pomelo / 5257 posts
Feeling pretty good still, mostly really hungry. Last night we went out with friends (who don't know I'm pregnant) to a fancy pizza place. We had to wait over 45 minutes for a table, so when my pizza came, I basically inhaled the entire thing. No one else even finished their whole pizza lol. I was like, "....I was really hungry."
ETA: also had some minor cramping over past few days. I read that's normal around eight weeks, things are expanding, etc. so trying not to be concerned. No spotting or anything.
@pwnstar: me too! We have three -- the brown one (Zoe) and an orange and a grey one (Tommy and Teddy). They're very spoiled
persimmon / 1281 posts
Terrible paralysing nausea over here. My only relief is when I sleep and the thought of this continuing for weeks is very, very scary.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@pwnstar: good luck with the appt! I'm so jealous, I have to wait an entire month for an appt and it's killing me!
I'm doing ok, not a lot of symptoms, just keep reminding myself I'm so early. My symptoms were totally mild with my first too. But I wasn't as nervous that time!
cherry / 239 posts
@pwnstar: Glad you are feeling a bit better!
@Glitter: I'm sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time!
Some of my nausea has returned. It happens on and off throughout the day. Last night it was terrible, which surprised me because it's never hit me at night! My next appointment is on Tuesday, when I will be 10 weeks. This is my first "real" appointment, so I'm really hoping to hear the heartbeat! I assume we will set up the first trimester testing as well.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
My nausea has eased up a bit. I still have trouble finding anything appealing enough to eat, until dinner time when I eat like 3 portions as fast as I can.
I am feeling the fatigue more now that I'm not sick. This was my worst symptom with my daughter. I came to my parents house this weekend because my husband had to work. I've basically been on the couch the whole time, while they play with my daughter...
Maybe I can get us back in a routine and start to feel more productive once we are back home. It's harder to get out for stroller walks now because we finally got snow and I don't live in an area with sidewalks. But we should be getting a treadmill soon, and that will help. Right now I just feel like a slug.
Also, I can't believe I still have 31.5 weeks to go until my due date. Wouldn't it be nice if the human gestational period was a little shorter? Ugh. Sorry. I get kind of miserable when I'm pregnant, I think.
pear / 1718 posts
@MrsSCB: My first love was a huge Tabby named Denali. We currently have a Torti and Tuxedo (all strays). Oh. And. DH is maybe slightly okay a maybe a bit more than slightly allergic. But I was a package deal!
@Glitter: I'm sorry. *augh* That would seriously suck ass! Have you talked to your doc/nurse about some Zofran or another alternative? I really hope you are able to get some relief soon!
@CoffeeMom: So glad your first appointment is coming up!
@Silva: I am basically falling asleep every night around 8:30/9 (although I am waking up at my normal time no problem, which is a nice side effect). The only time I don't feel tired and/or nauseated is during my barre class. Even though it's only an hour of relief, I'll take it!
@Pirouette: Gah. I really hope it flies by! Fwiw, I am almost positive it is a violation of the Geneva Convention (or some other important document/treaty) to make a pregnant woman wait to find out that everything's okay.
@HLK208: I really hope to stay active with this pregnancy. I had complications with my first that made me too nervous to do much working out. I really hope to continue this time, if for no other reason than my mental health!
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@pwnstar: haha I agree! Maybe I'll call my ob tomorrow and say that
I love Barre class! I too hope to stay active throughout this pregnancy. I was last time until 32 weeks, when I was diagnosed with iugr and was too scared to exercise, even though the ob said I could.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@pwnstar: yeah, I remember from my pregnancy with my daughter that yoga was the only time I felt like myself! I feel so grateful that I'm pregnant and things seem to be progressing normally, but it doesn't mean I don't feel like garbage!
pineapple / 12234 posts
@pwnstar: yes! I think it'll actually help me with the first tri exhaustion, nausea and mood swings. I've never really worked out while pregnant before (just prenatal yoga a few times and walking). I'm looking forward to feeling better this pregnancy.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
Happy New Years girls! We should keep the ultrasound roster going because there seems to be so many coming up quick!
