Our daughter is only a few months old, and already it seems like most people either pronounce or spell her name incorrectly. I really didn't think the name we chose was that unusual!

Her name is Genevieve Wint3r Lastname (I inserted the 3 so it can't be traced back here with Google, obviously it's an e). We pronounce it the English way (JEN-uh-veev). So far, it's been butchered by everyone from nurses to family and friends.

A nutritionist mistakenly kept calling her Guinevere. There isn't even an R in Genevieve! My MIL still has trouble spelling it and even went so far as to suggest we call her Wint3r instead. A nurse at the pedi's office mispelled it on her forms as Geneve (that's not even a real name). My father over enunciates it because he says it's so hard to say. And so on.

I hope this isn't an omen for many more mispronunciations and mispellings to come.