So - we're staring down a pretty substantial increase in our weekly rates at Daycare next month...

Under 2.5 rate is increasing from $299/week to $319/week.

The classes over 2.5 are increasing at varying rates, in the 8% ballpark.

Thats a steep increase for one year. They increased $10 about 18 months ago.

As I understand it - they own the building. I mention this bc that to me could be a huge driver of cost - if all of the sudden their rent is up for negotiation.

Another Mom was told by the director "look - the other center has been charging the higher rates for a year now - we postponed as long as we can, no more delays. If you dont like it you can go somewhere else". Aside from my other issues with this statement - you dont just raise rates because your other centers did.

I know my daycare is a for profit entity, and I get that. But 8% is a lot. I'm really wanting to ask the director about it but DH wants me to let it go. My biggest issue is when I found this Daycare I accepted the higher rate because I felt it was a premium center. My girls are 4 and 18 mos now - and I feel the quality has been declining in the new teachers they are hiring, more and more are basically glorified babysitters.

Would you say something? Or let it go and move up your plans to leave the facility (not up and quite, just expedite the already in place plan).