Hellobee Boards


February 2016 moms!!

  1. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @californiadreams: I was 30 weeks yesterday! Totally feels surreal that our babies are 75% "cooked!" I'm also feeling like I'm running out of time to get everything done.

    I'm generally feeling great. We're clearly getting all the same messages from our midwives (makes sense, since we're at the same point!). At my appointment this morning, she also went over what to expect in labor (as if I haven't been reading all the books...) and what medication options are. My midwifery group won't start considering induction until 41 weeks as well, and I'm free to turn it down until 42 weeks. Of course, they'll check me every 2 days at that point, so it'll start getting annoying...
    Yup, I've started iron pills too. Not enjoying those!
    But baby is in a great position, head down, and with a solid 140bpm heartbeat. So all in all, everything's great!

  2. fancyfunction

    grapefruit / 4085 posts

    @californiadreams: Feeling good! I'm 27 weeks today. Passed my glucose test and ordered some furniture last week. We have an electrician coming next week to install an overhead light, gathering some decor and need to just wash and organize baby clothes once the dresser gets here.

    My parents have some of the items we stored there when we moved, so it's all organized and ready when we need it.

    I have an ultrasound on Thurs - really hoping to see that this little boy is head down now!

  3. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @saboma: that's great! and lol, i hadn't thought of it as being 75% done! nice that the head is done, my midwife said his head was up today, but that it's no worry yet as he could still be doing acrobats and somersaults.

    @fancyfunction: fingers crossed for the baby's position! i have my next ultrasound this saturday.

    i also signed for a VBAC preparation class for January, partly because i have not been reading any books and have no idea how to prepare! my midwife also recommended i look into reading about hypobirthing.

  4. TemperanceBrennan

    pear / 1998 posts

    28 weeks for me. My friend just had twins today - so exciting!
    My shower in my hometown is this weekend, so I'm looking forward to that too - although I suck at registering! We already have most of the big-ticket items, I have no idea what I will need/want, and we are team green.

  5. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @TemperanceBrennan: I was obsessed with making my registry. (And I'm using Amazon, so like, infinite options.) I found lucieslist.com to be pretty helpful!

  6. TemperanceBrennan

    pear / 1998 posts

    @ms.line: I have an amazon registry too! Funny enough, I used lucieslist.com to compile everything and I did find it very helpful. I have about 35 things on the amazon list and 40 on my Target registry. But I suck because I barely registered for any clothes (we got/will get a ton of hand-me-downs) and I didn't register for bottles or diapers because everything I hear/read is that every baby is different and you have to try a bunch to see what works. I'm one of the last of my friends/family to have a baby so hopefully I will get stuff that other moms found useful for them

  7. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @TemperanceBrennan: Haha, sounds like you're in good shape, then!! I didn't register for clothes or diapers either, but I threw a starter pack of Avent bottles on there. It's great you'll be in a position to get hand-me-downs! I'm the first of my friends/family to have a baby and I'm feeling the 💸💸💸

  8. TemperanceBrennan

    pear / 1998 posts

    @ms.line: Yay on being the first!!! So much excitement! When I saw the flying money emoji I thought it was a green duck and was like "What does that mean!?! I'm so not hip!" but the I was able to zoom in and it all made sense.

  9. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    how is everyone?? tomorrow i am 38 weeks! and i have 5 weeks of work left, woohoo! i haven't posted much lately though because all i would do is complain about the stupid cold i got, which turned into losing my voice for a couple of days and now over a week later, i have a nagging cough keeping me up at night now i have a pain in my side from the coughing. exact same thing happened when i was closer 38-39 weeks pregnant last time. hoping this one goes away soon! i also feel like a whale these days.

  10. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @californiadreams: I think you mean 32 weeks tomorrow! You and I are one day apart, so i got scared that I've been counting wrong!

  11. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @saboma:haha yes! That was wishful typing! I was thinking 8 weeks to go though so probably why I typed 38 by mistake.

  12. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @californiadreams: I haven't been posting mug because I would only be complaining too. With my first, I was never sick. This time I've had a sinus infection, cold, fly, cold. I'm so over it. Plus I have no appetite, horrible heartburn, lightening crotch like you wouldn't believe and he's on my bladder. Oh and I'm retaining water due to my GD. Overall, I'm miserable. I only have a little over 7 weeks left but that feels like forever!!

  13. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @californiadreams: phew! Glad I didn't just sleep through 6 weeks and wake up not at all ready!
    Sorry to hear about your cold/cough, that sounds terrible. Hope it goes away soon!

