pomelo / 5257 posts
@MrsRcCar: Congrats, that must be such a relief!
@pwnstar: Hi and welcome!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
Finally made my appt for 1/15. Apparently they have a policy change now where they want everyone in at 8 weeks for an ultrasound but are accommodating me and waiting until 10 weeks so DH can be there. It was slightly tempting though to go alone (well with two kids!) because that would have put me in on Thursday.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
Ok, ladies. You've already shown me such support and kindness during some of my other name's "struggle" that I'd love to join officially. I'm so grateful to you and and wish you a H&H 9 months!
Location: California
EDD: 7/30/2016 based on LMP, though scans keep measuring me at 8/2 (I hope I can stay in the August board!)
How far along: 9w2d
First child? nope, 2nd. My boy is 3.5.
First doctor appointment: Already had 2 different ultrasounds, and my first official intake appointment was this morning. So thankful all is looking well so far. (Knock on all the wood!)
Any symptoms so far? Very tired. Bloodhound-level sense of smell. A couple food aversions here and there, but not sure if that's really due to pregnancy or the terrible cold/sore throat I've been battling for 3w already.
Who have you told? DH, a handful of friends I met online, DH's close friend, and HB
clementine / 928 posts
I'm so relieved that so far my cravings have been for healthy food like salads and soups! My nausea has tapered off a bit but I still get waves now and then if I'm hungry.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsSCB: Yay!! I think I'll have 8/2 in the back of my head, even though my Dr. said she is not changing my EDD b/c it's not over 5 days different. We'll see
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@MrsRcCar: CONGRATS! yay heartbeat!!!
@pregnantbee: Welcome!
@shootingstar: yeah that too - I'm 38 this time around so my chances of a genetic anomaly are much higher, I'd rather know.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
My husband is a slightly anxious pediatrician, and is far too familiar with all that can go wrong, so we will do any and all testing available to us. I prefer to have as much information as possible, too. Well, except the sex of the baby- we were team green last time, and plan to be this time around too.
pear / 1718 posts
@agold: I had an early loss in November. The next cycle, I ovulated later than I normally do, our timing wasn't great, and what I thought was AF came several days early (which would have made my cycle only 23 days, the shortest ever). I assumed I wasn't KU (the tests I had taken were negative), so it was on to the next cycle. When my CBFM prompted me to test, I got a peak reading on CD9 (the first day I tested--very early for me). But because I had started taking prescription vitamin D, I chalked the early O up to that (and possibly poor egg quality as well). I POAS on Dec 24 expecting at 8dpo to get a super faint positive or a BFN, if anything. Instead, I got a blazing positive (test line darker than control line), and when I tested again with a digital, it indicated I was 3+ weeks pregnant. I believe my thoughts were: "WUT" immediately followed by AYFKM?!
So I'm a little anxious to get in and *fx* see a heartbeat. The early AF-like bleeding and the tiny bit of spotting about 10 days ago has me worried.
pear / 1718 posts
@MrsRcCar: Wonderful update!
@mrschickpea: I have been very interested in fruit! Apples, strawberries, and blueberries. Even though I feel pretty pukey most of the day, I risked it last night for a bowl of strawberries, blueberries, and a dollop of cool whip. It turned out not to be the best idea, but it tasted great in the moment!
@JoJoGirl: @Silva: I am hoping to get a CVS this time (I had an amnio with my first). We will also do as much testing as possible, because we also want as much information as possible.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@pwnstar: that's a lot of craziness! Your first appointment is Monday? I'm getting an US on Tuesday and it feels far away. They didn't have anything earlier
I also talked to my friend, who's a genetic counselor, yesterday and am now leaning toward paying for the Counsyl test. She said it still has the possibility of false negatives or positives, but at least it's a much lower possibility.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Silva: That's awesome your husband is a pediatrician. Is he the doctor you use for your own kids???
@pwnstar: Wow! That is quite an surprising series of events. But how exciting for your to be 3+ when you first took the home test! I see now why you want in quick. Your appointment will come up so fast. Congrats, again!
@mrschickpea: Best of luck with your ultrasound this morning!
persimmon / 1281 posts
Just catching up and happy about the great news in here so far! We will be doing the standard testing just anatomy scan I believe, but just because it is the normal procedure. We won't terminate regardless of any scan results. I have blood work to be taken next week and then ultrasound on Jan 9th. We saw the sac but no heartbeat last time because it was too early. Definitely looking forward to the hb and to ensuring there's only one in there!
@pregnantbee: nice to officially meet you and glad you are here with us!
@pwnstar: congrats! That is pretty amazing. All the best!
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsRcCar: Hooray for a great u/s!
@JoJoGirl: AMA unite! Wonder Twins Activate!
