Hellobee Boards


August 2016 moms!

  1. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @CoffeeMom: I had really bad nausea for 3/4 days and then suddenly it started being off and on but not nearly as bad. I feel a little sick first thing in the morning and definitely it I don't eat soon enough throughout the day and then again right before bed but it's not terrible and not accompanied by vomiting. Each of my pregnancies seems to have gotten easier from the nausea standpoint. I'm a bit nervous, too, because it's so different from what I'm used to but just going along with it and enjoying it as though everything is 100% okay since there is literally nothing that can be done.

    I'm sure everything is just fine for you and that you're happily just adjusting to the HCG easier than you were at first.

  2. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @CoffeeMom: @coopsmama: TIL there are few things more disgusting than puking up a prenatal DHA/fish oil pill. (because. OMGTHESMELLMAKEITSTOP!) My nausea been pretty consistent. Although yesterday I felt pretty good, which, of course, made me nervous. I even took another digital this morning (prior to puking) . . . I mention all of this to say I'm pretty sure I am just as pregnant today as I was yesterday when I felt better. Please try not to worry. I will do the same!

  3. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @pwnstar: oh my gosh, that sounds terrible! And reminiscent of my first pregnancy when I am pretty sure I puked up my prenatals every single day for the first 24 weeks. It was awful. Hope you are able to get that taste out of your mouth! 😬

  4. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    I ate leftover spaghetti for breakfast this morning. 😂 Because the thought of choking down eggs and toast (our breakfast standard around here) was too gross. Eggs are always my worst pregnancy aversion.

  5. CoffeeMom

    cherry / 239 posts

    @pregnantbee: @coopsmama: @pwnstar: @glitter: Thank you so much for your support! It really means a lot. I do get nauseous before meals. The sudden disappearance of the other symptoms just made me so nervous! I'm glad that there are others who understand!

    @pwnstar: During my last pregnancy, I threw up my fish oil pill on a regular basis. It was disgusting. I had to switch vitamins this pregnancy because I'm so scarred from the last time!

  6. dcw6411

    apricot / 382 posts

    @CoffeeMom: My nausea is starting to slow down as well and I am 9 wks, 2 days. It is still here, but not as debilitating. I am just going with the pregnancy god's are cutting this girl a much needed break.

    @agold: How are you feeling?

    My dreams are out of control right now and I keep dreaming the most bizarre things! I don't remember my dreams in my past pregnancies being this vivid. In last night's dream my DH took both children and baby to be to the store. I met him there and instead of him having our children in the shopping cart he had three packs of bacon? lol. I woke up laughing. So odd. Maybe this means I am craving bacon?

    I had my doc appointment and ultrasound yesterday. Baby looks great and is measuring almost a week ahead. I am so thankful

  7. dcw6411

    apricot / 382 posts

    From yesterday

  8. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @dcw6411: Awesome ultrasound picture!

  9. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @pregnantbee: @dcw6411: hi girls. Thanks for asking. I'm feeling mentally a lot better. bleeding is all done this morning. I think cramping is gone too. So relieved. How are yo girls feeling?

    @CoffeeMom: I'm so sorry you were/are feeling a little worried. The thing about morning sickness is that it is supposed to stop at some point, right? So if it starts to let up a bit, then try not to worry too much! If you do a home test, maybe just don't do one of those weeks estimators from clear blue like I used. Ugh. It was not reassuring for me!

    @dcw6411: I'm so glad you got an ultrasound yesterday. You weren't sure if you would, right? And great that your baby is a fast grower! ETA: great ultrasound picture!

  10. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @dcw6411: What a beautiful photo. Congratulations!

  11. CoffeeMom

    cherry / 239 posts

    @dcw6411: Beautiful ultrasound!

    @dcw6411: @agold: Thank you ladies!!

  12. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts


  13. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @CoffeeMom: Unless you start bleeding a test will still show up as positive.

  14. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts


  15. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @JoJoGirl: that's amazing! What a great ultrasound. How many weeks are you?

  16. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @JoJoGirl: Best news!

    @ShootingStar: And you can still get a positive test for a few weeks after bleeding begins! 😕

  17. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @dcw6411: love the pic, congrats! And laughing at your dream...are you craving bacon now?

