cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@agold: oh I'm so sorry. Totally hoping it was just a fluke and it's stopped by now. Thinking of you.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
Okay girls. I'm going to tag each and everyone one of you when Im not posting from my phone - but thank you all for your support. Im sorry for the most dramatic post ever last night. I went for my ultrasound today and the baby is still growing fine! Thank God! I saw a fetal pole and "saw" the heartbeat. I measured at 6w0d. The doctor wasn't in and the nurse couldn't see an exact source of the bleed, which was down to brown spotting this morning. They took another beta blood test and I go back in on Wednesday next week. Thanks for all your thoughts. This baby is hanging in there! Now i just need to mentally hang in there. All your stories about your own bleeding has made me feel better. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Gosh pregnancy is hard! When will this be easy breezy??
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@agold: what a wonderful update! Don't worry about being dramatic- I would absolutely flip out if I started bleeding like that. How scary! I'm so glad you got to see the heartbeat! What a relief!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@agold: So glad to see this update!!! I've been checking in since I saw your original post this morning and was hoping for the best. I had unexplained bright red bleeding with my first around six weeks and bleeding/clots with my second at 11ish weeks - it is SO scary but I think it happens more often than you'd think! Still praying that your sweet baby continues to grow perfectly.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@agold: Hugs. I'm so sorry you've had to go through that and am thrilled you got to see the heartbeat and pole. That's so exciting. For what it's worth, my sister had several episodes of bleeding throughout her pregnancy, and my niece is now 1.5 years old. I'm not sure it will ever get "easy breezy." (Sorry to break the news.) I do think it becomes more reassuring that things are ok once you feel constant baby movement. Hugs and hang in there. Thanks so much for the update.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Silva: and @coopsmama: thank you so much. I can't even imagine a point when I won't freak out over bleeding.
apricot / 382 posts
@agold: yay!!!!!!!!! I may or may not have been stalking this thread to wait for your update!! What wonderful news! I have had to random bleeds this pregnancy and one with my first pregnancy. I totally freaked each time. It's so hard not to! I am SO happy you saw a heartbeat and that it slowed down.
pomelo / 5257 posts
Anyone been having weird dreams? I have been having a lot of them, and last night was just ridiculous. I dreamed I was driving somewhere and looking at my GPS when I drove off a cliff. Seems like a bad situation, but I wasn't worried and just gently landed on the ground at NASA. I was concerned about suddenly showing up at NASA without an escort, so I put on a New Zealand accent and pretended to be a visiting journalist who got lost. Someone started giving me a tour, when my husband showed up. I was worried he would blow my cover, but he didn't. He did not pretend to have an accent, though, because all of his accents sound Jamaican like Paul Rudd from I Love You Man (that is also true IRL...) And that was pretty much the end. I woke up and was like, "Wtf??"
pear / 1718 posts
@MrsSCB: Yes. I have had two very vivid dreams in the last couple of weeks. I remember having them the first go 'round as well (involving snakes in a tropical garden . . . it was intense!).
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsSCB: Yup! Ever since I got pregnant, my dreams have been out of control. I usually also get vivid dreams each cycle, so I'm not surprised. Many are work stress dreams. Some involve me not being able to find a bathroom -- like ridiculous scenarios where there's just a toilet in the middle of a public space, and I can't bring myself to go -- and then I wake up and have to pee. Haha!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@pwnstar: @pregnantbee: so strange, I usually don't dream at all (or at least I don't remember). I also had a nightmare that our downstairs neighbors started stalking up because we were too loud. Sounds ridiculous but it was really scary at the time, haha.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MrsSCB: , @pwnstar: , @dcw6411: , @bloved: , @CoffeeMom: ,@JoJoGirl: , and @OldpuebloJenn: thank you so much girls! Your support means so much to me.
