coconut / 8472 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: We already told my parents, and we'll tell DH's family on Christmas. I probably wouldn't tell his family this soon if we weren't going to see them, but oh well. Also, they're having food for Christmas that I can't eat now that I'm pregnant, and I'm going to have to bring my own food which is going to look super weird without an explanation.
persimmon / 1281 posts
@coopsmama: I felt terrrrrrible with DS too! This time I have some bad moments but it's still much better than last time around. Hopefully that means it's a girl lol
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@Silva I'm also anxiously awaiting our ultrasound next week. I'm not really even allowing myself to think I'm pregnant until we have it, after the missed m/c in July. Def not telling anyone until after.
Anyone else not having any symptoms? I'm 6w tomorrow and feel nothing. maybe my boobs are a little tender? Trying not to get nervous
persimmon / 1281 posts
@JoJoGirl: I definitely have symptoms now. For the past 2-3 days the nauseated feeling has increased and is becoming almost constant.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
Ultrasound went well! Saw a heartbeat (135) and measuring for 6 and 4, which is fine.
Still sinking in, but I feel relieved!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@JoJoGirl: I'm not really having a lot of symptoms either and it's making me very boobs are a tiny bit sore. Sometimes I feel a bit of weirdness with my stomach (maybe slight nausea) but mostly I feel pretty normal. Even the acne is clearing up. Which I would be excited about, except it's hard to really believe I'm pregnant. I think I'll feel better (I hope...) after my next US.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@Silva: YAY!!!!
@MrsSCB: Me too I refuse to even think about it until we see a heartbeat.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@JoJoGirl: Exactly, I'm trying not to get too attached yet, but it's hard. I wish I could just be excited! I'm a worrier by nature so....definitely doing a lot of it.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@Silva: That is awesome news!
@MrsSCB: @JoJoGirl: I was really nervous with both of my first two but am not as much anymore. I figure whatever is supposed to happen will. I had a friend who lost one at 35 weeks this past fall (so so horrible...there were no words ) and a friend who lost one at 17 weeks so I have realized that there isn't one point that will make me truly feel safe in each pregnancy so I might as well just get over it and enjoy each day until I know differently.
That said, I did just have the stomach flu and I was a bit worried. So I'm definitely not completely over my fears!! But I think walking with friends through tough situations has helped me to enjoy each day with this pregnancy more and I'm really hopeful for a healthy outcome.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@coopsmama: Yeah my husband very much has the attitude of "why worry until you have a serious reason to?" about pretty much everything. I wish I could be more like him! But I'm the opposite and worry about everything, haha.
@Silva: That's so exciting, I imagine seeing or hearing a heartbeat is a huge relief! I hope to be in your shoes soon
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@MrsSCB: @coopsmama: I wasn't like this with my first. I'm just sort of traumatized from the missed m/c where I thought everything was fine until the first u/s. It's like miscarriage PTSD.
olive / 52 posts
Location: USA
EDD: August 29th
How far along: 4w3d
First child? No, this will be our second.
First doctor appointment: New Year's Eve
Any symptoms so far? Just fatigue (which, as a WOHM of a toddler, doesn't feel any different than what I was feeling before, haha ).
Who have you told? Just my husband and, now, the HB August 2016 board.
olive / 52 posts
@oldpueblojenn: I’ll be telling my (immediate) family this week because of the holidays.
@littlepinkhouses: Haha, my LO’s daycare will be next on the list to find out after my family, so that we can get on that waitlist!
kiwi / 595 posts
@JoJoGirl: no real symptoms. I'm 6w2d and I had more symptoms 2 weeks ago.
This is the WORST part, not that I want to be barfing all day, but without the belly, without the kicks, without any symptoms it's like we are relying on faith that everything is going okay in there. I'm with @jojogirl, I've got m/c ptsd, cause I don't remember feeling this way with my first.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@JoJoGirl: And that I can't speak to personally BUT I know without a doubt I would be in the same place as you and wanting every single confirmation possible and worrying every minute. I'm so hopeful for a different outcome for you this time.
@OldpuebloJenn: I hate when the symptoms disappear for a few days! I had bad morning sickness for a week and then yesterday felt pretty darn good. We'll see how today goes.
