My son just turned two, and he's always been way way down on the charts for weight (2nd percentile at 9 months, 3rd at a year, etc). We were referred to a pediatrician who checked him out and said that he seemed to be healthy, happy, and developmentally normal and that as long as he kept eating and didn't fall off the charts she wasn't worried. Now at 2 he's up to the 10th percentile, but my husband still worries about it A LOT. He's constantly entering his weight into various calculators and telling me "Oh, this one says he's only in the 7th! What did the doctor say?" It makes me crazy - I feel like as long as he's eating and hitting developmental milestones he's just a skinny kid (it also makes me crazy because my husband doesn't do anything re: cooking, feeding him, or actually going to his appointments).

Do you worry about your child's weight and where they fall on the charts, or do you figure that as long as their doctors are happy and the kid seems happy they're fine? And does anybody have any resources they can point my husband to that will reassure him (or just make him shut up about it, I don't really care which)?