Ugh, we had another tough night of little sleep in our house. LO is a little over 5 months old. Since he got colicky at 6 weeks or so, we've used the Happiest Baby techniques. We still sort of use them on him for naps and bedtime. We attempted CIO to disastrous results like inconsolable crying for hours. Even with modified versions of it, he didn't take to it.

In the past week, he's been able to be rocked/bounced to sleep, but then wakes up every 15 minutes later until he sleeps for 1-3 hours. We know to some extent that we're being "played" by him because we'll attend to his cries. I worry that he expects interaction with us or the boob. Around 5am, I finally boobed again after being tired. He was last boobed around 1:30am at that point. This morning, he was still sleeping when I left for work at 7:30am.

How do I get him to sleep longer without CIO (which doesn't seem to work with him) and stop these little wakeups? He used to sleep these long 4-5 hour blocks with one wakeup. I miss those days. He's also teething something fierce right now too.