Merry Christmas Eve, ladies! (For those of you who celebrate... ) Wishing you all some wonderful time with family and those you love and wishing us all smooth sailing with our early pregnancies!
apricot / 382 posts
Hey everyone! Merry Christmas Eve to all that celebrate.
My goal for the next 2 days is the least amount of barfing at other people's homes that I can manage. Lol. We are trying to avoid telling extended family until 12 weeks, but I'm not sure it will fly with my frequent bathroom trips. DH suggested telling people I had a stomach bug, but I reminded him that people will likely be less than thrilled if I showed up at their homes with a stomach bug. !
@Silva: Yay!! Great news
@ClairHuxtable: Welcome and congrats!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
Location: Southern California
EDD: I'm guessing August 20
How far along: I'm 20dp6dt. So I'm thinking that equates to five and a half weeks.
First child? Yes!!!! Finally!
First doctor appointment: This is an IVF success miracle baby so I've had many. First ultrasound was yesterday and I saw the yolk sac which I think is the baby.
Any symptoms so far? Zero except for possibly being tired. Huge sore boobs, but I'm also on two PIO shots a day.
Who have you told? Oh gees... my husband has has told quite a few. I'm telling my immediate family tomorrow on christmas day, and I suspect my husband maybe he telling more people he's golfing with right now. I am not too happy he's told so many people but he's so excited and I really hate to push my "but i could miscarry any second" fears onto him.
persimmon / 1281 posts
@agold: congrats and welcome!
If you don't mind, what do 20dp6dt and PIO mean?
grapefruit / 4045 posts
Merry Christmas Eve to all who celebrate!
I'm so excited to be joining this board with all you girls.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Silva: and @Glitter: Thank you so much girls!
@Glitter: Oh you lucky girl, having no clue about those terms. Sigh.... 20 day post six day transfer and progesterone in oil. I got pregnant through in vitro fertilization.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@ClairHuxtable: @agold: congratulations, and welcome!!
@dcw6411: Sorry you're feeling so sick I agree with you about the stomach virus thing but maybe food poisoning? At least that's not contagious!
Merry Christmas Eve, everyone! I hope you all can do some relaxing! We still have some work to do to get the house ready to host dinner tomorrow, but it shouldn't be too bad. We also haven't bought each other any gifts yet, though everyone else is covered, haha.
persimmon / 1281 posts
@agold: thanks for the explanation and double congrats to you and your DH!! Very happy for you!!
coconut / 8472 posts
I'm jealous of you guys with no symptoms. My first pregnancy was like that, but this one I knew right away. My boobs are sore, I've got near constant abdominal cramps and twinges, and terrible nausea off and on. And I can't really take comfort in the symptoms because I feel like I could still have a blighted ovum or missed miscarriage and the hcg would make me feel pregnant regardless.
It's so weird being pregnant again. I somehow feel like I should have picked up where I left off instead of having to start over. Pregnancy should be a big bump and kicks and hiccups, and everyone knowing. Instead it's this big secret and I'm nauseous all the time and no comforting kicks telling me baby's ok.
apricot / 382 posts
@ShootingStar: This exactly. You describe EXACTLY how I feel right now. My husband keeps saying well at least we know all is ok because your sick. And I keep responding that I'm sick as soon as I pee on a stick and until my HCG is 0 I will be sick, so the puking isn't that comforting. I want the belly and the kicks to know that all is ok. And selfishly to know that all this puking is actually going to equal a baby. I've decided that all the sickness is as emotionally draining as it is physically draining. End rant
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@ShootingStar: @dcw6411: I'm so glad I'm not the only one that is feeling this way. I'm wearing my husband out with my worrying. But girls, last night I started spotting. I didn't think that was even possible with being on PIO shots. So now there's that symptom. FML. I'm trying to stay positive though and not worry because it's brown spotting. I still announced to my immediate family this morning. I do hope you are all enjoying your Christmas!
coffee bean / 48 posts
Poking my head in to say congrats to everyone. My EDD is 7/30 but first u/s measured me at 8/2 so I think I may eventually join you all here. I'll also reveal my "real" username soon
Just chiming in to say I'm also still actively nervous that this pg won't work out due to 2 losses in the last year. It's really hard to get comfortable and just go with the flow. I have another u/s scheduled on Monday, and of course I'm working myself up over it and fear the worst. I only have a couple symptoms, so of course that makes me nervous. I've also had a horrible cold for 3w and the drs won't let me take anything that could help. My husband is way more optimistic than I am -- it's hard to stay positive given loss. Hugs to all.
persimmon / 1281 posts
I've been spotting light brown for the past few days also. This happened with my first pregnancy also so I won't worry unless it's bright red.