@pwnstar: @Pirouette: I want to stay active during this pregnancy too! But so far my RE has said no to everything including prolonged standing. I'm literally going out of my mind and I've heard it's better for birth and whatnot to keep up exercise during pregnancy.
I had another bleeding incident on New Year's Day identical to what happened earlier in the week minus the cramping. I didn't freak but it's certainly not easing my anxiety. @pwnstar: I absolutely agree that it's a violation of some constitutional right to make a pregnant girl wait for an appointment! It's an infliction of emotional distress!
kiwi / 595 posts
@Pirouette: I love barre3! I'm trying to keep my regular schedule of 3-4x a week, as much for my dd as for me, she loves the childcare. Plus it's an easy workout to modify. With my first I ran until 38w, I doubt I'll keep running that much this time, the exhaustion is getting the best of me.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: lucky! So jealous you are keeping your barre schedule.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@agold: oh that sucks that your re said that I assume this is just temporary until the bleeding has been gone a while? For what it's worth, I don't think exercise in the first tri is that important for birth, that comes later I think!
@OldpuebloJenn: wow, you go girl! With work, I just can't justify going to classes anymore (I see my lo so little as it is!) So I occasionally do the dvd on the weekends these days instead. I do run a few miles most days of the week, but it's not the same at all!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
Checking in. I have been spotting just a touch. Nothing bright red mostly just a little pink when I wipe and I am completely freaking out. DH is trying to reassure me but my mind is just running. Most of our family and close friends know about this pregancy. I am hoping it's nothing but I am just completely scared. At our last ultrasound we saw a nice strong heartbeat. I am just trying to chalk up the mild spotting to the busy holidays, stress, and digestive issues.
Now I just wish the doctor on call would call me back.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Pirouette: I hope that's the case for me. And thanks for telling me that about later pregnancy vs earlier pregnancy. And look at you - running a few miles! You are awesome!
@MrsRcCar: I'm so sorry you are having spotting. If you read up this thread you will see that I've had bright red bleeding. It's so scary. But the ultrasound still showed a growing baby with a good heart beat. I hope your doctor calls you back soon. Try not to worry too much in the meantime. I'm praying everything is okay and this is just some dumb pregnancy thing that happens.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@agold: Doctor is too busy to call me at the moment. DH seems to think I had one bleeding episode with each of my boys. I don't remember it from the first time but I remember the 2nd time when I was pregnant with E. Everything was fine but I am just so worried. We want this pregnancy so much, but I am afraid to get attached.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@agold: so apparently I had a small hematoma ( however you spell it) on my last ultrasound. So that is likely causing the issue. I will call tomorrow to be seen in the high risk clinic.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
Hi all. I missed so much today. Too tired to reply individually but I'm so impressed with anyone exercising. I had been doing great with walking and c25k but then I got sick in early Dec and was sick for over 3 straight weeks. I haven't had the oomph to try starting up again.
I'm about 10w now and already look 5 months! Thanks, muscle memory and the non-abs I never got back after #1. I went today to buy a few more "camouflage" shirts so I can still try to hide until near the end of January. I doubt I can pull it off!
Have an appointment with a genetic counselor on Tues and am dying to figure out if a NIPT (like MaterniT21) is covered since I'm AMA. Eek! I may pay out of pocket if not.
Sorry about @MrsRcCar: and @agold: spotting/bleeding. That has to be so scary. Remember there may be absolutely nothing wrong. Hugs and keep us posted.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@pregnantbee: thanks lady. I hope it's nothing! I hope your testing is covered by insurance. At least you will know soon enough.
