Hellobee Boards


February 2016 moms!!

  1. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @saboma: that's awesome about your brother's name

    @red_seattle: crazy about the bar exam, i can't even imagine!

    @TemperanceBrennan: awesome choice for a boy name

    It just hit me now that i am 36 weeks today.....getting so close!! I wonder who in here will actually have their baby first!

  2. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @californiadreams: I know, February is just around the corner! Reposting due date list for reference...

    February 2016 Mamas

    February 1: mrsclownfish (#2), zombiebullfrogholler (#2)
    February 5: mrskrumpet (#2)
    February 6: pachamama (#1)
    February 7: goosebee (#1)
    February 8: saboma (#1)
    February 9: californiadreams (#2)
    February 10: ellie (#2)
    February 11: ladybee (#2) , emilie765 (#2)
    February 12: neonpink1234 (#2) , kelley_lovelikecrazy (#2)
    February 15: bella214 (#1)
    February 19: mrs. eagle (#2)
    February 20: mrs. kiwi (#2)
    February 21: red_seattle (#2)
    February 22: cobee (#2), mrsbphd (#1)
    February 23: temperancebrennan (#1) , kiddosc (#2)
    February 25: misolee (#2)
    February 26: ms.line (#1)
    February 27: nywolfmama (#1 & #2)
    February 28: fancyfunction (#2) , sassymama34 (#2 & #3)

    : 8
    : 11
    : 4

  3. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    how is everyone's week going? i had a fantastic morning because i found out that my baby is no longer breech! he flipped! i was seeing a chiropractor at my midwife's recommendation and only had 3 sessions so far (was supposed to be 4 - 6). I was also supposed to be doing these inversion poses at home that i never got around to and now i don't have to! woohoo!

    the rest of my day was not the greatest, but it's all good because i have an actual chance at a VBAC now

  4. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @californiadreams: Congrats on your baby flipping! That's great news! And I hope it means you'll get your VBAC!

    I just had my 37-week appointment this morning. All in all, it was very good news and all is well. But I'm a bit sad today because I'm focusing on the one negative thing my midwife told me: I'm group B strep positive, so I'll need antibiotics during the labor and delivery. I was really, really hoping not to have to get an IV placed at all, and that hope is now gone. But my midwife did a great job of explaining that this doesn't change much at all about my plan to have as natural and intervention-free of a birth as possible. Yes, I'll have an IV placed, but it won't be hooked up the whole time (it's intermittent doses of penicillin every 4 hours, they'll remove the tubing when I'm not actually receiving a dose), so I'll still be able to walk and move around like I want, and I'll still be able to use the tub to labor. The only big difference is that they'll want me to come to the hospital sooner if my waters break; I had hoped to labor at home as long as possible, even if my waters break, but now I'll have to go in pretty soon after/if that happens. So I guess I should just get used to the idea of having an IV; everything else will probably be the same. And it's potentially life-saving for baby, so I have to hang on to that.

    In good news, though, baby has dropped a little bit since last week, and is giving me a bit of room to breathe. I've started having very mild, very sporadic BH contractions. They don't really bother me, but I can definitely feel that my uterus is super tight and hard. My midwife is very happy about both of these things; baby is getting ready for her/his big day!

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  5. fancyfunction

    grapefruit / 4085 posts

    @saboma: I was group B strep last time and it really was no big deal. I know they like you to get there quickly if your water breaks but mine didn't until I was already at the hospital for 2 hrs and 7-8 cm dilated. Like you said, I had the IV placed but was able to walk around and move. I'll have it again this time too.

    34 weeks today and was super uncomfortable yesterday, everything having a very heavy/pressure-like feeling. But that seems to be gone today!

  6. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @ms.line: Thanks for re-posting the due dates.

    Since the first babies are due in less than 2 weeks (@mrsclownfish and @zombiebullfrogholler!), I was thinking of creating a new board about "labor and delivery watch", so we can stay updated with babies as they arrive!

    What do you all think? Or would you rather keep it all in this thread? Getting close....