I'm so happy the nausea hasn't been unbearable today. Getting to stuff my face for Christmas!
kiwi / 595 posts
@agold: with my first pregnancy I had brown spotting for three weeks starting at 6w and then it cleared up, if you can take any comfort in that? Hopefully, it's nothing!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Glitter: and @OldpuebloJenn: Thank you, girls, for sharing your own experiences. You both are making me feel more comfortable with this. I'm hoping my spotting goes away too. I have an ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday so I'm looking forward to that. Thank you, again.
@struggleisreal: I'm glad to see you pop in here. I've been following your posts and was hoping you would join the August group. I wishing you the best of luck at your ultrasound on Monday. How many have you had already? Were those previous ultrasounds okay? I hope you can start feeling more comfortable with this pregnancy soon.
coffee bean / 48 posts
@agold: You're so sweet. Thank you for the warm welcome. I hope your spotting is nothing -- from what I understand, some spotting is normal. You can always call your dr if worried. Best of luck! Rooting for you.
I already had good betas and a good first u/s - heard the heartbeat and measured 6w3d at the time - dr did it so early because of the losses. I'm now around 8w if I go by LMP. The next u/s is on Monday, and that's technically my intake appointment. Eek! Still in denial that anything is actually happening.
cherry / 239 posts
I haven't gotten to post much because of the holidays, but I wanted to say congrats and welcome to everyone! I'm so excited to be a part of this board.
I had a few days when I felt pretty good, which of course made me nervous that something was wrong. In the last few days, I've started vomiting, so I guess that makes my mind a bit more at ease. If that's possible! I also have a nasty cold that DH gave me.
I hope everyone is doing as well as possible!
pomelo / 5257 posts
The past couple days I've been SO. hungry. I feel like I could eat constantly and not be full. I'm trying to be healthy and not go crazy but it's hard. Anyone else dealing with hunger?
clementine / 928 posts
@MrsSCB: I've been opposite! I get super hungry but since my digestive system has slowed, I can't eat very much I'm having some food aversions to pork and most sweets too (which is probably to my benefit lol )
Also TMI, my IBS have been so much worse with all the hormones these first few weeks! I'm starting a fiber regimen tomorrow and cutting out bread and dairy to see if that helps. Some days I'm constipated but most of the others I have very loose stool, so frustrating! But! Our first ultrasound is Tuesday morning so we are very excited
pomelo / 5257 posts
@mrschickpea: that does not sound pleasant, I hope the fiber brings some relief! Yay for first ultrasound, so exciting!!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@CoffeeMom: I'm sorry about your cold. But I'm glad the vomiting is making you feel better.
@MrsSCB: I'm not dealing with hunger per se, but I am in general trying hard to not overeat and it has been really tough around the holidays. My RE says no to exercise too so that's not helping at all.
@mrschickpea: a food aversion to pork would be my worst nightmare! I'm happy you have an ultrasound on Tuesday! Is your husband going?
Has anyone continued to take the week's estimating pregnancy tests? I was worried because of the spotting (which stopped yesterday morning entirely) so I poas today and it only gave me 2-3 weeks estimate. That is what I was given on Dec 16 when I last poas. I was really expecting it to say 3+ weeks. Sooooo... That was dumb of me to do. Cue new set of worries.
cherry / 239 posts
@agold: My husband made me stop taking tests two weeks ago! He knew that I would obsess and stress if the line wasn't exactly what I thought it should be. As much as I don't like to admit that he's right, I kind of agree. I'm not sure how accurate the weeks estimators are anyway. Can you call your doctor in the morning and try to get in sooner?
coffee bean / 48 posts
@agold: I'd stop testing if you can. It's so alluring, but I think it also has the potential for crazy-making
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