@MrsRcCar: did your doctor call you back and tell you about the hematoma? Gees. High risk clinic. I hope it's nothing serious for you. My ultrasound last Wednesday showed something but the nurse wasn't sure what it was. I go in again this Wednesday but the doctor is out until the 8th. I'm praying that whatever it was it resolved itself with the bleeding incidents.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@agold: I have been assigned to the high risk OB since the beginning because of some previous issues. I am calling in the morning to hopefully get seen to ease my mind. The spotting has seemed to taper off and I am hoping it's just done for now. Although I was planning on hitting up some cloth diaper stores and the maternity store this week for pants but I think I will hold off awhile.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
Morning all! I will sheepishly admit I am still going to Crossfit 3-4x/week. I did with my first until 6 months and then switched to Pure Barre. I'm trying to take it easy and not push too hard with sprinting or things that shoot my heart rate up, but I'm no good at self-regulation
Still feeling mostly okay, just exhausted and SHOWING and not even 8w yet... grrr...
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@JoJoGirl: i think that's awesome! I was able to dance 3-4 times a week plus run almost every day with my first (till my self imposed deadline of 32 weeks). It was amazing. This time around though, ballet is a once a week max activity (because of having a toddler and moving, not because of pregnancy). So im trying to at least keep up the running. My MO with the running has been to run quite a bit slower in the first tri and just about normal in the 2nd. Then whatever is comfortable in the 3rd
Keeping my fingers crossed for no more reports of bleeding in this group! Today is the day in my last pregnancy that my mc started, so i had to test this morning and was reassured by a ridiculous dark line. Trying to let myself believe! SO HARD
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@Pirouette: Agreed it's so hard Last time my missed m/c happened at 8w with baby measuring 7.5. I'm 7.5w or so now so really trying not to panic
And yes thanks!! I actually ran a 10K at 7.5w last time around so I'm already feeling slower ha ha. But gonna hang in there. I actually got my first even unassisted/unbanded pull-ups this morning (!) so just told my coach my goal is to keep doing them throughout my pregnancy, even as my body weight increases. Then I'll have major guns during labor, ha!
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@JoJoGirl: nice!! you are going to be one buff pregnant chick (i mean, you already are i'm guessing, haha). I'm actually wondering if i'll show earlier since my abs are nowhere near what they were for the 1st when i was dancing so much. I showed super late with my first, so i wouldn't mind if i showed a little earlier this time (though not TOO early!).
and yes, so so hard. Just have to take it day by day, and have faith that your body is doing what it needs to do. But yay for passing that time period from last time - it's the small victories!
pineapple / 12234 posts
@pregnantbee: @JoJoGirl: I have a major bloat belly - I don't even know if I'm "showing" but I look 4-5 months along right now I'm only 7 weeks!
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@Pirouette: @HLK208: Yes, this. I'm 7w2d and someone CALLED ME OUT this morning on being preggo. I didn't show til 22 weeks with my first! This is my 3rd pregnancy (2nd viable one) so showing at 7w is awful
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@JoJoGirl: last week on of my "Facebook memories" was a picture of me pregnant at 24 weeks. I am about as big now as I was then, especially the end of the day.
I am wearing maternity pants today.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@Silva: oh my goodness! I've wanted to pull out my maternity jeans all weekend but am only 8 weeks 4 days so was trying to wait until at least 10 weeks. You may have inspired me to just go for it!
I have a legit little bump but also have a diastasis from my last two so wasn't surprised at all.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@JoJoGirl: I'm impressed with your crossfitting! I've still been going to spin classes and I'm feeling good, so I hope I can keep it up for awhile. I agree that it is so hard to know what's "right" regarding heart rate, though. When I asked my doc about exercise, she said, "Well, it used to be recommended to not go above 140 bpm, but you'll get there really fast. Basically listen to your body and as long as you feel ok, you're fine." Not very specific! So it's hard for me not to overanalyze while exercising -- "I think I feel OK....But is it OK?"
