Hi, Ladies!
Welcome to the August 2018 POAS Board!
Respond as follows for the board:
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle:
Ovulation Date:
POAS Date:
Baby #:
Anything exciting you'd like to share:
Best of luck to all this month!
Hi, Ladies!
Welcome to the August 2018 POAS Board!
Respond as follows for the board:
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle:
Ovulation Date:
POAS Date:
Baby #:
Anything exciting you'd like to share:
Best of luck to all this month!
nectarine / 2648 posts
Thanks for humoring me and starting the board @Kaohinani
Cycle Day: TBD - maybe CD6?
TTC Cycle: #1 (for Baby #3)
Ovulation Date: 8/4, but will do a natural FET (IVF) about 5 days after
Baby #: 3 (DD#1 is 17mo from IVF, one rainbow)
Anything exciting you'd like to share:
We lost DD#2 end of May due to T21. This will be our first cycle trying since having DD#1 as DD#2 was a natural accident, not IVF. We'll be transferring a single PGS-tested embryo and should have a 70% chance of success per our RE. Been following the July 2018 POAS board. I hope this group has as many supportive ladies as last month.
Best of luck to everyone!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: No problem! I was more than happy to oblige. I'm glad to see you here. . I shall be keeping my fingers AND my toes crossed for you this month!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
August 2018 POAS -
Yellowbeach: TBD
Kaohinani : TBD
Best of luck to everyone this month!
pear / 1728 posts
Cycle Day: 1
TTC Cycle: 6 (kinda... got pregnant after 3 cycles, MC, break, and this is cycle 3 after break)
Ovulation Date: 8/7 ish
POAS Date: Trying to wait until AF is due, so 8/20
Baby #: 2
clementine / 811 posts
@Kaohinani: Thanks for starting the new board!
Cycle Day: 2
TTC Cycle: I looked it up, it's #71 with no birth control. Not all of it has been "active" trying, but we haven't done anything to prevent either.
Ovulation Date: around August 6th according to FF.
POAS Date: I'm guessing the 20th, but I'll correct the date when OV has been confirmed.
Baby #: 1
Hoping to see a lot of positives this month, let's clear the board!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@skinnycow: Hi, cycle-sister!
@paranundrum: No problem! Happy to see you here.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
Cycle Day: CD 1
TTC Cycle: 33 (3rd cycle of Clomid, last cycle I had my HSG and did not use Clomid)
Ovulation Date: TBD (Clomid throws my cycle for a loop! )
Baby #: 3 (I have a 3-year-old & a 10-year-old but suffer from secondary infertility with no found cause)
Anything exciting you'd like to share: Not really, my life is fairly subdued atm which is unusual.
*** I just noticed there are A LOT of "3's" in this post! Maybe it is a sign and lucky for our 3rd baby?!? #wishfulthinking. #LuckyNumber3? ***
grapefruit / 4144 posts
August 2018 POAS -
Yellowbeach: TBD
Kaohinani : TBD
SkinnyCow: Aug 20
Paranundrum : Aug 20
Best of luck to everyone this month!
clementine / 795 posts
@Kaohinani: Thank you for setting this up! Iβm not joining yet since my POAS date is still in July, but Iβm cheering on all of you ladies!
clementine / 828 posts
Cycle Day: 3
TTC Cycle: 4
Ovulation Date: Around August 4
POAS Date: Around August 16
Baby #: 3
Anything exciting you'd like to share: I just got back from spending time with my sister's baby.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
August 2018 POAS -
Yellowbeach: TBD
Kaohinani : TBD
MDF106: Aug 16
SkinnyCow: Aug 20
Paranundrum : Aug 20
Best of luck to everyone this month!
nectarine / 2648 posts
Anyone one else really hoping for their this month not just because they want a
but to avoid dipping into the summer heat for 3rd trimester?
pear / 1728 posts
@yellowbeach: Yes! This summer has been brutal and I really don't want to deal with this during pregnancy.
Also, my daughter is a March baby and I hope I get pregnant soon so all my maternity clothes and baby clothes I saved are the right season.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@skinnycow: Exactly! DD1 was supposed to be an April baby but came 2 months early in Feb. So like you, I have the same season of maternity clothes. Hadn't thought about that, but it's another good motivator!
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@yellowbeach: @skinnycow: I had horrible swelling with my son, and my doctor's comment was "thank God this is February and not July". So I'm really hoping for a positive soon because this girl doesn't do heat well ever!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: @skinnycow: @Sams Mom:
Wow, I'm tardy to this party! .
To respond - While I'd prefer a Spring baby, I wouldn't mind a Summer one either. I was pregnant with my son (a Dec baby) in Hawaii during the summer which gets fairly warm and is high humidity. Thank goodness for the beach! . With my daughter (my May-bae, as I call her), it was late summer and early fall when I became pregnant and sickness hit (in San Diego before a move to CT). Not so bad ... The thing that DID get me with both was that I had preecampsia with my pregnancies. I gained 70+ lbs with my daughter and lost nearly 40 by the time I left the hospital with her due to all of the water weight (I also had a seizure while in labor and had to have an emergency c-section). With my son, I put on exactly 50-lbs. I lost over 25 at the hospital and it took me 11 mos to lose the rest. With his c-section, I had an adverse effect to the meds given and my heart slowed to nearly a stop. I digress. I figure it doesn't matter what season I have a baby in; I'm still going to be uncomfortable, I'm [probably] going to go preecampsic again, I'm probably going to be denied a VBAC (again), I'm still going to have nausea and sciatica pain, I'm still going to have flare-ups from my autoimmune disorders and may have a seizure (or 2). At this point, I simply want a healthy baby to complete our family and I'm absolutely exhausted of ttc but will keep going if there is even a freckle's worth of a chance it may happen. So, summer be damned! I'm going to conceive one way or another and I REALLY hope it is sooner rather than later.
