Can anyone tell me the pros/cons of breastfeeding (vs EPing, not formula) after 3 months?

I switched to EPing when my son was 4 months because nursing was always such a nightmare. I was SO SO much happier bottle feeding him, so I never questioned or regretted my decision. I got by with pumping 4 times per day and then when he got more mobile we switched to formula at 10 months. Supply was never an issue.

With my second, nursing is okay, but I am having a really hard time with not knowing how much she is eating, not knowing when she is done, the pulling off, the unpredictable schedule because I misinterpret her, I enjoy bottle feeding her more and I am already pumping twice a day so that I can leave her in the gym nursery and so that her daddy can help with feedings. Balancing the timing of nursing and pumping is challenging, and kind of stresses me out.

I am considering switching to EPing again even though I don't really have to, but I would love to know more about what is coming with nursing so that I can make the best decision with the most information. I am afraid if I switch she will develop such a bottle preference that I won't be able to go back, so I want to really think it through before I decide.

So, what are the pros and cons of nursing an older baby? I plan to wean around a year regardless.