  7. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @californiadreams: Yay, great news that your baby flipped! My midwife told me last week that my baby was head down, and I was like "Great, I don't want to do those inversion poses," and she replied "Well you should do them anyway for optimal positioning." Uh, yeah right - like I don't have enough to do! Anyway, I think it's great you're going for a VBAC!

    @saboma: I'm also nervous about being GBS positive (my test is next week), but everyone keeps reassuring me that it's not a big deal. My midwives said they'll just give me a hep-lock - it takes about 30 minutes to run the antibiotics, and then I can be unhooked. I hope your water breaks late in labor, so you don't have to go in any earlier than you want to!

    Great sign that your baby dropped! My ribs are KILLING me and it hurts to breathe, so I'm jealous. I'm certainly not opposed to a February L&D thread, but since we have a pretty small group of actively posting mamas, I think it would be fine to keep updating in this thread, too. I can't wait to hear about everyone's births and babies!

    @fancyfunction: Was your DD early or late? Think you'll have a repeat of last time?

    AFM, I've had intermittent neck pain, numb hands, stabbing rib pain, GI issues, and back aches, but this baby doesn't seem like s/he's ready to move ANYWHERE! Trying to prepare myself for the potential reality of a March baby....

  8. fancyfunction

    grapefruit / 4085 posts

    @ms.line: Sorry about the ribs - I can relate but this guy likes to mostly burrow a bit lower down on my right side and sometimes it hurts!! M was 3 days late and I'm hoping that's not the case this time - I'd rather go a few days early

  9. TemperanceBrennan

    pear / 1998 posts

    @californiadreams: woo hoo! Great news!

    @saboma: Glad the baby dropped and you have a bit more room. I can understand focusing on the less-than-optimal news. Maybe that will be the only hiccup in your birth plan!

    Other than that, I'm doing good. As a FTM, I'm feeling really apprehensive about not know when I'm going into labor.

    My shower was really fun (co-ed at a brewery). The host had a calender to guess the sex and due date. Almost every guy thought it was going to be a girl and every girl thought it was going to be a boy. Adds a little excited to see who will win.

    @saboma: I'm happy with a new thread or this one. I'm super happy that all of the Feb babies (that we know of) have decided to stay put!

    @ms.line: Sorry your ribs are hurting! Mine is the opposite, I can't tell if it is an arm or a leg, but sometimes if feels like he/she is trying to puch/kick through my cervix. How was your shower?

  10. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    Well it turns out i got my hopes up too soon. Yesterday i had another ultrasound (a regularly scheduled one) and baby had flipped back to head up Then a couple of hours later, i saw my midwife and baby was sideways in transverse. Midwife called what's happening "unstable lie" and basically said we can't predict what will happen. She said that even the chiropractor probably can't do anything to help if baby just keeps changing position. She also said that my best bet is the next time the head is down is to get induced, otherwise will most likely be a c section for me.

    I am not as upset about it as i thought. I've been bracing for a repeat section since he had been breech for so long. And now with all this flipping, i realize i can't really control what happens and the important thing is that he and i are both healthy and happy. Even if they have to cut me open - i survived it once before, i can do it again. So if i do get a VBAC, it will be a bonus, rather than my expectation, so hopefully i won't feel so crushed. And since i was so terrified of vaginal birth the first time, i have to admit that a c section gives me a small sense of relief that i don't have to face the unknown. But obviously, if i got to choose, i would choose the unknown than another major surgery - but it is what it is and the point is i can't really "choose", I'll just find out when we get there!

    @saboma: sorry about being positive. i think you have the right attitude that it is better to know now than later what to expect. i think i was so unhappy with my first c section because it was last minute and unplanned and i didn't see it coming. This time is a bit different, because i am anticipating it. hopefully the same for you (in terms of having the IV i mean).

    @ms.line: my chiropractor told me the other day after my baby was head down (and we thought it would stay that way) to absolutely not do inversions anymore as it could flip the baby back! I hope you get some relief and feel better soon.

    @fancyfunction: i hope you get the timing you want. i hope to deliver not a day early, because we booked a train for my mom to come down the day before my due date and i still feel i have so much to do. i just started my mat leave and i really want these three weeks to myself! hopefully our babes comply with our demands! DS1 did last time, he came late and i needed him to so i could work at my job long enough to get my benefits!

