Hellobee Boards


Did you like your name?

  1. rachiecakes

    coconut / 8279 posts

    @Mrs. Tea: lol I have a Jewish/Hebrew first name and last name and have definitely disappointed a few people that I'm not actually Jewish.
    My brother and my son have Hebrew names as well!

  2. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    Yes- I love my name!!! It was unique growing up- I never knew any others with my name until I was older. I realize now it was more popular than I originally thought (the year I was born it peaked in popularity around 250-300), but it's still fun to meet people with my name because we are few.
    I get many compliments on my name, and I love the meaning too.
    The only annoying thing is that there are many many spelling variations. Two are more common than the rest, and mine is one of the common spellings, however it's still often misspelled. I can live with it though

  3. Mamaof2

    squash / 13208 posts

    hated my formal name but my NN was fine - although I wished my mom had named me Amanda

    As an adult I go by my NN and have no qualms about it


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