Hellobee Boards



  1. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    Well OPKs were negative so I guess my LH surge was yesterday! I'll move my POAS date to 8/17.

  2. Hypatia

    kiwi / 500 posts

    Negatives here and I got my period today. I hate that awful, "But maybe it's just implantation bleeding!" false hope that gives way to resignation. But there's always next month.

  3. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    β˜€August 2018 POAS -

    Yellowbeach: TBD
    Hypatia: Aug 1
    Megpie: Aug 7
    Mrs. Toad: Aug 9
    Emileecatherine: Aug 12
    Magnolia: Aug 14
    MrsDynamiteGal: Aug 14
    MDF106: Aug 16
    SkinnyCow: Aug 17
    Paranundrum : Aug 20
    Kaohinani : Aug 21
    Jessiemuller88: Aug 22
    Sam's Mom: Aug 25
    Starlitsky: Sept 1

    Best of luck to everyone this month!

  4. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @Hypatia: sorry about AF!

  5. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @Hypatia: I'm sorry! That always sucks!


    This period is the worst! I'm still bloated, still crampy in my ovaries, bleeding soooo much; and my antibiotics for my tooth is not being kind to my stomach

    Can we just skip to the fertile week?

  6. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @Hypatia: I'm sorry.

    @Sams Mom: Hope you feel better soon.

  7. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    OK, ladies -

    Trying for some inspiration, positivity, and humor this cycle ... The end of July and the start of August has been a bit of bummer for many of us due to a plethora of reasons ranging from ttc fails to health-issues to financial woes and even that of familial and personal problems. We shall state it has been physically and emotionally "trying" for many of us, to say the least. So, I had an idea to lighten things up, and bring us all back together: Responding to a few lighthearted questions! πŸ˜€. As silly as it may be to act like big old teenagers and play a game of "TRUTH [no dare. Lol] ," I figured the responses may open up conversation and possibly lighten the grievous mood that has been looming for a while. I hope I'm not being exceptionally dorky or bold in this avant-garde idea here. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚ I suppose, I need a bit of a " break" and a bit of silly in my life. I'm hoping a few of you ladies will join me. Here goes:
    (1) What is the weirdest TWW symptom(s) you've had during your time TTC? 😷
    (2) What is the most outrageous place you and your spouse (or significant other) have BD? πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š
    (3) Who will be the first person you plan to tell if/when you get your BFP ?
    Have fun and I can't wait to read some of the responses! πŸ˜€

    *My responses will follow as soon as I am certain I have not made a complete "arse" out of myself in trying to increase morale with this silly exercise! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

  8. MrsDynamiteGal

    cherry / 119 posts

    @Kaohinani: I'm sorry you've had a couple of challenging weeks. Been thinking of ya and hope things look up soon.

    I love the game idea! I'll play 😊

    1. The weirdest symptom so far has been constipation. I'm rarely, if ever, constipated. On my third day of that so far. πŸ˜–

    2. Most outrageous for us has been on top of our dining table. (We're boring. Lol 😁) It's outrageous though because we've gotten complaints from our downstairs neighbors. 😳🀣 This was years ago .

    3. I'll probably tell my spouse first.

  9. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    (1) What is the weirdest TWW symptom(s) you've had during your time TTC? The weirdest one I've googled is probably "is all of a sudden hating all your husband's mannerisms a sign of early pregnancy?" 🀣🀣🀣
    (2) What is the most outrageous place you and your spouse (or significant other) have BD? An elevator in the campus library πŸ™ˆ
    (3) Who will be the first person you plan to tell if/when you get your BFP ? As ridiculous as this sounds, I'll snap chat a picture of my positive test to my little sister, because that's all I could manage to do when I found out I was pregnant with my son. I was freaking out!

  10. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @MrsDynamiteGal: @Sams Mom:
    Thanks for playing along! The answers you shared were great!

    Here are my responses:
    (Keep in mind, I'm old and boring. Lol)

    (1) What is the weirdest TWW symptom(s) you've had during your time TTC? 😷
    --- In the last 33 cycles, it has been a tie between the crazy-huge veiny boobs AND the post-Clomid TWW nausea with gagging. Weirdest non-pregancy symptoms I've ever had!!! πŸ™„πŸ˜πŸ˜…

    (2) What is the most outrageous place you and your spouse (or significant other) have BD? πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š
    --- After an Army ORG day with the hubby's old battalion in Hawaii, a fellow military spouse and family friend was watching my daughter for a couple hours so her daughter could play with mine ... It was the PERFECT time for a couple Mai Tais, a frolic on the beach with the hubs and a quickie while watching the sunset. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜. Mind you, that is not the most outrageous place I've been intimate in my life, just while BD with my husband. πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š

    (3) Who will be the first person you plan to tell if/when you get your BFP ?
    --- I will PROBABLY share it with you ladies first if my hubs isn't around for it. Then, DH ... OR, vice versa. IDK. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

  11. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @Kaohinani: I love this idea!

