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Do you stress about your child's weight?

  1. LilSprinkles

    clementine / 778 posts

    DS is 27 months (22 lbs), and he has never been on the charts. I don't worry since my husband and I are both small, and I was never on the charts growing up.

  2. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    Yes, but in the opposite direction. I was always heavy as a child, and I don't want DD to go through that. But she's at the 41% for weight and 38% for height, so I try not to worry too much, as long as she's not eating junk.

  3. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    More concerned than worried, but on the other end. My son loves to eat and I was hoping he didn't jump too much in percentages. He jumped from the 60s to the 85th, but his height jumped to 85th as well.

  4. youboots

    honeydew / 7622 posts

    A little. T is 10 mo and gained weight super fast at first- now she has hit a plateau and has only gained 8 oz in 5ish months. She went from 50+% to under 10. But she also grew over 3 inches. Both her MD and ND says she's doing great, and her curve with height is good per them. And her thighs are still fat sooooo.....

  5. BabyTsMom

    clementine / 856 posts

    Kind of- I don't stress about actual #s or %s, since he was teeny tiny at birth and is still small. So as long as he is continuing to grow along his own curve, then I'm more than ok with that. But if at any point he plateaus or fails to gain weight, then I will probably start to worry!

  6. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    As long as they're following their curve (which they have been) I don't worry. I also don't fight food battles.

    Now lo3 might be a little different because he was IUGR, but we'll see what happens when he gets home.

  7. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    I worry about my oldest. She will be 4 in May and is just under 29 lbs (but 40 1/2 inches tall, so she's no shorty). All the doctors say she's healthy, and I know she is, but it would put me at ease if she had a little meat on her bones. Every time she gets sick and stops eating, I go mad trying to force her to eat. I wish she at least weighed 30 lbs right now.

  8. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @MrsSRS: I LOVE this advice and wording, thank you!

  9. MrsSRS

    nectarine / 2987 posts

    @erinbaderin: oh good!

  10. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: I will be lucky if LO hits 29 by Age 4...we can commiserate together. And I agree it's not too bad until they get sick! Losing weight is just not ok when there isn't any to start with!

  11. Trailmix

    nectarine / 2152 posts

    I worry on the other side- my daughter is 31 months and 35 lbs/38 inches, so in the high 90 percentiles for height and weight. I feel worried that she will not be confident if she's much bigger than other children.

  12. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: same! 30 lbs seems unattainable. He'll be in a car seat til college!

  13. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @sera_87: my second was diagnosed iugr too but he gained like gangbusters the first year (5 lbs to 19.5!)

  14. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    @winniebee: well he's already quadrupled his weight & he's just under 3 months 😂

  15. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @sera_87: hah wow that's pretty good then! How big was he to start?

  16. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    @winniebee: 450grams 😂

  17. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    I do worry, but this is a newer thing, I didn't worry so much when my son was under 2 years old. But with his oral motor issues and his limited food intake, I do worry that he's not eating enough of the right foods to make him gain weight and grow. It's not that I worry about him being small, it is more that he doesn't get the right nutrients with his mono-dieting tendencies.

  18. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    Nope. They're both in the 90ths for height and 50ths for weight and just always have been. Our ped says they're long, lean, and healthy, and they follow their own curves just fine.

    When DD1 was an infant, and her tongue tie hadn't yet been corrected, I did worry a little, and added coconut oil to her food, but she didn't slip much, and caught right back up.

  19. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @sera_87: oh wow I didn't realize he was a preemie!!


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