So LO is happy at dropoff, but cries at pickup! She is usually thrilled to see me and runs over, but then cries because she wants to leave and nurse. I've figured out that she really wants dinner by 5:30 with daycare's feeding schedule (I think she snacks more at home) and that's usually when I pick her up so she's hungry at the moment (luckily we're at a place now that does dinner at that time if I get done with work later, which is common). But girlfriend can't wait until we're to the car! And then she has to nurse, she can't handle some cherrios as a bridge to get home. I think I'm going to need to bring milk in a thermos or something because I'm tired of sitting in the car nursing and I'm trying to slowly wean anyhow. She's 14.5 mo btw. Yesterday she just completely lost it and melted down until I finally nursed her in the car before we left.

Anyone else have LOs that cry at pickup? What do you do?