    (1) What is the weirdest TWW symptom(s) you've had during your time TTC? Last month I felt the β€œtingly feeling in my breasts” like when your milk lets down while breastfeeding.
    (2) What is the most outrageous place you and your spouse (or significant other) have BD? That would have to be a storage closet at DH’s best friend’s wedding! We love to get it on at weddings πŸ˜‰
    (3) Who will be the first person you plan to tell if/when you get your BFP? First my hubs, then my mom!

  12. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: I'm so glad you like it! I needed a break from the monotony of ttc [and life in general] and just had to be a bit goofy. πŸ€— You made me chuckle when I read how weddings do it for you and your hubs! πŸ˜‚

  13. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    I'm game, too!

    (1) What is the weirdest TWW symptom(s) you've had during your time TTC? 😷 Does pathologic fixation on *thinking* about POAS count? If not, then I'd say a craving for whole milk.
    (2) What is the most outrageous place you and your spouse (or significant other) have BD? πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š @Jessiemuller88: I'm glad we're not the only ones! Small winery wedding venue.
    (3) Who will be the first person you plan to tell if/when you get your BFP ? - Most likely you ladies assuming DH isn't around at the time. I might run it by my BFF if it's a squinter just to make sure I don't torture DH with any false positives.

  14. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @Kaohinani: @Yellowbeach: there’s just something about a wedding that makes you feel all lovey-dovey and frisky 😜 I loved reading y’all’s answers!

  15. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @yellowbeach: LOL. IDK if a fixation on POAS counts as a clinical symptom, but I think it should! πŸ˜‚. By 9 dpo, it hits strong! πŸ˜‰

  16. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    Looks like these past few weeks have been universally crappy. I'm no exception, but it's getting better by the day.

    @Kaohinani: Great idea for lightening the mood!

    1. Weirdest symptoms - I guess an actual physical symptom during the TWW has been a combination of dizziness so bad I have to sit on the floor to avoid fainting, nausea and hot/cold flashes in the morning right after getting up. Obviously I'm pregnant, right? Nothing to do with low blood pressure and getting up too fast...
    A general TTC thing for me has been starting to knit something for my imaginary child and then unravel it in fear of jinxing it. In my more hopeful moments I have completed a few knits. Those are stashed away waiting for someone to put them on. In addition to the knits the non-existent kid also has a set of bed sheets because they were stupid cute and on sale.

    2. Unfortunately my other half is not very adventurous. The only place we have done it other than a room with a bed in it has been a sauna.

    3. The first to hear will probably be my SO and you guys. Also possibly one of my co-workers so I could leave the heavy lifting to him. (Luckily he doesn't mind when I ask him to borrow his muscles as I don't have any of my own.)

  17. Hypatia

    kiwi / 500 posts

    Hey, my new POA date is August 26! I didn't realize it'd be that soon. πŸ’ƒ

    1. Nothing too weird here. Breast tenderness was the main symptom with my last two pregnancies.

    2. In our car overlooking mountains in a national park.

    3. DH, you guys. Then after a few weeks, my mom and best friend.

  18. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @paranundrum: Sorry you've had a crappy few weeks as well. πŸ˜• Thanks for joining in! ... I love your responses! The sauna is scandalous. πŸ˜‰

    @HYPATIA: So glad that you will be back for a 2nd round this month! πŸ˜€ I'll add you to the POAS list ASAP!

  19. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    β˜€August 2018 POAS -

    Yellowbeach: TBD
    Hypatia: Aug 1
    Megpie: Aug 7
    Mrs. Toad: Aug 9
    Emileecatherine: Aug 12
    Magnolia: Aug 14
    MrsDynamiteGal: Aug 14
    MDF106: Aug 16
    SkinnyCow: Aug 17
    Paranundrum : Aug 20
    Kaohinani : Aug 21
    Jessiemuller88: Aug 22
    Sam's Mom: Aug 25
    Hypatia: Aug 26
    Starlitsky: Sept 1

    Best of luck to everyone this month!

