I don't know if it's worth still being hopeful after testing today at 7 or 8 DPO. We're trying for our 2nd. It took us almost 2 years, a surgery for endometriosis and an IUI with injectables to finally conceive our amazing daughter. Now, we are ready for another and I was SOOOO hoping that it would just happen without all the effort and stress. You know, the way other people get pregnant!?! Well, even though have all the experience (borderline EXPERTISE) on TTC, I have been keeping a close eye on my symptoms and had thought that I was for sure pregnant. I found a pregnancy test that I bought a while back and took it this morning. Negative. It hurt my heart. I am trying to remain positive and hopeful. This is really just a rant. But, I guess I'm surprised to be this emotional and illogical over something that I should be smarter about now. Know what I mean?