Hellobee Boards


February 2013 Due Dates

  1. JessiBee

    kiwi / 733 posts

    @Phillybaby2013: Good luck!! Looking forward to hearing about your experience and "meeting" the baby!!

    I'm still in get-things-done mode, actually wanting a few more days of work to finish some things up before baby. I probably overdid it today, and went to Target and didn't get a cart, just a basket. Poor choice. I was carrying around the basket, which inevitably got too heavy, and having some small contractions as I walked around. I seem to get them now from over-exertion. Unfortunately for me given my job, public speaking does it too. Sitting quietly (which is not my strength) makes them stop. So, just taking lots of deep breaths and reminding myself to take it easy. Looking forward to a night on the couch, cuddling with the puppy!

  2. Emilie

    cherry / 144 posts

    @jessibee - Wow, so exciting that you have a due date of 2/11

    @jessibee and @lolabee - I just signed up for a tumblr account, where I plan to post up lots of photos of the LO when she comes, and just write a quick caption so I really don't have to "blog"... it'll be good for family to get lots of updates!

    @lolabee - happy belated bday, and how are you feeling now?? any labor signs?

    @tororojo - haha, if I can remember, I'll definitely plan to post an update on the way to the hospital and during if possible!

    @thatwife - any updates??

    @ladyfingers - so sorry this is late, but CONGRATS!!! Sooo excited for you, and Derek is SO precious and cute! Loved reading your birth story, and so glad that everything went well

    @photojane - aww, sorry to hear about your sinus and ear infections... no fun! =( I hope you feel better soon.

    Today for me is 39 weeks and 1 day. Other than a few braxton hicks contractions, I think the baby is pretty comfy in there. I'm still feeling good though so I'm ok with her staying in there for a while longer. I just hope she can come before a forced induction on 2/20 (my doctor's practice won't let me go past 41.5 weeks).

  3. Mrs. Lantern

    apricot / 359 posts

    @Emilie: I guess our baby girls are on the same wavelength! Are you off on mat leave yet?

    @JessiBee: cuddling with puppy sounds like a great plan.

  4. Emilie

    cherry / 144 posts

    @mrs. lantern - no, not yet.. I'm just planning to work up until she comes out. I feel like if I end up staying at home and starting mat leave early, I'd just be anxious just waiting around =P

  5. Phillybaby2013

    kiwi / 520 posts

    Gmorning ladies! After 10 hours of cervadil and no sleep, pitocin was started at 845am along with my gbs antibiotics. After the first round they are going to break my water. So far so good.

  6. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @Phillybaby2013: 'morning! Glad things are moving along, but sorry you didn't get any sleep. Will you be gettin an epi? That should help you sleep! Hoping things move quickly for you today!

  7. Emilie

    cherry / 144 posts

    @phillybaby2013 - good luck!!!

  8. Mrs. Markers

    blogger / cherry / 192 posts

    @Phillybaby2013: best of luck!!! you'll have your little one in your arms in no time

  9. thatwife

    olive / 62 posts

    @Phillybaby2013: Exciting! I know we're excited to meet your little one, and you must be feeling that x1000000! I hope things go well for you.

    Have you guys heard the "second time moms go faster" claims? Well I interpreted that to mean "second time mom go earlier" and I put all my eggs in that basket. So I kept thinking "Today, today today" and when it didn't happen I was really sad. Yesterday I came to a point where I stopped feeling anxious though. I had been feeling like people were waiting on me to have the baby, and that I was ruining their plans by not delivering, but I let that go. I also had been attacking my to-do list like crazy over the past few months and I needed to accept that it is okay for me to just chill for a few days (or weeks if it takes that long) and I don't have to reorganize the garage, you know?

    As far as progress, I feel like my body is reversing any progress I've made. Over the last 48 hours I've actually had less contractions than before! They were rare and irregular anyway, but now they're practically non-existent. My midwife is very calm and reassuring, which I really appreciate, but I'm just about a week away from the date when I would have to go to a hospital to be induced, and that thought is devastating to me (I've been planning a home birth, and had a home birth with my first). Please don't hang out in there much longer baby!