clementine / 973 posts
I thought I wanted to take a break this cycle, but af has given me sanity and new hope οΈ
Cycle Day: 1
TTC Cycle: 5
Ovulation Date: TBD
POAS Date: August 22
Baby #: 2
Anything exciting you'd like to share: not exciting, but Iβm trying to decide if I should or shouldnβt take Femara this cycle. I have mild PCOS, so my ovulation is not consistent. I had a CP in June, after taking Femara. I didnβt take anything for my last cycle and ovulated naturally, so Iβm not sure if I should give my body a chance to do its thing, or have a better chance with Femara.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Jessiemuller88: YAY! Great to see you! We will keep this cycle going with positive thoughts.
persimmon / 1168 posts
hi ladies! I am also hoping for a spring babe! I work in education so if I have an late April baby my maternity leave will run perfectly into summer.
Cycle Day: 11
TTC Cycle: 2
Ovulation Date: 7/31 according to clue
POAS Date: 8/14
Baby #: 2
Anything exciting you'd like to share: Iβm on summer vacation and Iβm trying to enjoy every moment of it!
Good luck to everyone this month!!!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
August 2018 POAS -
Yellowbeach: TBD
Kaohinani : TBD
Magnolia: Aug 14
MDF106: Aug 16
SkinnyCow: Aug 20
Paranundrum : Aug 20
Jessiemuller88: Aug 22
Best of luck to everyone this month!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@magnolia: Hi, Magnolia! That was the best part of having my daughter in May, I was able to take my maternity leave from teaching and it continued on into the summer!
Best of luck this cycle!
clementine / 973 posts
@magnolia: Iβm a teacher as well and hope for the extended maternity leave too! FX itβs our month
pear / 1728 posts
I'm also hoping for an extended maternity leave... Hopefully I can convince my boss to let me take 4-5 months (we can take unpaid personal leaves of absence). My slowest time of year is May-Sept so getting pregnant this month would be ideal for me.
Downside - my absolute worst time of year is the first two weeks of April, so I'd be 9 months pregnant and working crazy hours. Time will tell, I guess
grapefruit / 4144 posts
Hooray for ttc teachers! Hopefully, we've got Aug covered and will inundate it with BFPs for April and May babies!
clementine / 828 posts
@yellowbeach: I very much want to avoid a summer baby. Besides the heat, I would like to have at least some of my maternity leave (preferably the beginning) be while my oldest LO is in school (he will be in kindergarten this year). I would also rather the baby not be the youngest in the grade. School ends the very beginning of June, so this is really my last chance. I was much more swollen with my August baby than with my January baby, although I did find summer in the first trimester pretty bad with the January baby. If I can conceive this month, I could pretty well avoid the hottest weather.
I plan to take a 12 week (9 weeks paid maternity leave and 3 weeks pto), which would be a big improvement on the 6 week unpaid leaves I have taken with my two LOs. I am the primary to sole income earner, so we can't afford a long unpaid leave.
persimmon / 1168 posts
@Jessiemuller88: when do you go back to school? Iβm counting the days but trying to enjoy the rest of the summer
Isnβt it silly that we have to plan like this and beg for maternity leave? 6 or even 12 weeks is just not enough time.
Also my first pregnancy which I lost to an early m/c was due in April so Iβm feeling a bit sentimental about that
clementine / 973 posts
@magnolia: inservice starts August 8th, and my students start the 15th. What about you? Iβm trying to enjoy every last moment too with pool days and zoo trips galore itβs really a shame how little maternity leave we get with our little ones. Iβm envious of other countries that give new mothers 9+ months. Something has to change around here!
Iβm sorry to hear about your m/c. I had a CP last cycle, and my first ultrasound was supposed to be yesterday. It was all I could think about, so I understand certain months/days making you sad
nectarine / 2648 posts
So my cure for passing the time waiting until my next RE appointment - participating in the filming of my local police department's lip sync challenge
. It should release Monday. It was so fun to do something so different with people I'm so serious around usually. In the afternoon filing I brought DD#1 along to participate in the group dance.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: That sounds like so much fun! π€ I wish we were able to see it. You must have had a blast!
nectarine / 2648 posts
@Kaohinani: I'll share it Monday when it comes out - I won't be hard to spot - white girl with no moves
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: Thank you! I can't wait to see it! P.S. I'm sure you have more rhythm than you give yourself credit for.
clementine / 973 posts
@yellowbeach: bahaha! Sounds like me. I have zero rhythm but love to dance anyways! Sounds like a blast and a great way to pass time
clementine / 973 posts
I talked to my OB, and I decided to take Femara this cycle. Iβll be starting it tomorrow!
nectarine / 2648 posts
They surprised everyone and turned it around in less than 24 hours!
coffee bean / 44 posts
Good luck to everyone this cycle!!
Cycle Day: 18
TTC Cycle: 3
Ovulation Date: Yesterday (July 26) I believe! I Oβd earlier than usual this month so I almost missed it. CM tipped me off and I got a positive OPK on CD 16
POAS Date: probably Aug 7
Baby #: 1
Anything exciting you'd like to share: earlier than normal O and more regular cycles is exciting, right?
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