@Silva: Wow, that must be amazing to not have to go in every time you suspect LO has an ear infection or whatever. Yay for Team Green -- we did that last time, but I'm dying to find out this time around
@pwnstar: I'm so happy for you! I'm wondering if what you experienced was implantation bleeding?
@MrsSCB: It's so hard to wait, but Tuesday will be here before you know it. I hope you have a great appointment.
@mrschickpea: Good luck!
I called my insurance company (will be a different one starting Jan 1) and they had no clue whatsoever about any NIPT testing. I may end up having to pay out of pocket, as I really want the test. I have no idea if they will even cover an appointment with a genetic counselor. Will have to call them again today, as I now have actual codes to tell them.
Is anyone game to start a roster? (Not sure it's my forte!)
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@Glitter: Thank you! (We must have cross-posted b/c yours wasn't there before I started typing the one I just posted.) Congratulations to you, and I hope you have a great scan. I also just made all the appointments for blood work, NT scan, etc. Fun times
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Glitter: What week/day did you have your first ultrasound. I only saw the sacs last time too.
@pregnantbee: Good suggestion about the roster. I think one was started a few pages back.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Glitter: I think I was approximately the same as you. Maybe 5w4d. When I asked my doctor, he just said "5 weeks". I go again tomorrow. Its still going to be so early, but the doctor said I should be able to see a heartbeat so I'm praying so hard that I do. You will be good to go on January 9th! I told a couple of my closest girlfriends yesterday that I'm pregnant just so they can be praying hard too! I'm getting so nervous!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@agold: god no, he is totally unable to be objective when it comes to her!
@pregnantbee: it can be useful for a lot of things, but sometimes he suspects the worst. And he's in residency right now, so the hours sucks. But he's done and joining a private practice in July! Hooray!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Silva: That's so great that his residency will be finished before the new baby comes. Will you have to move or was he lucky enough to do his residency and then get his final position in a town that you want to stay in?
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@agold: he was hired by this practice almost a year ago! So we've known for awhile, and bout a house in June. It's very close to where the hospital is that he's at now.
apricot / 382 posts
@agold: I have an appointment tomorrow too! So nervous... the last time we saw the heartbeat was at the ER after a confirmed SCH. I don't have an ultrasound scheduled tomorrow but I am hoping my doc will take a quick peek to make sure everything is still ok. I am not sure I can handle waiting another month to hear the heartbeat. Dang nerves!
@Silva: Perfect timing on the husband's job status. That is great!
@Glitter: We just saw a sac at 5wks, 5days too. By 6wk, 6 days we saw the heartbeat flicker. I bet by January 9th you will be just fine.
@pregnantbee: So happy you have officially joined! Congratulations!
Does anyone have any plans to move during their pregnancy? My husband and I are considering selling our house and moving. I am really struggling with what to do. We had not planned on three kids, and our home is quite small. We had planned for this to be our forever home and we LOVE our neighborhood and our neighbors. I am just not sure that I want to start all over. So much to think about.
I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon and my nerves are through the roof. Although this is #3 for us, it has been the most complicated and stressful pregnancy by far. I have had two SCH's and my beta numbers were really high for the stage of development. I am so hopeful my doc will do another quick ultrasound tomorrow to check on things, since I think it will still be too early to hear a heartbeat. I am going to try a long walk today and tomorrow to help settle my nerves. Hoping that works!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@dcw6411: do your two kids already share a room? If you love your house and neighborhood, I'd probably try to find a way to make it work. I hate moving and will do a lot to avoid it.
We are planning to be in this house for 5-6 years, and will likely outgrow it before then, but I think we can get creative with space.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@dcw6411: What is your appointment tomorrow for? I really do hope you get a quick ultrasound! How far along are you? And wow! Baby #3! How exciting! I would absolutely love to move. We are ready since we live in a tiny two bedroom. But the mortgage is sooooo low and we are so comfortable. Moving is going to triple our mortgage and that will just get us into like 1800 sq ft three bedroom if we are lucky. Not even a forever dream house. So we are staying put for the time being. I'd like to be able to have two kids there and take time off work if I need/want to.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@Silva: Totally see both sides of that. So glad he'll be done soon and you won't have to move!