    Ladyfingers has had her baby, Phillybaby2013 is about to have hers. At this point I'm thinking ValentineMommy, Lantern, Emilie, and photojane will have me beat as well! I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures of all of our babies very soon

  10. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    Today was a rough day over here. Still sick, no sign of Sadie coming anytime soon, and my husband's sweet grandfather passed away this afternoon. We've spent the day with my in-laws crying and remembering. It's such a strange time, as we're all excitedly anticipating the baby's arrival any day now, but mourning this huge loss at the same time. I wish he was able to meet her, but I know he's looking down and watching over us. I'm glad that Sadie will bring some joy and laughter back to the family soon.

    @thatwife: I feel you. I so feel you. You were "due" before me, but all the docs I've seen for the past month have told me it looks like I'll go early... but nothing! I had crazy contractions last week, and I was so convinced it was go time, but this week, basically nothing! So annoying, no? It worked out for me, though, since I've been so sick this week, but I'm really hoping things gear up for you soon so you can have your home birth! When would they determine that you'll need to go into a hospital?

    @Phillybaby2013: I'm guessing your LO has arrived by now - I know we all can't wait to see pics and hear all about it!!

  11. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    @Phillybaby2013: I hope things are going/have gone smoothly! can't wait for your next update.

    @thatwife: Sounds like your body is playing tricks on you! But I bet you'll have a brand new baby before you know it. I hope the last few days are enjoyable and relaxing!

    @photojane: So sorry for your loss. That's really tough--one life ending and another about to begin. I hope this week goes well for you and your family and that you guys get to celebrate and remember together...and greet someone new very soon!

  12. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    @Phillybaby2013: Good Luck!
    @thatwife: Hopefully it won't be too much longer! Is that normal for your symptoms to be less and go away?
    @photojane: I'm so sorry for your loss hun. {hugs} Hopefully when Sadie does arrive, it will be like a rainbow after a storm.

  13. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    @photojane: So sorry for your loss. I hope Sadie comes soon so you all have the comfort of a new baby.

    @thatwife: Thinking of you...hope baby decides to come before you need to induce!

    Since I'm one of the last of the month, I'm officially full term this week. We had our final ultrasound and things are looking good. We also (finally) went to a class with our doula about labor positions etc and found out that we have the option of a water birth. There will be a birth tub in our delivery suite though, so it's pretty much up to me and how we're feeling. The back pain at this point is ridiculous and I'm pretty much ready to be done now.
    How is everyone else feeling?

  14. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    Thanks for the kind words ladies! It will be a tough couple of days, but we're so excited for our girl's arrival.

    An update on Sadie... we had our final doctor's appointment today. I'm between 3-4 cm and "ready to go." The doc stripped my membranes (ouuuuch!) and expects baby's arrival this weekend. The doctors have been saying she'll come soon for weeks now, so I don't believe them! Our induction is scheduled for Tuesday morning, so at the very latest we'll have a baby in less than a week! Ahhh... scary!

    How's everyone else doing?

  15. thatwife

    olive / 62 posts

    Marie Rene was born in the water, at home, at 9:15am. 8lbs 2oz 21.25 inches long and thankfully only 15 minutes of pushing! I'm so happy to have a girl! That's wht we guessed all along but I tried not to get too excited.

    She's nursing pretty well (she wants to eat in really short bursts and then sleep in short bursts which is pretty tiring!) and is beloved by her big brother. We can't stop telling each other how magnificent she is.

    I'll be checking back frequently during all of our feedings to see your sweet babies.

  16. thatwife

    olive / 62 posts

    Oh, and we think sex may have been part of what nudged her out! We bumped uglies (I've been watching Friends ) and then two hours later BOOM, my water broke. I was so glad that we had layered the bed with a set of sheets, then shower curtain, then another set of het because it was soaked!

    I also tilted my bum up on a pillow "to force sperm up to the cervix" on the advice of a labor and delivery nurse friend. Maybe it helped, maybe it didn't. I'm just happy she's here.

