuuuut....if it's not covered by insurance, it costs $350. And I seriously doubt my insurance will cover it. I'll definitely call and ask, but it's my understanding that the fancy blood tests aren't generally covered unless you are of "advanced maternal age" or have certain risk factors.
Any second (or more ) time moms have experience with this?
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@MrsSCB: Me! We did the "fancy" test with our first (Maternit-21). We didn't pay a dime for it because I am AMA. So there was no downside. We were team green so didn't care about gender, but liked the idea of knowing about any potential health issues as early as possible (10 weeks). Otherwise it could have been as late as 13-14 weeks with the NT scan or maybe even 20 weeks with the anatomy scan. Also doing the genetic tests meant it was less likely we'd have to do a more invasive test like amnio or CVS.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@mrschickpea: Teachers always have the best schedule. I'm so happy he can go with you tomorrow.
@JoJoGirl: There are ultrasounds almost every day this week, I think! Mine is on Wednesday. Good luck with yours on Thursday! I'll be 6 weeks and some days (based upon my very unscientific calculation) and I'm so nervous too!
@struggleisreal: I can't wait for you to officially join this group!
@MrsSCB: At what point did you have your first ultrasound? I had my first last week which was 5 weeksish and I only saw gestational sac and yolk sac also.
@coopsmama: I love that you aren't hyped up about scheduling a first ultrasound. I hope your calmness can wear off on me.
@MrsSCB: I haven't given too much thought about genetics testing, although I generally lean towards no testing. But I'd love to hear others' input on this.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@JoJoGirl: That is great that it was covered! I definitely want to know about any health issues, so at the very least we'll be doing the more basic test. I'm so impatient I also really want to know the sex ASAP haha. Are you going to be TG again?
If the out of pocket cost for the Counsyl test was more like $100, I would totally do it. $350 just seems a little silly for the sole purpose of finding out the sex, since the other test would reveal any health issues....But I'm so curious! It would be really fun to be able to tell our families whether it's a boy or a girl at the same time we reveal the pregnancy.
@agold: If I went strictly by the date of my last period I would have been 6 weeks and 2 days. But my average cycle was about 37 days, so my doc thinks I likely ovulated late. I won't get an EDD until my next appointment.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@MrsSCB: To us it was more than just health issues, it could reveal the potentially fatal disorders (trisomy) or not fatal but important (Downs, etc). For us it was more about planning interventions than finding out something for convenience sake. But yeah $350 seems like a lot if you aren't worried about it!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@agold: Wellllll, I promised myself I wouldn't call until after the holidays because every day had something going on until after the 1st and even then I know my midwife's office (nurse midwife, hospital affiliated) doesn't have anyone come in until 9 weeks because she only sees low risk patients. It's also my third and I think now after a few pregnancies I've just realized that what will be will be and an early ultrasound won't change anything. And I want to wait until a certain date for the first appt so that DH can come with me, too!
@MrsSCB: We won't be pursuing any testing. The NT test isn't the most reliable and I've had so many friends get false positives I'm just not even going that route. If I were AMA (I'm ten years too young for that) and insurance would cover the other ones I'd go for it just to have knowledge/info but that said testing wouldn't change our mind on keeping a pregnancy.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@JoJoGirl: oh our first priority is to know about the possibility of Down's syndrome, trisomy or any chromosomal issues -- I want to have time to prepare for anything. It's just that the test that is covered by my insurance can tell us that. If we needed the more expensive test to find out those things we would for sure do it!
@coopsmama: hmm, I hadn't heard about false positives. I'll definitely ask my doc about that...
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@MrsSCB: False positives with the NT scan! The Counsyl test doesn't get false positives
coffee bean / 48 posts
Soooooo, great u/s this morning! Heard the heartbeat, everything looks good. I got behind myself of what week I'm on - ha! Now 9w2d. Technically due at the very end of July.Had the first official intake appointment where she gave me all the forms for various testing. I'm AMA and want all the tests, so I'll be going that route. Will first check with insurance to make sure they cover the early noninvasive genetic testing before going ahead with that.
So, yeah. Baby. This one might be real
Good luck to everyone -- hope your scans are great!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@MrsSCB: Yes with the NT! Not the newer, blood tests. @JoJoGirl: is right.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@coopsmama: You have such cool experienced pregnancy swagger!! I lean towards your way of thinking of genetics testing. For a lot of issues a baby could possibly be born with, there's no preparations that need to be made. I assume that things that need to be prepared for, like a heart defect, would show up on a regular ultrasound. *Assume* is the key word there because i really don't know!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@struggleisreal: Woo hoo! Congrats on a great ultrasound!! Will you stay in this due date group or move to July?
