My parents are big on getting rid of stuff that they don't use because they don't have a ton of storage space in their house. They only saved a couple of things from my childhood, but sometimes I wish they had saved just a little bit more. They gave away things like the baby blanket that my grandmother made for me that I wish they had kept.

DH's parents, on the other hand, are borderline hoarders, and saved everything. Sometimes this is nice, but most of the time it is just annoying. They talk about us taking all of DH's old toys when we have a LO, and when we tell them that we will probably donate most of them they act like we are awful people.

I think there is a happy medium between my parents and DH's. Most of the time I am glad my parents don't keep a ton of stuff, but sometimes I wished that had kept some of the more sentimental items.