Ummmm please make me feel better / commiserate here
3 years ago: Made plane ticket reservations for the wrong day, didn't realize until 2-3 days before, cost is a couple hundred in change fees to switch.
2 years ago: While driving, I took a left turn when I shouldn't have. I thought I was safe, but I wasn't. Misjudged. Totaled my car, cost us thousands of dollars, felt so, so stupid and horrible. Thank God no kids in the car.
Today I broke our sliding patio door. Hundreds of dollars. It was totally foreseeable.... Often I'm swimming with LO1 and DH is in the house with LO2, and I think of things all the time to tell/ask DH. He can't hear me if I yell his name, and I don't want to keep my phone by the edge of the pool. So normally I throw a pebble at the patio door to get his attention. I know it sounds SO stupid, in retrospect. We've been doing this for 2 years. Anyway, today's pebble must have been sharp, and I threw it hard bc my first 4 fell short, and then..... crack. UGH. What a headache and easily avoidable.
Anyway, I just feel down in the dumps for this. Anyone else have a stupid financial mistake they'll admit to so that I don't feel so alone?