    I'm doing pretty well. Getting more and more uncomfortable, and more easily tired. But it's just a good excuse to slow down and tell people to give me a break. My transitions out of my job are finally winding down at work, so I'm less busy/stressed there, which is good. Of course, that means that I've picked up the pace at home. We finally started working on the nursery in earnest this weekend. Which means I cleaned/organized for 3 hours followed by 6 hours of shopping. I was SO tired that night and still haven't completely recovered. But we made good progress (which I'll post on the nursery thread soon) so I'm glad we did it. And between that, holiday parties, and Christmas concerts with my choir, I haven't had much down time. Definitely looking forward to the winter break!

  14. fancyfunction

    grapefruit / 4085 posts

    Hi all! I'm 29 weeks today and doing well. My only major issue is sleep. The other night I didn't fall asleep until 5am and I'm usually up half the night. I find if I go to bed really late like 12-1am, I can sleep through til 7 or so. Trying to keep up with light exercising and hoping to stay as comfortable as possible until the end.
    We're making some progress in the baby's room but waiting on some furniture and art to arrive.

  15. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @californiadreams: Hahaha I was also totally freaked out by your "38 weeks" at first. Although we'll be there before you know it! Hope you recover from your cold soon - I'm also feeling whale-ish!

    @ladybee: Sorry to hear you've been hit with so many colds and symptoms. There's a light at the end of the tunnel - hang in there!

    @saboma: Glad work is winding down - I feel you on the busyness!

    @fancyfunction: Amen on the shitty sleep!

    Third trimester has hit me like a ton of bricks. My back hurts (especially when I'm laying down at night), I feel like a cow, and I'm moody as hell. Baby has also found him/herself a cozy spot right under my ribs. My work is super busy right now and I'm not getting any time off over the holidays (except for Christmas Day and New Year's Day, thankfully), my grandfather is rapidly deteriorating, I'm coming up on the 5 year anniversary of my mom's death, and then there's all the usual Christmas obligations. I'm just trying to take everything one day at a time, but I've definitely been bursting into tears at the drop of a hat. 2015 has been a stressful and weird year - really looking forward to the new year and the arrival of our babies!

  16. TemperanceBrennan

    pear / 1998 posts

    @ms.line: Man, this sounds like a tough December for you . I'm sorry. I do love your positive thinking for the next year. I'm sure it will bring great things!

    Sounds like everyone else is doing well, albeit uncomfortable.

    I'm 30 weeks today. I can't complain too much except work is crazy so I feel like I can't get anything else done. I'm so behind with holiday-related stuff (shopping, decorating, cards, etc). I think has a lot to do with the warm weather we are having.

    I'm apprehensive about maternity leave. We had a meeting to talk about workload and we were literally planning right up to my due date. I kept reminding everyone that anything can happen, but I work with only men and they are all engineers, so they want to plan every last detail.

  17. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @TemperanceBrennan: Thanks! I'm healthy and my baby is healthy, so I'm trying to keep everything in perspective (while binge-eating Oreos)! I work with mostly dude developers and they are also being weird about the "spontaneity" of my leaving! I made a joke about our current project making me want to go into preterm labor, and they were completely stunned and were like "NO, that just can't happen." Haha, whatever. BTW, how did your baby shower go??

  18. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @ladybee: you have my sympathies. these last weeks feel so far away! it's weird because with my first pregnancy, i felt it was going to fast and i wasn't ready!

    @saboma: sounds exhausting, but at least you are getting stuff done!

    @fancyfunction: sleeping is so difficult at this time. i had two nights in a row where i was awake from 3-5am. thank goodness i slept through last night.

    @ms.line: i;m sorry to hear all that. i empathize with the moodniess. yesterday i burst into tears twice and i am still not sure why!

    i had an OB and midwife appt over the past 2 days. OB told me i've gained too much weight and i need to watch what i eat (i am 32 weeks and gained 21 pounds so far, i thought i was doing okay?!). Midwife said this OB is great but is also known to be a stickler about weight and that she herself is not at all concerned about my weight gain thus far and says it is normal and fine. She made me feel better, so i am going with her reasoning

    Also my baby has been breech. Not a big concern my midwife says, but i hope he turns soon. I desperately want a VBAC. Anyone have tips on what to do to get baby to turn? I will search online soon, but wondering if anyone has some ideas offhand.

  19. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @californiadreams: Thanks! On top of everything, my dad had to put my childhood dog down yesterday and I cried at my desk for a solid 30 minutes. Hahaha I'm a hot mess.

    I think having gained 21 pounds at 32 weeks is great!!! I'm up 35 pounds at 30 weeks and my midwives haven't said boo. I actually told them at my last appointment that I was worried about my weight gain, and they said to relax and that that the period of fastest weight gain is typically between 20-30 weeks so I should start to slow down. As far as baby turning, I know there are yoga positions that you can do daily to encourage baby to flip. Sitting on an exercise ball is also supposed to help, and my Webster-certified chiro said that we can try doing some pelvic manipulation to encourage baby to turn if we need to (my midwives still aren't sure what position he's in). You've still got a couple of weeks before you need to worry - hopefully he flips on his own!