  17. Mrs. Lantern

    apricot / 359 posts

    @thatwife: Congrats mama!! A girl! And is she ever beautiful!! I'm so glad you were able to have the home birth you wanted. 15 mins of pushing sounds incredible. Can't wait to hear more details

    @photojane: Hope Sadie comes out soon!! Looking forward to your updates!

  18. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    @thatwife: OMGosh! CONGRATULATIONS!!! She is precious and her big brother holding her is too sweet! She was born today? Not a trace of conehead! And that is awesome you got to do your water birth and only 15 min. of pushing! And love your "tips"!

    @photojane: How exciting for you to know she's coming soon! Maybe try @thatwife:'s trick and she'll come even sooner now with your membranes stripped!

  19. Phillybaby2013

    kiwi / 520 posts

    Sorry for the delay ladies but here's a quick update. I'm going to wait till were home to post a full story but ill give a quick run down....

    Benjamin Anthony was born via c-section on 2/5 at 10:20PM weighing 8lbs 7oz and measuring 20in long. He is absolutely perfect and we are madly in love with him.

    I only dilated to 3 after 10 hours of horrific pitocin contractions with no epidural. It was the worst day of my life with the happiest ending. Everything that I didn't want for labor happened but my boy got here safely and that's what matters. (I'm still bitter but more on that later). I hated everything about the section and recovery is slow and pretty sucky but we will be coming home Friday.

    Here's my love Xoxo......

  20. Phillybaby2013

    kiwi / 520 posts

    Thanks to everyone for the well wishes prior to LO's arrival! They were a definite mood booster.

    @thatwife: congrats! Shes so sweet. Kudos on your home birth working out and 15 min of pushing! - good for you!

    @photojane: I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending prayers and happy thoughts!...What great progress you've made! Sadie will be here so soon!

    @Baby Boy Mom: Congrats on being full term! I'm sorry you're dealing with the back pain tho. Altho sweet about the water birth/tub options. Do you think that's something you would go for?

    @JessiBee: I've done that with the basket at Target! Never a good choice for that store. Haha. Have you had better luck keeping cool with your contractions?

    @Emilie: Any new feelings for you? Hopefully gets the hint to vacate soon! You're at the end!

  21. lolabee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    Hi all! Sorry for huge delay...I will respond to everyone once we are back in the comfort of home.

    Our little boy, Zev Jackson Maxwell (middles are after DH's grandfathers!) entered this crazy world Feb 5th at 2:37pm after 42.5 hours of labour. My DH and our doulas were an absolute godsend. I will share our full story later on.

    @thatwife: CONGRATS!! She is beautiful! What a lovely little family you have made. I hope you are feeling well! Love her name.

    @Phillybaby2013: CONGRATS!! Look at those eyes! My goodness, so adorable! I am sorry you didn't get the birth you were hoping for, so glad you have your little bundle on the outside with you.

    To all the other Feb Mama's waiting for their LO's I wish you the best labour and deliveries, it is the most magical experience!

    EDIT: Zev was 7lbs 11 ounces and 21.25 inches long.

  22. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    @lolabee: @Phillybaby2013: EEEk! Yay! CONGRATULATIONS!!! oh my this thread is overflowing with awesome baby news today! Congrats to ALL the new mamas and babies!

  23. Phillybaby2013

    kiwi / 520 posts

    @lolabee: Yay our babies share a birthday! Congrats Momma! What a trooper you must have been for that long! - Can't wait to hear more of your story. Love his name.

    Wow, Let's keep this trend going ladies! - Cmon babies!!

  24. JessiBee

    kiwi / 733 posts

    @thatwife: @Phillybaby2013: @lolabee: WOW, congratulations to all three of you!!! What a fun greeting when I woke up this morning and checked HB. (What? Isn't that what you do, too?!)

    Enjoy your beautiful babies, and hopefully we'll all see you on the other side soon!

