I won't get into all the details of my relationship with my aunt and uncle, but I will say there were many negative interactions that led to us being estranged - one of them being when they canceled their RSVP two days before my wedding for no reason. I don't hate them, but I feel like they never had anything positive to add to my life, so I stopped making an effort to communicate with them, and they did the same to me. We haven't spoken in almost 5 years now.

Last night, their house burned down. Nobody is sure what caused it yet, but they lost all their belongings. I feel sad for them, and I can't imagine what they are going through. However, I'm not sure what to do in this situation. We don't live close to each other, so I don't think anyone is expecting me to go visit them. But should I send a card or do something to show I care? Would they find it odd to hear from me all of a sudden? Any advice?