I have a stomach virus and am 27 weeks. I am not keeping any food down and I am taking small sips of water like my OB said and those are staying down for a while but when I do vomit, more liquid than I remember consuming comes up. I was told that if I am still not even keeping water down by tonight I need to go to the hospital for IV fluids for both me and the baby. I am peeing a little but not a bunch which makes me wonder if some is actually getting absorbed. Enough to not need fluids?

When do I throw in the white flag and get IV fluids? I don't want to go if I don't need it but I also don't want to not go when I do and put his health (and mine) at risk.

OB is closed and the hospital won't tell me anything unless I come in. If you had to get IV fluids, how did you know when to go?