    @JoJoGirl: so so happy to hear this!!!!! When do you go back? I hope you are feeling relieved

  18. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    Thanks guys! Strangely I'm not all that reassured since I know it's the highest risk time still for something to go wrong. We decided we still aren't ready to tell anyone

    @agold: 6w5!

    @Pirouette: Yes a little relieved! I have a midwife appt next week but the nurse told me today no more ultrasounds til 18 weeks!!! She said with the blood DNA screen at 10w they won't do an NT scan Boo!

  19. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @dcw6411: @JoJoGirl: 💗💗💗

  20. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @dcw6411: @JoJoGirl: great news!!! Happy for you both!

  21. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @JoJoGirl: oh that sucks! But at least your midwife will listen for the hb again right? I am going nuts waiting over a month for my first appt so i feel your pain good news is you know right now everything is great. So you have to focus on that for a while.

  22. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    Has anyone ever taken maxolon for nausea? My doc recommended that I try it and I just took my first pill, then read a bunch of scary stuff on babycenter. Sigh. I feel so desperate.

  23. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    Too bad you girls didn't do IVF - you would be getting weekly ultrasounds galore! #sadsilverlining

  24. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @Glitter: how long has it been on the market? I'm leery of anything that hasn't been tested by like a generation of people before me.

  25. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @JoJoGirl: Yay!! So happy for you. If it makes you feel any better, I'm still not relaxed about this whole thing. Am 9w 5d now. One day at a time.

  26. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    Happy New Years! Glad to get to know all you ladies and share this journey! Here's to 2016!

  27. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @OldpuebloJenn: Happy New Year to you and all the lovelies here! 🎩🍾🎉

  28. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @OldpuebloJenn: Happy New Year to you as well! Looking forward to all that 2016 has for all of us.

  29. CoffeeMom

    cherry / 239 posts

    Happy New Year!!!

  30. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @OldpuebloJenn: Cheers, with sparkling cider! (And a cameo from my cat 😁) Happy new year! Or almost new year for any fellow central timers haha.

  31. dcw6411

    apricot / 382 posts

    Happy New Year ladies! I will be in bed long before it is the new year here in California. Happy 2016!

  32. mrschickpea

    clementine / 928 posts

    @CoffeeMom: mine let up around week 7 and is now just nausea if I haven't eaten or if I ate too much! I was surprised as I expected way more sickness and I never really got it. Just nausea waves if that makes sense!

  33. mrschickpea

    clementine / 928 posts

    @agold: late to the party but I'm so glad everything looks great!

  34. mrschickpea

    clementine / 928 posts

    @dcw6411: awwwww hi baby!!

  35. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    Happy New Year, everyone! I'm so excited to be here with all of you.

  36. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    @mrschickpea: yes! Waves of nausea is how I'd describe mine now, too! When they hit I have to start munching something right away but that's doable for sure.

  37. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    @dcw6411: yay for the U/S!!! Beautiful!

    So I'm almost 7 weeks and I'm still not sick which seems like a miracle! I'm crossing my fingers!!!! I had HG with my previous pregnancies and I was sick nearly every hour some days.

    Some smells are icky (like today after my run, I smelled chili and started to gag) but I haven't actually thrown up yet.

  38. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    How is everyone feeling?

    Fort me, the nausea has been better the past couple of days, just short-ish spans instead of constant hours-long spans. And my appetite seems to be diminished? I know I certainly don't feel like eating when I am nauseated, but overall, I am not as hungry (and what I would typically eat makes me feel very very full).

    I have my confirmation appointment tomorrow (thank goodness!), and afterward should be able to schedule a follow-up dating u/s for Wednesday. I am so anxious to see a heartbeat! I can't believe I will be 8 weeks on Wednesday!

  39. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @MrsSCB: I adore tabby cats!

  40. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    @pwnstar: yay!!! That's great that the nausea isn't as bad! Good luck with your appt and U/S!

    Nothing new year - still feeling pretty normal. My biggest aversions are the smells of fake cheese (like nacho cheese sauce), popcorn and pizza. I never eat any of that! But just walking into Target makes me feel gross.

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