  20. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts


    February 2016 Mamas

    February 1: mrsclownfish (#2), zombiebullfrogholler (#2)
    February 5: mrskrumpet (#2)
    February 6: pachamama (#1)
    February 7: goosebee (#1)
    February 8: saboma (#1)
    February 9: californiadreams (#2)
    February 10: ellie (#2)
    February 11: ladybee (#2) , emilie765 (#2)
    February 12: neonpink1234 (#2) , kelley_lovelikecrazy (#2)
    February 15: bella214 (#1)
    February 19: mrs. eagle (#2)
    February 20: mrs. kiwi (#2)
    February 21: red_seattle (#2)
    February 22: cobee (#2), mrsbphd (#1)
    February 23: temperancebrennan (#1) , kiddosc (#2)
    February 25: misolee (#2)
    February 26: ms.line (#1)
    February 27: nywolfmama (#1 & #2)
    February 28: fancyfunction (#2) , sassymama34 (#2 & #3)

    : 8
    : 11
    : 4

  21. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @ms.line: ya she really made me feel bad on Tuesday when i saw her. luckily i saw my midwife yesterday. With my first pregnancy, i gained a total of 45 pounds and at one point my OB (different one) made a rude comment as he said "oh, you've been eating!". But then said it was fine and there was no concern with my weight. I know this time i am starting at a higher weight as i didn't lose it all last time, and that's probably why i haven't gained as much. Thanks for the tips! I've been thinking about buying an exercise ball.

  22. TemperanceBrennan

    pear / 1998 posts

    @ms.line: My baby shower was great! It was mostly friends of my mom and there was a funny moment when one woman realized that we didn't find out the sex, and then insisted that "Target told her it was a boy." We registered for two onesie sets, both gender neutral-ish colors, but one was labeled "baby boy onesie set" so I think she saw that and assumed boy. And she got me a ton of boy clothes which led to a rather heated discussion on gender identity
    I also got a TON of teethers. Finishing up thank you cards today!

  23. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @californiadreams: I think if your midwife says your weight is fine, you can definitely trust that. I've gained 29lbs so far at almost 33 weeks, and my midwife told me to be careful but she's not concerned at all. So I'm ok with it. Don't let your OB get to you!
    I've heard of crazy things to make baby turn: like put a bag of frozen peas at the top of your abdomen and the cold will make them go the other way; or shine a flashlight near the bottom of your bump and they'll be attracted to it. There are also definitely yoga moves you can do. So I say if they don't make you uncomfortable, try them all!

    My midwife wasn't sure of positioning at my appt on Tuesday, so I went in for a super quick scan yesterday. Good news: baby is definitely head down! She said "that's a nice looking head!" I hope that doesn't mean HUGE! Lol.

    My baby shower is now planned! My husband and a couple friends are doing all the work. It's going to be early January. I can't wait!

  24. kiddosc

    grapefruit / 4278 posts

    So, last night I was up from 4:30-6 having painful contractions. My hair clip broke in the shower. Brushing my teeth made me throw up, which made me pee on the floor. Then, I was nearly late for my mid-year review with my boss so I had to skip breakfast to get there on time. I'm pretty ready to be done with this pregnancy gig.

  25. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @kiddosc: i totally sympathize. I have been throwing up almost weekly from brushing my teeth for i don't know how long. And i got my second cold in a month so now i am back to coughing and runny nose keeping me up half the night. And the muscle i pulled under my ribs from coughing so much from my last cold never fully healed, so it's back to being super painful again. I have exactly 6 weeks to go and i wish it were 6 days. how many weeks are you?

  26. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @kiddosc: Oh no! That sounds miserable.

    I'm also feeling ready to be done! My back is *killing* me when I lay down at night, so I'm barely getting any sleep. I have one million different pillows and a support belt, and I'm stretching and seeing a chiropractor, but nothing is helping. My midwives have just shrugged me off saying it's "common," which just grates on my nerves. I'm not sure how I'm going to make it through 8+ more weeks of sleepless nights, only to then have to take care of a newborn! Ugh, I'm mega stressed and already wishing away January!

  27. kiddosc

    grapefruit / 4278 posts

    @californiadreams: 8 weeks exactly for me. I still throw up about 50% of the time I brush my teeth. I'm due for a teeth cleaning but that's not going to happen.

    @ms.line: I'm sorry your back is in so much pain. I've had terrible hip pain this pregnancy and I'm thinking I will probably move to the couch to sleep before this is all over. It's been a lot more comfortable than our bed for me lately.