    @TemperanceBrennan: glad you had a fun shower, sounds like it was! i can't wait to find out all our team greens too!

  11. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @californiadreams: Bummer, sorry to hear baby flipped again! But I think you have the right attitude too. I've always been one to have high expectations for stuff and then be let down; but a lot of research studies have shown that people who have lower expectations are happier in general because things often go better than they thought. So you've got the right way of thinking about it: if you do get a VBAC, it's a bonus!
    And thanks for your encouraging words. I do think having time to let the news sit and deal with it will be helpful. I'm already feeling more OK about it.

    Re timing: I definitely want a February baby, so no earlier than that...but I'm ready any time after the 1st. I'm feeling so huge, and I really want to meet this LO!

    I think I won't create another thread, it'll probably be easier to just follow one anyway. And you're right, @ms.line: we've got a small group of pretty active mamas in here, so we'll be able to keep track!

  12. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @saboma: yes for sure having lower expectations will lead to less disappointment. Easier said than done, but I am going to try! And I agree that we don't need another thread for L&D. Maybe later for postpartum chat we can start one.

  13. red_seattle

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @saboma: I'm crossing my fingers for delivery on the 1st, too. She'll be 37 wks on the nose that day. So, in part I want to arrive then because the earlier she comes, the better for the bar exam. I really want to have breastfeeding established by then, and that will give us 3.5 wks. But also, it may seem silly, but my birthday is the 1st and I can't imagine a better birthday present.

    Not getting my hopes up though. We tend to have our babies on their due dates (give or take a day) in my family, and that held true for me with DS. So while I know anything can happen and I'm crossing my fingers, I'm not betting on Baby C arriving early.

  14. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @red_seattle: I will be 37 weeks on my birthday, too - Feb 5th! That would be an awesome birthday gift, but I'm not quite sure I'll be ready that early!!

  15. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @californiadreams: Oh man, I can't believe your baby flipped again! I hope he figures out that he should be head down by the time his birthday comes around. I've read that the vast majority of babies do, but I'm sure it's nerve-wracking for you. It sounds like you have a good outlook on the RCS scenario... but I'll still keep my fingers crossed for you! Also, it's awesome you're able to start your maternity leave already! I'll be at work until my damn water breaks.

    @TemperanceBrennan: My shower was fun, thanks! My best friend surprised me by coming in from New York for it, which was great. I got SO MANY blankets. So. Many. I think I'm going to cut some of them up and sew them into burp cloths because I have no idea what I will do with all of them otherwise. Then we used our Amazon completion discount to order everything else we still wanted, so I feel like we are *finally* done shopping! I was going to try to be economical and go straight to a convertible car seat (I already bought two Diono Radians), but I just broke down and bought an infant seat and extra base, too. My DH owns some Amazon stock, so that's how I'm justifying all my spending. I'm glad to hear your shower was fun - I think the brewery atmosphere would be great! It's so funny that the guys guessed girl and vice versa, because they did the exact opposite at my shower! *All* of the guys guessed boy, and the vast majority of the women guessed girl. We also had them guess the baby's weight and people predicted some scarily chunky babies!

    Regarding timing, I just bought tickets to see David Cross on February 18th, so I hope my baby doesn't come before then! I'm also not-so-secretly wishing for a leap year baby, so I wouldn't mind if s/he were a few days late!

    Also, I just felt my baby hiccuping for the first time this morning - it took me a minute to realize what I was feeling - it was pretty weird/cool!

  16. red_seattle

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @ms.line: that's fun that you felt hiccuping for the first time. DS never hiccuped during my pregnancy (and I can't recall him ever hiccuping so far in the last 4 years, come to think of it), but this baby does 2-3 times per week. So it's fun that there was something new to experience with this pregnancy. Doesn't it feel funny?!

  17. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @ms.line: @red_seattle: my baby hiccups 2-3 times A DAY!! For the last 3 months at least. It's totally the weirdest feeling, yet really cool at the same time. I've read somewhere that they're just "practicing hiccuping" but I don't really get why they need to practice. Anyway, glad you're both getting to experience this strange pregnancy symptom!
    @ms.line: We also just used our Amazon completion discount this past weekend, and have had a delivery basically every day since. I think we have everything we need now...but I'm sure I'll come up with more that I want to buy. And since we now have Prime and shipping is free...why not?!?!