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
So just throwing in my .02 here. Have a close friend who found trisomy in her baby at 12 weeks with genetic testing. Wouldn't have shown up until anatomy scan I think at 20 weeks, if at all. She'd have had a stillborn, trisomy babies cannot go to term. She had to deliver at 16 weeks Was so heartbreaking. So i just am always one to err on the side of getting any tests available to save myself future heartbreak if they do find something early.
coffee bean / 48 posts
@agold: Thank you! I like you ladies and think I still want to stay here if you'll have me. I was 2 days late with my son. If I'm 2 days late this time, that brings me to Aug
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@JoJoGirl: It's absolutely not true that trisomy babies can't go to term. Down Syndrome is a trisomy chromosomal disorder and the majority of those babies that are allowed (I say allowed because it is much more common for them to be terminated these days) to gestate go on to have happy and healthy deliveries. Other trisomy disorders like Edwards have a much lower (incredibly rare) live birth rate but it does happen.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@coopsmama: The disorder she had was I think just called trisomy, but meant the baby had 3 copies of EVERY chromosome (not just one chromosome like with Downs) - definitely fatal in her case. I just may have the name wrong.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@JoJoGirl: @coopsmama: that makes more sense! Looking at my paperwork, it seems there's a sensitivity difference as well. The blood test that is covered picks up 91 percent of Down's, for example, and the Counsyl blood test picks up 99. So I guess we need to weigh how we feel about that percentage difference. Lots to think about.
@struggleisreal: Yay, I'm so glad it went well! Congrats!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@JoJoGirl: oh okay! I was going to say - my field works directly with trisomy disordered children so I know that info couldn't be factual but that said, in your poor friend's case, that must be exceptionally rare! âšī¸ I've never heard of such a thing and just tried googling for more info and nothing came out past the more common syndromes! Wow, so very sad.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@coopsmama: I did too, but also couldn't find anything beyond the common trisomies 18, 21 etc. Yes it was horrible for her!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@MrsSCB: I sure wish they would just cover the better tests. It's so frustrating! I know $$$...but still!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@struggleisreal: yes! stay! I was hoping you would.
I agree that there are many different forms of trisomies. And I don't think the doctors can require someone to terminate a pregnancy early. Trisomy babies can have great pregnancies and deliveries and its devastating that some don't survive the delivery, but I still think I would carry to full term. Obviously this is such a personal choice. And this is such a sad topic anyways! Let's move on!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@struggleisreal: Did you hear the heartbeat or get a picture at your ultrasound?
cherry / 239 posts
@struggleisreal: I'm so glad that your ultrasound went well!
@coopsmama: I don't have my first appointment with my midwife until next week. I'll be ten weeks then. I could have scheduled an earlier appointment, but decided to wait because of the holidays. I figured that there's not a lot she could do at this point if something went wrong. I assume my first ultrasound will be soon after that appointment. With my first, the only ultrasound I had was the anatomy scan at 20 weeks. This time I'm AMA, so will probably opt for a bit more monitoring.
pear / 1718 posts
Hello Lovelies! Cautiously joining
EDD: Aug.18.2016
How far along: 6w5d
First child? Second. DD is 3
First doctor appointment: Confirmation appt is Jan 4; First u/s is Jan 6. I tried really hard to get an earlier appt. due to the surprising turn of events for this pregnancy. I just want to see the HB so I can relax a wee bit.
Any symptoms so far? Constant nausea and headaches, and being pretty wiped out by about 8 p.m.
Who have you told? Just my close girlfriends, and one family friend. We will tell family after we see a HB. *fx*
coconut / 8472 posts
@agold: We did MaterniT21 with our first pregnancy and I plan to do it again. We did have a false positive on the NT scan and luckily I'd had the blood test done first so they could discount what they were possibly seeing on the ultrasound (slight thickness on the back of the neck.)
I'm 37 and I ovulated late, so I'm a little worried about the quality of the egg. Plus I agree with @JoJoGirl: and I think knowledge is power.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@ShootingStar: That sounds like a great and helpful outcome for that specific blood test. I suppose time will tell as for what I will end up doing. I'm just praying right now that this baby i'm growing is actually growing!
@pwnstar: Hi and welcome! Your January 4th appointment will be here before you know it. That's just this upcoming Monday. What were your surprising turn of events? I hope everything is okay!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
Saw the heartbeat today at our ultrasound. I am finally feeling better about this pregnancy. The baby looked great with a heartbeat of 126.
We are doing genetic testing. There are too many unknowns in my family because my dad is adopted as was my grandmother. I am interested to see how it goes. DH got to come to this ultrasound which was awesome because I was beyond nervous about it.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MrsRcCar: Woo hoo on hearing the heartbeat! I'm sure that is such a relief. I'm so glad you are feeling better now!
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