@ShootingStar: so I was mistaken about the blood test. It wasn't hcg, but just progesterone. The nurse said they don't do hcg anymore because the ultrasounds measure the growing baby. And my progesterone was fine. A tad lower than normal but I also didn't do my PIO shot before my appointment like I've normally been doing. I'm surprised at the dip my level took and so now I'll feel even better about taking those shots.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@agold: oh thank goodness! I've been thinking about you all day! Yay for seeing the hb too!!
@MrsSCB: I always have the craziest dreams during pregnancy! And can never get back to sleep after
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@MrsSCB: I love pregnancy dreams. They are so entertaining and detailed. It's like watching a movie. Although last night my ex from high school made an appearance, and those are more annoying!
I still remember one incredibly beautiful, colorful, and detailed dream I had when I was pregnant with my daughter!
pineapple / 12234 posts
@MrsSCB: yessss!
Last night was the weirdest. I had a dream that a grizzly bear ate my mom?! That my 3.5 year old had a blow out diaper (she hasn't worn diapers for a year) and I hid inside an old friends home but I couldn't find the light switch. So weird.
persimmon / 1281 posts
@Silva: I never knew of ginger capsules! From what I've been reading it looks like they're worth a try! Have you started using them?
persimmon / 1281 posts
@MrsSCB: last night I had a dream so funny that DH says I was laughing out loud! I dreamt DH's two aunts found us BDing and were laughing saying "two naked bodies for the price of one!". Totally weird but I was really into that dream
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@Glitter: not yet,they will probably get here tomorrow. I seriously need some relief. I'm totally useless. My poor kid is totally neglected and my house is a disaster. I can't function. And I'm not even puking regularly! I don't know how people survive when they are actually throwing up all day.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@MrsSCB: oh yes! I wake up in the night every night after one and I'm able to remember the vivid crazy dreams then (I've had several virtually every night since before the BFP and it really tipped me off I might be pregnant) but never again in the morning.
That said, I am exhausted. All the time. Anyone else? I've been taking two hour naps while my kids nap every day and sleeping 8 hours a night and am still so tired with little energy to do anything at all. I feel like my house is really slipping lately.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@coopsmama: Exhausted? Yup. Am not sure if it is because I've been battling a mystery virus for 3w or due to pregnancy or a little of both. But I've been napping every day. I don't know how I'll deal when I return to work on the 4th!
kiwi / 595 posts
@coopsmama: EXHAUSTED! I gear up to accomplish one thing a day. Today it was the grocery store. DH asked what was for dinner (I am the primary cook), I told him if he expects a wife to shop AND cook, he's in trouble. Thank goodness for the newness of Christmas toys or my daughter would be glued to the iPad.
persimmon / 1281 posts
@Silva: exactly the same here! Screen time hours have spiralled through the roof because honestly I can do little more than ensure he's fed and breathing. DH is on vacay until the 4th so he's been helping a lot but the house is still a disaster and we're supposed to host friends on new years morning. I have no clue how that's happening!
cherry / 239 posts
I'm a little bit nervous. I was feeling pretty sick and exhausted all day, every day up until a couple of days ago. Since then, all I've had is a little nausea before breakfast. I'm 9w2d. I'm hoping everything is ok and this just happens for some people. Does anyone have any reassuring stories to share? I'm so tempted to POAS again...I have an appointment next Tuesday and I don't know if I can hold out until then!
persimmon / 1281 posts
@CoffeeMom: I'd worry if nausea was completely and suddenly gone.. But you still get a gentle reminder before breakfast, so maybe baby is just being nice to you by giving you a break for the rest of the day
cherry / 239 posts
@Glitter: I wonder if it's worth a call to my midwife? I don't want to be too neurotic
persimmon / 1281 posts
@CoffeeMom: Oh I whatsapp my doc for absolutely anything. It's probably annoying but nobody wants a stressed out mama. So I would definitely agree with you calling to calm your nerves.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@CoffeeMom: I'd call if you're nervous. You won't come across as neurotic. Promise.
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