  20. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    So my clomid check is the afternoon, and this is the only cycle that I have been so sure that I will have cysts. Hopefully not... but my ovaries still hurt and it is CD 5.

  21. MrsDynamiteGal

    cherry / 119 posts

    @Sams Mom: I'm sorry to hear that πŸ˜” I hope that is not the case, too. Fingers crossed for you!

    The urge to symptom spot is strong! Especially when symptoms do arise. Crazy thing is, my fertility app keeps telling me that ovulation is coming.

  22. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @Sams Mom: I'm hoping you will be fine. I had that the cycle before my last (my Clomid 100 cycle) and I thought my ovaries would blow during AF and even up until CD 7 when I had my HSG the following cycle. They were the size of small grapefruit during OV the cycle on Clomid 100! Alas, no cysts for me. This cycle (back on Clomid after the HSG, down to 50 again), I'm on CD 13 and I haven't OVed yet. My ovaries are huge (as in they can be felt from the inside and outside) AND I'm swelling like a piggy, but my OBGYN says everything looks like I'm on-track and I should "keep doing the horizontal mambo." (*eye roll* πŸ™„πŸ˜ Always is funny when a male medical doctor tries to shift from technical jargon to "hip" layman's terminology. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚). Anyway, I'm hoping you are cyst-free because you have been through so much and deserve a break (and a BFP !). Wishing you the absolute best, hun! πŸ’™

  23. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @Kaohinani: I tried to tell my doctor that it's hard to get it on sometimes with a toddler in bed with us. He fired back with, "wait until he's asleep, he's young enough to not remember or be traumatized"

    ... and now I know how he has 5 kids.

    You have given me hope though because you didn't have any but felt your ovaries for so long.

  24. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @Sams Mom: πŸ™„πŸ˜πŸ˜‚So your OBGYN thinks he is a comedian as well? Lol. As far as BDing with a LO in the room -- I think it is a guy thing. When my son first came home (and after his surgeries) he had to sleep sitting up so he dozed in his car seat and in a special "elevated" sleeper, well, my husband would "try" to get frisky with him in the room and he'd just turn my son around to face a corner or a wall. Seriously, a newborn "in timeout." πŸ˜‚. I couldn't traumatize DS like that as I have memories of my parents fighting when I was 20 mos old in the first home they had before they divorced so I know memories can develop early (IDK HOW early though! πŸ˜‚). Besides, I had a C-section and PPD, so the hubby was DENIED for a good long while BUT it was silly to see how hard he tried and that he'd be willing to face our tiny son to the wall if there were even a chance in H*ll. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚

    As far as cysts go, they are a possibility, but it is slim. If you have a history of them, have had cysts in other bodily locals, have a propensity to develop hyperstimulated ovaries, or have PCOS, you are far more apt to develop them. From my research (both in reviewing scholarly texts and in speaking with doctors), Clomid use (especially in higher doses) will cause severe bloat, painful ovulation, headaches, sore breasts, severely engorged ovaries, late OV, intense hot flushes, dizzy spells, changes in BMs (diarrhea OR constipation), vision changes (some may be permanent), the increased chance for multiples (It is still under 8% for fraternal twins) and pronounced Progesterone effects. Effects (with the exception of the birth of multiples) all increase with an increase in the level of Clomid administered to a patient. I hope this info is at least relatively helpful, especially since you have been on Clomid 150. πŸ’™

  25. megpie

    coffee bean / 44 posts

    Hi everyone! Just reading through and catching up 😊 I’ve been trying to be a little more passive this month since I have a really bad habit of becoming too obsessive haha. Plus, this month we only BD’d on the day before ovulation because of work schedules, so I’m not feeling too confident! I’ll be testing when we get home from camp today though since AF is usually here by now (unless I’m a little off on my O date) so we shall see!

  26. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    @megpie: Good luck!

    It only takes one try! My last pregnancy we only had sex once during that month.

  27. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @megpie: Good luck ! I hope it's good news.

  28. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    πŸ‘©πŸ‘΅πŸ‘ΈπŸ‘―πŸ’†πŸ’‡πŸ‘°πŸ’ƒLadies -

    For those of you ladies who have not been on BEE recently or haven't read through the ENTIRE POAS post, we've been playing a fun, lighthearted game of "TRUTH [no Dare. Lol]" in order to lighten the mood (from a crappy few weeks), bond as a TTC group, and just be silly. Many of the ladies have responded and the answers are GREAT! If you would like to partake, the questions are as follows:

    (1) What is the weirdest TWW symptom(s) you've had during your time TTC? 😷
    (2) What is the most outrageous place you and your spouse (or significant other) have BD? πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š
    (3) Who will be the first person you plan to tell if/when you get your BFP ?