I have my second US tomorrow and I am SO nervous. I just want to hear a heartbeat so badly. At this point I think I'm more anxious than excited about the pregnancy I don't know how I'll make it to 3 pm tomorrow. In other news, I found my husband sitting at our dining room table yesterday, reading a baby book and taking notes on his laptop. I almost cried it was so cute.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@coopsmama: I was so sick of wearing leggings, or having a waist band dig in! They slide down a littl still, but are so much more comfortable.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@Silva: I feel you. I've been so irritated when I've had to leave the house and wear real pants and it's been way too cold to wear anything but pants around here - even leggings! I was wondering why my mood was so annoyed the other day and then I got home and changed into comfy pants and was like "ahhhhh."
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@MrsSCB: Good luck tomorrow!!! Everything I read about exercise and pregnancy with my first said to go by "the talk test" - ie you should be able to still carry on a conversation. If you're so breathless that you can't, slow down. It has mostly been working for me although I know I push things too hard sometimes.
@Silva: NICE! Maternity pants will be on next week for sure.
@coopsmama: Yes I have diastasis from my first as well, I'm sure it's not helping my cause this time around!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@JoJoGirl: Thank you! And the talk test sounds like a much easier measure than, "Do I feel OK?" haha. One more exercise question -- do you do things like burpees in CF? I feel like I've read that you should not do certain types of exercises, especially ab heavy ones, while pregnant. But I'm not sure if that's accurate, or if it just becomes an issue once you have a belly to get in the way. Like should I not be doing crunches/bicycle crunches/etc.? I find a lot of conflicting info online (typical...)
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@Silva: @coopsmama: I've been wearing maternity leggings for almost a week now. Bliss. I'm wearing them today with a long shirt and long flowy cardigan for work. No idea how people won't know I'm pregnant. The outfit isn't all that diff from the norm but man. Really can't hide the bump all that well!
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@MrsSCB: Haha I was just discussing burpees with my coach this morning. I do them and think they're fine (now), but will stop once there's a real belly there to slam down on. And the recommendation to limit abdominal work is supposed to protect you from diastasis (which I think is crap and it's genetic - i got it and was careful with my first). NOW it's okay to do any sit ups/crunches etc, but once your abdominal muscles start straining, I'd lay off.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@JoJoGirl: I agree about diastasis. I think there are very few things you can truly do to protect yourself and that avoiding certain exercises isn't the be all end all - I have a petite frame and carry 9lb babies every time. It just seems inevitable. I've made my peace about it and will someday consider surgery to fix it. I also have an umbilical hernia from number two that will need to be fixed.
@pregnantbee: Yesterday at church I think it looked pretty apparent I'm pregnant. My outfit just showed the bump off. Oh well. No one said anything but I did catch a couple glances to my stomach. As long as no one says anything they can think what they want.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@JoJoGirl: Thanks, that is helpful! Sounds like I can pretty much keep doing what I'm doing, at least for a little bit. I've read the same thing about forgoing certain exercises supposedly helping to prevent diastasis, but it does kind of seem similar to stretch marks, that there's only so much you can do.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@coopsmama: Glancing at stomachs in my church is one of my favorite Sunday activities. There are so many young families and always so many pregnant girls that its fun to guess who will be next.
@MrsSCB: Spin classes are something I've done regularly for nearly ten years. I'm really hoping I can get back to them, even at a slow pace, soon. As for ab heavy exercises, I would think that would make sense. But I've read that planks are okay and that, to me, is an ab heavy work out. I have been doing megaformer pilates for about the past 5 months and I'd love to get back into it. There is a youtube video with a very pregnant girl doing the megaformer and its so inspiring. Although, its actually a really tough work out for me but I still think I could do it fine if my doctor would lift my no exercise restriction. Oh, and if I'd stop bleeding sporadically.
So I caved and told my immediate boss and one other co-worker this morning that I'm pregnant. Since my RE nurse deemed me "high risk" and mentioned bed rest, I thought it would be courteous to tell my work group.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
Just had the nausea get the best of me and threw up all of my breakfast. Yay. That was one pregnancy milestone I was really hoping to avoid this go around and it was seeming like I would!
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