  18. Ellie

    cherry / 157 posts

    Glad to hear that everyone is doing relatively well. We're almost there! I'm also really surprised that we haven't had an early birth yet!

    I'm at 37 weeks and am pretty much ready to have this baby any day now... if only he'd cooperate He hasn't dropped yet.

    @californiadreams: can you feel when the baby flips? (sorry they keep flipping). I don't remember feeling my first flip and think I felt when this one went head-down, it was the middle of the night, but I can never be sure.

  19. kiddosc

    grapefruit / 4278 posts

    @californiadreams: I'm sorry baby flipped again At my last appt, my OB said baby girl is breach. I'm pretty upset at the idea of C section, since I had my first vaginally. I'm only 35 weeks though, so fingers crossed that these babies get with the program and flip!

    @TemperanceBrennan: That sounds like a really fun shower. We're in Milwaukee, so there's tons of breweries around here. I love going on all the tours.

    @red_seattle: I hope baby comes a little early for you. Major props for prepping for the bar exam while super pregnant and for taking the test so soon after birth! I know you do what you have to, but you still deserve at least a pat on the back!

    @ms.line: Baby hiccups are so fun! I've felt them a few times with this pregnancy.

    AFM, baby girl is still flip flopping around a lot. I'm anxious about the possibility of needing to try ECV or opt for a section if she doesn't settle head down. We live in a two story home and I have a 3.5 year old, so abdominal surgery wasn't really in the plans (silly me for making plans ). We're gathering the last few items to complete the nursery though, and I think we'll be all set in the next two weeks. It seems like we still have a long time, but I just realized yesterday that I only have 4 more weeks of work left! Now, all I can concentrate on is all the stuff I have to get done outside of work, lol.

  20. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @kiddosc: haha yeah I feel like I have a mile long list of things to do outside of work, and being stuck here for 8 hours a day is killing me! I hope your baby also finds herself a nice cozy spot head-down soon!

    I just wanted to share that my husband and I FINALLY got our leave/return to work arrangements finalized/approved, and it feels like a million pounds off my shoulders. My boss approved me for 4 months of leave, and returning at either 80 or 90% (my choice), with only 3 days a week in-office, either way. My DH is going to take a week or two of PTO and then is going to be able to work from home 3 days a week for the rest of my maternity leave. Definitely lessens my anxiety about being *ALL ALONE* with a baby during my leave. (Also my DH is great about doing the laundry while WFH, so that's a household task I won't have to pick up the slack on anytime soon. )

  21. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    In other news, I spent last night making "padsicles." It was like, the weirdest arts and crafts project ever...

  22. MrsClownfish

    cherry / 199 posts

    I haven't been active on the board but know everyone loves a good labor watch do...my stats are:

    We are team green. Hoping for a VBAC.
    Siting now at 39+1.
    37 weeks was 50% effaced and fingertip dilated
    38 weeks 50% effaced and 3cm. Had a membrane sweep and lost my mucus plug. Lots of Braxton hicks.
    39 week appt 80% effaced and 3cm. Another membrane sweep. Contractions 10min apart last night but stopped this morning.

    Will discuss VBAC induction with pitocin at 40 week appt. Dr/midwife practice is very supportive and thinks I have a good shot as I labored to 10cm last time but couldn't push baby out. We'll see what happens!

  23. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @ms.line: Glad you and DH figured out leave plans, that definitely sounds like a relief! And that's great that he'll be able to work from home a bit so you're not alone! I'm definitely looking forward to having DH home for 8 weeks (unheard of!) of my leave. It'll be so nice to establish routines with baby together.

    Also, what the heck are padsicles? Should I be making some??

    @MrsClownfish: eeee! our first labor watch! Good luck, hope all keeps progressing and goes well so you can achieve your VBAC!!!

  24. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @saboma: Wow, 8 weeks! That's awesome!