  28. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @ms.line: i remember i was sleeping terribly in the last few weeks before my last pregnancy and the day i went into labour, my body somehow took a 3 hour nap in the afternoon and i am not a napper! I remember feeling refreshed after. it's like my body knew i needed that extra rest that day. I hope you get some rest before you have a newborn!

  29. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @kiddosc: Yeah, my couch is definitely more comfortable for some reason - I might have to bite the bullet one of these days!

    @californiadreams: Wow! Our bodies can be pretty amazing - fingers crossed I get a sweet pre-labor nap, too!

  30. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @kiddosc: oh no! I'm sorry. I too have been having contractions that make me pee a little. No throwing up yet, that sounds miserable.

    @ms.line: I keep getting shooting pains in my vagina and down my legs/hips when I walk. My OB also keeps shrugging it off and telling me to stay off my feet. It pisses me off so much. Kind of makes me want to punch him in the crouch and say it's normal, stay off your feet.

  31. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    AFM, I'm pretty sure I've hated 80% of this pregnancy. I have GD, depression, and have only gained 8 pounds which my endocrinologist is worried about but my OB isn't. I've been seeing a dietician and a high risk doctor. I'm curious what they say about my lack of weight gain.

    At this point, I have 5 weeks and 2 days left. I'd gladly go at 37 weeks if they let me. I'm so over this.

  32. fancyfunction

    grapefruit / 4085 posts

    @kiddosc: I've been sleeping on the couch about 50% of the time since my sleep is so erratic these days.

    Just starting to feel generally uncomfortable and baby likes to kick and squirm around my right side - sometimes painful! M was the same way. Totally ready to be done and get my body back!!

  33. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @ladybee: Hahaha I'm sure hearing that from a male provider would piss me off even more! I'm sorry you've had such a rough pregnancy, but it's nice you have a firm date to look forward to (and hopefully it will go fast for you!). I keep counting down to my due date, and every time I think that I could go a week or two past that, I want to cry!

  34. kiddosc

    grapefruit / 4278 posts

    Oh man... we are a sorry group We better have some easy babies to make up for all of this end of pregnancy nonsense. I probably shouldn't hold my breath for that though.

  35. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @kiddosc: i hope so! i am feeling better than yesterday, so hope that sheds some positivity

  36. mrs.kiwi

    kiwi / 635 posts

    Aww I'm so sorry ladies who are having such a difficult time. Your sweet babes will all be worth the difficulties!

    I definitely have the typical third trimester woes like aches and pains and peeing whenever I sneeze or cough or whatever..but thankful to still be able to move and cook and take care of my toddler.

    We haven't prepared anything for baby and Just been so busy withwe hosting family and adjusting to our new apartment and city.. January is major baby prep month for us!

    Any predictions on if baby will e late or early? Or on time? My guess is early for this one.

  37. TemperanceBrennan

    pear / 1998 posts

    Man, sorry to everyone for feeling so crummy!!! Only two (or less!) more months!

    I thought I was getting off easy - occasional mild heartburn was my worst symptom, and then on Christmas day - BAM, hemorrhoids. Thankfully, I'm getting better, but holy crap they are miserable.

    I'm super stressed with work. I'll be working non-stop all through New Years. I feel like I'm falling so far behind getting baby stuff ready.

  38. Ellie

    cherry / 157 posts

    Hi all. I've been too lazy to log in on this device, so I've been just reading everyone's updates without posting my own...

    I hate to add to the miserableness on here, but I too have had a rough few weeks. I had bronchitis for over 34 days and just found out this morning that my 2yo and I now have strep throat. So draining!

    Anyone else having really bad hip and back pain? I can barely walk. I haven't mentioned it to my doc - I figured they'd say "it's common" and leave it at that.

    Although though I'm super busy at work, I'm kinda hoping to deliver a bit early. My daughter was born a few days early - I'm hoping for a whole week early with this one...

    Hope everyone is doing better during this final countdown!

  39. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @TemperanceBrennan: I've been hoarding all my PTO for maternity leave, and I'm feeling a little stressed/behind, too. I'd love to take a week (or a month!) off to relax and get stuff done around the house, but alas, this isn't France!

    @Ellie: Woof, bronchitis and strep! Poor thing! I have bad back pain, but only at night. As you imagined, doctors are unhelpful. Using a heating pad is one of things that helps me - I might try a few of those ThermaCare wraps soon.

    We sound like a sad bunch, but it seems all of our babies are doing fine, which is so wonderful! Wishing you all a happy new year - we'll all get to meet our babies in 2016!

  40. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    Happy new year February mamas! How many of you were able to stay awake? I wasn't planning to but just made it.

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