@dcw6411: Good luck at your appointment and thanks for the welcome. Congrats to you, too. Not planning to move. I will probably have a heart attack if it turns out to be twins, though. 2 u/s showed only 1 in there, so hopefully it stays that way. I'm really not creative with our use of space and already feel cramped in our 3 BR. We'll have to lose our guest/junk room/office, but we barely use it so it's not a big deal. We have been toying with the idea of adding onto the house but that's a whole other job.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@pregnantbee: Since you have already had two ultrasounds that showed one baby, do you think there is still a chance that a twin could show up?
cherry / 239 posts
@dcw6411: Our current house is pretty small too. We were planning on two children (this is our second), but the realities of the space we have didn't hit us until recently. Our house is perfect for us in every other way (plenty of land and space for all of our animals), so I think we are going to make it work for at least another year and maybe two. It's such a tough decision to make!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@pregnantbee: Ha! Can you imagine? That just made me think of girls who are pregnant with, say, triplets, and at birth a fourth baby comes out of hiding! My husband would die.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
Congrats to all of you! I have been really wanting to join this group, but am so nervous after my miscarriage and not letting myself believe quite yet. I am very very early. But I decided that a positive attitude can't hurt, right? also, my due date is technically 9/3 I think, but I will be having a c section at 39 weeks if not earlier, so it'll be an August baby. So I think I belong here?
Location: ny
DD: 9/3 as of now (but will deliver prob 8/29 or 30)
how far along: 4.5 weeks
first child? I have a 2 year old
first doctor appt: as of now, 2/1, but I'm not happy about it and may call my doctor to discuss it. I'll be almost 11 weeks, and I'd had 3 appts by then with my first! I also have a lot of questions about how this pregnancy will be handled because my first was iugr, and I don't want to wait till Feb to get some answers, though it seems I have no choice.
any symptoms so far: not much! I've had a few waves of nausea and a slightly heightened sense of smell. A few twinges. Lack of symptoms makes me very nervous, even though I know it's early.
who have you told? Literally only dh. No one else knows yet. Shhh I don't want to have to unannounce if things go wrong so we will wait until the first u/s. I am dying to tell my lo!
Wishing everyone happy holidays and excited/hopeful for big things in 2016!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Pirouette: Hi! Welcome. Congratulations! And yes, you belong here! Please stay.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
August 2016 Mamas
August 2: dcw6411 (#3), coffeemom (#2), pregnantbee (#2)
August 5: mrsgiraffe (#1)
August 8: mrschickpea (#1)
August 9: mrsscb (#1)
August 11: silva (#2), coopsmama (#3)
August 12: mrsrccar (#3)
August 13: glitter (#2), littlepinkhouses (#2)
August 14: stratosphere (#2)
August 15: gracey19015 (#1)
August 16: oldpueblojenn (#2)
August 18: jojogirl (#2), pwnstar (#2)
August 20: agold (#1)
August 22: shootingstar (#2)
August 25: hlk208 (#4)
August 29: clairehuxtable (#2)
August 30: pirouette (#2)
Woo hoo! Lot's of great ladies in this group. Please add yourself if I missed you (sorry!) and let's all update this as we go along! Thanks @coopsmama: for starting this list.
apricot / 382 posts
@Silva: They don't share a room, and honestly we could probably find a way to make it work, but we the rooms are very small and we have two very light sleepers. I am also quite uncreative with space. Decisions, decisions!
@agold: My appointment tomorrow is just my regular monthly OB appointment. I will be 9 weeks, 1 day. I think I am antsy to confirm things are OK because we are planning to move, etc. And I really want to tell my 3.5 yr old, because I know she will be over the moon! Its hard to keep secrets from her. Our mortgage is super comfortable right now too. Thats the another thing making us consider staying. It is so nice not to worry. On the flip side, we have recently finished paying off the car, and we know that we can afford a larger payment without it affecting out lifestyle too much....
@pregnantbee: If it is twins, I just might pass out!! I don't think it is since I have had two early scans and we only saw one, but you never know. My betas were at 37, 000 at 5 weeks and there wasn't even a heartbeat yet, so...yikes, who knows! My high numbers do explain my major sickness though. My OB also suspected that my numbers were increased due to my bleed.
We toyed with the idea of adding on here too. We had a contractor out and the estimate was $60,000. I almost fell over. That isn't happening unless I win the lotto!
@CoffeeMom: Sounds a lot like us! After Christmas I looked at my husband and we could both feel the walls creeping in on us. I can't imagine adding a third and all the stuff to our current home, but I just don't want to go. I blame hormones for my over attachment.
@Pirouette: Exciting!! Welcome, and don't leave. Everyone here is great
For all of you lovely ladies that are planning to stop at 2...or at whatever number actually, my advice is this: If you husband takes permanent measures, please have him get tested more than once. My husband only got tested once and surprise, here comes #3. Our sweet totally unplanned little miracle baby.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@CoffeeMom: Yay! Shhh my actual EDD is 7/30....but 2 u/s said 8/2, so we'll see.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@pregnantbee: Put yourself however you want on the list! I just put 8/2 because, for no real reason!
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@mrschickpea: WOOHOO!!!!!!
Can we make an u/s roster?
12/31 Jojogirl
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