so i was walking through my lobby today after grabbing lunch and totally fell in front of everyone - i'm talking dropped my soda, smashed my sandwich and was laid out on the floor type falling. i'm 29 weeks pregnant and really only hit my knees and hands on the floor and i feel fine (other than my knees hurt...). i was a little shaken up (and cried because it scared me and everything during pregnancy makes me cry) and embarassed (literally like 10 people ran over to me), but otherwise, i feel fine. I've felt the baby move since then and don't have any preg related pain.... That being said, would you still call or go to the doctor? I'm not really an overcautious person so I wasn't planning to do anything, but i'm just wondering if it's one of those things i SHOULD do. Thoughts?

i'm adding a poll just for fun. because why not.