I feel like I need to write out my emotions........lol
DD is/has started daycare
She will not really drink out of anything other than a boob... lol
She is taking about 1-2 Oz from a straw cup at daycare, but will take about 2-4 Oz at home for us!
Anyway, she starts full time Monday and I am trying really hard to stick to a schedule and nurse her in morning and night only and then offer straw cup with lunch and other "nursing sessions" She is just not taking enough and wants to still nurse!
It is so had for me as I too am not ready to cut our BF relationship short!
I've tried BM in the straw cup and it doesn't make a difference so I am using formula during the day and for daycare!
My heart just hurts and I feel like I am not ready for this change at all....
Some days I am ok, others I just want to go back in time and continue being a SAHM!
I just pray she figures it out and takes much more come Monday and is not upset all day!
It hurts my heart so bad to think of her upset because I am not around to nurse her!
It is even harder today as I just want to nurse my baby!
I know what they say if they get hungry/thirsty enough they will eat, I know that.....it it is the crying and her being upset before that just kills me!
Sorry for the rant, just felt like I needed to write this out!
In hopes I am not the only one that has felt this way!