I was reading my Fit Pregnancy magazine today and in Dr. Andrew Weil's Q & A section, there was an interesting part concerning pregnant women taking probiotics. It stated, "studies show that where there is a significant family history of allergy or eczema, babies whose mothers take a probiotic supplement with a specific strain (Lactobacillus GG) during the last trimester of pregnancy, and who receive the same probiotic through the first six months of life, are at markedly reduced risk of developing eczema during childhood."
Now as someone who has had terrible eczema since I was born (and terrible allergies), history of both all the way through extended relatives, I found this to be seriously interesting!
I was used to taking probiotics prior to pregnancy and went out and got some more after reading this. I'm confused a bit about the giving it to the baby though. Where do they sell it and how do you give it to the baby? Liquid dropper? Anyone actually give their LOs probiotics everyday?