Hellobee Boards


Eczema and Baths

  1. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @MsBAM: Do you have any other prescriptions? We have multiple strengths, so after we use the strongest one and it mostly clears up, we'll use the weaker one for another week or so to really keep things clear, and then when his skin looks almost perfect, we use Vaseline twice a day on all the spots he gets eczema. If you only have that strong prescription that you can't use longer than 7 days, I'd ask for another weaker prescription that you can use after you've used the strong one.

    We don't really know my son's eczema triggers either. My eldest had eczema as a baby, but he's allergic to milk, so I think his eczema may have been caused by my ingesting milk and breastfeeding him. Once he weaned, his eczema cleared up. My youngest has eczema that's much worse and he also has food allergies, but we've identified those and eliminated them, so I don't think they are causing his eczema.

    His eczema WAS worse during the summer, so I do think environmental allergies may have been a factor. Now it's cooler out and pollen season is over, so his eczema does look better, but we still have to be really diligent about managing it to keep it at bay. I'd look into getting another prescription ointment that you can use more often than the one you have. And maybe ask about wet wraps?

    Another thing I recently started doing that might be helping is washing his mattress pad and pillow more often (weekly). I also found cotton socks for his feet, which is where his eczema was the worse. Keeping your child in cotton definitely helps I think. Other fabrics can really irritate the sensitive skin that eczema children have.

  2. MsBAM

    apricot / 265 posts

    @Adira: That’s a good suggestion about asking about a weaker prescription. My husband does have allergies to pretty much everything outside so maybe LO does too? Time will tell. I’ll try the cotton tip. He gets exzema around his feet too so maybe it’s the material of the socks. I’ll try the vaseline tip too once it looks almost cleared.

  3. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @MsBAM: Good luck. Managing eczema has been one of the most frustrating things I've been dealing with on my youngest. It feels like it never goes away completely, which I guess is pretty normal, but it sucks!


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