  25. JessiBee

    kiwi / 733 posts

    And, for those like me who have terrible (blaming pregnancy) memories:

    Babies who have arrived:

    @WALLAROO: 1/17, Mila Quinn and Owen Joseph
    @ladyfingers: 2/2, Derek John (ODD Feb. 3)
    @phillybaby2013: 2/5, Benjamin Anthony (ODD Feb. 5)
    @lolabee: 2/5, Zev Jackson Maxwell (ODD Feb. 19)
    @thatwife: 2/6, Marie Rene

    Babies we can't wait to meet:

    @ValentineMommy: February 8, Team Blue

    @Mrs. Lantern: February 9, Team Pink

    @Emilie: February 10, Team Pink

    @photojane: February 11, Team Pink

    @smocks: February 11, Team Pink
@Mrs. Markers: February 12, Team Green (c-section about a week before)

    @JerricaBenton: February 15, Team Pink
@JessiBee: February 15, Team Pink

    @Baby Boy Mom: February 25, Team Blue

    @tororojo: February 28, Team Pink

    @Mrs. High Heels: February 28, Team Blue

    @Shopaholic: March 9, Team Pink

    Who's next???

  26. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    Ahhh! What an exciting day for the Feb mamas! I'm so excited.

    @thatwife: She is GORGEOUS. For some reason, I had a feeling you would be having a girl too. I'm so glad she arrived so quickly after making you wait & messing with you! I guess this is your first taste of girl drama. The picture of your two babies is so precious. You should be proud, mama.

    @Mrs. Lantern: Your DD is approaching quickly - feeling any action?

    @shopaholic: I don't know that I want to let anyone touch my uglies - they're so sensitive right now! Ha! The membrane stripping is no joke. It makes me totally nervous about the delivery... eek!

    @Phillybaby2013: Oh girl, Benjamin is perfect! Those little cheeks & lips are to die for. I'm so sorry your labor and delivery didn't go well. I hope the recovery speeds up, and gets a little easier for you. Can't wait to read the whole story.

    @lolabee: Congratulations! I love his name! I'm excited to hear all about his arrival.

    @JessiBee: Thanks for updating us! How are you feeling?

  27. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    AAAH so many pretty new babies, congratulations!!!

    @thatwife: She is beautiful, so happy for you! How exciting that you have a boy and a girl now, yay!

    @Phillybaby2013: Sorry about the worst day of your life part, but so glad for a happy ending! He's lovely!

    @lolabee: Hooray!!! So excited for you, and Zev is such a cool name!

    Lots of due dates in the next week, can't wait to hear lots more good news! In anti-climactic land, I'm full-term today and the doc says I am softer but still closed tight. I'm totally trying the sperm thing!!! Get ready, DH.

  28. JerricaBenton

    pomegranate / 3872 posts

    @thatwife: @Phillybaby2013: @lolabee: Congratulations to you! Such beautiful babies

    My blood pressure is still a slight issue. My doctors are really working with me because they know I don't want an induction but it looks like that might end up being the case. They are hoping to let me go 'til my due date, then induce. Of course, my hope is that I can go into labor before then, but it doesn't seem likely because I'm barely dilated. What can I do? Bounce on the ball, spicy food, sexy time 'til then! Good luck to everyone who's due dates are coming up!

  29. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    @JerricaBenton: What about lunges and jumping jacks? (I guess a yoga ball is a similar concept and easier on the knees!)

  30. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    Wow so much going on since yesterday!

    @thatwife: Congratulations! So happy you got a baby girl! (That was my guess, but who am I but a stranger from the internet... )

    @Phillybaby2013: Congrats! I love his look in the second picture- precious. So sorry you didn't get the birth experience you wanted- I know how that goes. I never really thought of a water birth as an option but now that I know about it I am definitely open to the idea. Basically I'm willing to try anything to avoid medical interventions. But I am also not making any set plans so I'll just have to wait and see how things progress.

    @lolabee: Congratulations! Love the name! and can't wait to hear the full story! Enjoy him!

    @JessiBee: thanks for staying on top of our list

  31. thatwife

    olive / 62 posts

    Thanks everyone! I've been saying over and over how much better the second birth/recovery is. I'm sitting down on a faux-leather lightly-padded chair without a pillow under me typing this right now. Something I couldn't have imagined after my first vaginal birth. And so far it seems like we might actually have scored the "easy second baby" that we were hoping for

    @Phillybaby2013: Look at those lips! I think laboring on pitocin without an epidural sounds horrible, and I'm so sorry you weren't able to have the experience you wanted. I don't believe in the phrase "at least you have a baby" because I think birth is so much more than that. I hope you recover quickly and are able to come to terms with your experience and find peace.