    Have fun and I can't wait to read some MORE of the responses! πŸ˜€

    *** For those who HAVE responded, your answers have been AH-MAZING and it is so much fun reading them! πŸ’— - Kaohinani ***

  29. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @Kaohinani: I'm glad you reposted this because I get my repeat bHcG tomorrow and have already started to fixate on that. This is a needed distraction!

  30. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @yellowbeach: Hoping for a 0 for you!

  31. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    (1) What is the weirdest TWW symptom(s) you've had during your time TTC? Not really weird but I ALWAYS get a super strong sense of smell in the TWW (whether I'm pregnant or not)
    (2) What is the most outrageous place you and your spouse (or significant other) have BD? Not BD, but we had sex in the ocean in broad daylight when we were in college We don't get too crazy anymore.
    (3) Who will be the first person you plan to tell if/when you get your BFP? I'm going to try to surprise DH this time (and not just wave a pregnant test in his face) so I'll probably tell my sister first.

  32. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @yellowbeach: No problem, Yellow! I'm trying to keep my mind off of all of the crazy going here as well. I have no control over any of it so I'm, simply, surrendering and going with the flow (for once πŸ˜‚). Good luck with your repeat bHcG tomorrow! I know it is FAR easier said than done, but keep your mind off of it the best you can and keep the positive thoughts flowing (* Negativity never got anyone anything "good," right? πŸ˜‰ ... One of my favorite quotes to keep me going: "β€œI may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” – Douglas Adams). Hopefully, we all get to have some sort of positive luck this month (eg. Good news, good family health, a BFP, a better ttc cycle, having hubby home for OV --- Whatever it is the person needs). I'm pulling for all the ladies here! πŸ’—

  33. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @skinnycow: Thanks for responding, skinny! πŸ™. I get the "super sniffer" as well! Hubby calls me "Un petit nez" πŸ‘ƒ(translation: "the little nose" in French). πŸ˜‚ I've been like that after OV since I was in my early 20s.

  34. mdf106

    clementine / 828 posts

    @Kaohinani: I hope things are going better with you.

    Things were going well until today, when multiple things went badly.

    1) What is the weirdest TWW symptom(s) you've had during your time TTC? Nothing really weird, there is really no difference between my symptoms for successful cycles and unsuccessful cycles.
    (2) What is the most outrageous place you and your spouse (or significant other) have BD? In the shower when DH's family was visiting.
    (3) Who will be the first person you plan to tell if/when you get your BFP? DH, I can't imagine telling anyone else first. With our first, I told him over the phone while he was on a business trip, because I couldn't wait. I showed him the positive test with my second, and hope to do the same this time.

  35. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @mdf106: Oh, I'm so sorry to read things aren't going well with you!!! πŸ˜•. I'm hoping everything gets better for you (*hugs*). Things are still up-in-the-air here, but since I have ABSOLUTELY no control over any of it, I'm just going to attempt to surrender to what I can't change, make the best of everything, and work on what I can. πŸ™‚. Hopefully, everything will turn out in the end.
    I enjoyed reading your responses to the "Game of Truth." Incidentally, up until I started Clomid, my TWW symptoms didn't really deviate either but NOW I have Progesterone-induced "symptoms" that rival those of being 5/6 weeks pregnant! So confusing! πŸ˜‚

  36. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @MrsDynamiteGal: NO CYSTS!

  37. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @Sams Mom: Yay! πŸ˜€ So happy to read this! Cyst free is the way to be! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚

  38. MrsDynamiteGal

    cherry / 119 posts

    @Sams Mom: So glad to hear it! πŸ˜€πŸ˜ŠπŸ’œ

  39. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @Sams Mom: awesome news!

  40. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    You guys I am do frustrated with DH. At 7:15 pm I was at work and he texted me β€œEmergency!!” Our 18mo had pooped πŸ’© in the bathtub for the first time while he was bathing her. We exchanged some humorous texts, NBD.

    Flash forward to just now, >4 hours later that I am home and getting ready for bed. I look in the tub πŸ›€ to see the baby’s little tub still with water πŸ’¦ and STILL with poop πŸ’©!!! He didn’t even bother to dump the dirty water. He was off today, and I’ve been up since 6:15 am and worked til 10pm. I’m so mad 😑 but feel like I can’t say anything because then I’m a nag but c’mon this is nasty! πŸ˜” #endrant

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