    @lolabee: 42.5 hours of labor is a marathon. WOW. I love the name Zev and agree, my husband and doula were essential.

  32. JerricaBenton

    pomegranate / 3872 posts

    @tororojo: I'll try those too! Although now that we are supposed to get some crazy snowstorm here I'll probably just go into labor anyway, haha.

  33. Mrs. Lantern

    apricot / 359 posts

    @photojane: Ugh I wish! Woke up this morning with weird crampy feelings...but it's pretty much all gone now. Thanks for the mind games, body! I have a feeling baby lantern will make an appearance after Feb 9. How are you doing? Anything to report today?

    @tororojo: I'm sure your DH will be eager to hear your plans! lol

    @lolabee: 42.5 hours whaaat?! You're a tough cookie! Glad to hear your positive doula experience. And I love the name Zev...so unique!

    @Phillybaby2013: Can't get over Benjamin's cuteness! Such kissable cheeks

    @Baby Boy Mom: there are birthing tubs in the labouring suites at my hospital. I'm definitely considering that to help manage pain!

  34. Emilie

    cherry / 144 posts

    @photojane - omg, so exciting that you have an end date, and will probably have little Sadie this weekend!

    @thatwife - CONGRATS!! ahh, Marie Rene is absolutely gorgeous. I'm so glad that you were able to have the home birth that you wanted, and only 15 minutes of pushing sounds incredible

    @phillybaby2013 - OMG, congrats!! Benjamin is so cute!!! I already fell in love with his little eyes Your labor sounds like it was really rough... but so glad that he is finally here! No progress here yet, but we're also getting 2-3 feet of snow in the next couple of days in the Northeast, so I think it's totally fine for her to stay put for a few more days

    @lolabee - ahhhh, congrats!! I love the name! Your bump was so compact and cute that I thought for sure you'd have a baby that was 6 lb something... but nope! haha - so happy for you, and can't wait to read the full story!

    @jessibee - thanks for updating the list! I was already starting to lose track =P My votes are for @ValentineMommy and then @photojane

    I still think it's crazy how I'm THIRD on the list of due dates next. How did February come around so quickly??!?

  35. Mrs. Markers

    blogger / cherry / 192 posts

    baby markers is here! our beautiful healthy girl was born yesterday at 8:46am. she's 7 lbs 10 oz and 19.5 inches long. I cannot believe how much we love her already! the c-section went well and I'm recovering nicely. Just wanted to pop in between snuggles


    kiwi / 711 posts

    @thatwife: congratulations! So glad you got the girl you wanted. She is precious.

    @Phillybaby2013: sorry your birth didn't go as you had planned/expected. I can relate. Benjamin has the sweetest cheeks.

    @lolabee: congratulations on the arrival of baby Zev!

    @Mrs. Markers: another baby girl from a team green mama. How sweet! She is beautiful.

    My precious little M & O turned 3 weeks old yesterday and we haven't even reached their due date. That is so crazy to me! Both are continuing to well - growing and eating like champs. They even let me get four straight hours of sleep last night. Thanks babies! Momma feels like a new woman :).

    Can't wait to hear of more February baby arrivals!

  37. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    @Mrs. Markers: Yaaaay, she is darling and looks so serene in that picture! I'm happy things are going well and hope both of you recover nicely.

    @WALLAROO: Wow, 3 weeks already! Time flies (probably more so for you!). I'm glad to hear that things are going well!

  38. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @lolabee: congrats mama! can't wait to hear the full story! what a great name!

    @thatwife: congrats! can't wait to hear about your home birth!

  39. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    Congrats Feb Mamas! Just popping in to thread stalk and look at cute babies!
    Good luck to the mamas that are still waiting. Your LOs will be here before you know it!

  40. JessiBee

    kiwi / 733 posts

    @Mrs. Markers: congratulations!! She's beautiful. Any advice before my C next week?

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