    I originally heard of padsicles on Pinterest, but my midwife recommended them, too. You can find "recipes" on the internet, but it's pretty straight forward - I got a pack of giant pads, and on each one I dumped 2 tablespoons witch hazel, 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel, and a few drops of lavender essential oil (optional) and spread it around. Then you fold the pads back up in their wrappers, and put them in a ziploc bag in the freezer. They are supposed to feel great on your ladybits/hemorrhoids postpartum!

    @MrsClownfish: Ahhh, sounds like you're getting so so close! Will be sending good VBAC vibes your way!

  25. TemperanceBrennan

    pear / 1998 posts

    @MrsClownfish: So exciting! Good luck!

    @saboma: 8 weeks!!! That is so awesome. DH works from home, so it will be nice to have his close.

    Just had my 36 week appointment. Baby was measuring just a tad small, but doctor wasn't really concerned. I'm almost 6' so the baby has a lot of room. The doctor couldn't really feel the head so she pulled out the ultrasound to confirm the head was down and told me baby was super low, which may also account for the small fundal height. I'm 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated. Even though I'm still about a month away, it is beginning to feel really real! I'm getting nervous!

  26. Ellie

    cherry / 157 posts

    Ugh, I had hours and hours of Braxton-hicks yesterday/last night. I'm at 38w and if I have 2 more weeks of that, I'll be one upset mama.
    With my last pregnancy I had two nights of hours-long BH contractions about a week or two before I ended up giving birth, so the timing seems right, but I wish it was a sign of earlier labour.

  27. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    I am scheduled for my c-section next Thursday. I'll be 39 days on the dot. My last day of work is Friday. Since I'm in so much pain I couldn't be more excited for some time at home.

  28. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @ladybee: Glad to hear your CS is on the books - and only one day of work to go! Hope the time flies for you and you're able to get a bit of R&R.

    @Ellie: That sounds so frustrating! I don't think I've had any Braxton-Hicks yet... I kinda want some, but I kinda don't.

    @TemperanceBrennan: I've heard fundal height is a very imperfect guideline. Exciting you're already partially dilated and effaced! My midwives don't do any cervical checks, so I'll have no idea what I'm at until I'm labor....

    My boobs are starting to leak, which is freaking me out!

  29. mrs.kiwi

    kiwi / 635 posts

    So excited for you ladies who are getting close!! It will be so exciting to hear news of births real soon.

    I've been meaning to chime in earlier (I've been keeping up) but I'm never signed in on my phone.

    Thankful no one has had a super early birth yet (that we know of?)

  30. GooseBee

    pea / 14 posts

    Hi everyone! It has been forever since I have posted on here but wanted to tell you all "hi"! I am happy to see that everyone is doing well! I am 39+3 today (my doctor moved my due date up to the 1st) but feel like this baby is going to make me wait. I've been declining cervical checks but will probably do one next appointment. It is so exciting that we are getting close!!! Can't believe we have all come so far already.

    @MrsClownfish: Sounds like you are progressing great already! Fingers crossed for your VBAC.

    @ladybee: How exciting that you have your c-section scheduled! Baby will be here soon

  31. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @ms.line: @TemperanceBrennan: yeah, we're really lucky DH gets so much time. I can't wait for us to spend our first 2 months as a family together!

    @Ellie: I've been having BH contractions for a little over a week now. They're generally in the evening, for about 2 hours, of varying intensity and frequency, and then they just stop. They're definitely not fun, but I'm able to breathe or move through them, and I'm grateful my uterus is getting some good practice in! I just hope it doesn't mean early labor...I want baby to stay put for at least another week!

    @ladybee: yay for your c-section being scheduled! Today is my last day of work too, and I'm really excited. It's gotten really hard and tiring to move around, so commuting into work has not been fun. I'm looking forward to taking it easy next week.

    @ms.line: my midwife isn't doing cervical checks either, at least not until 41 weeks. I'm kind of curious...but I also don't want to be given false hope, so I'm fine with it. (also, not a fan of repeat vaginal exams!) And my boobs have actually stopped leaking. They were for a while, and some colostrum still comes out when I press on them, but they don't leak on their own anymore. Bodies are so weird!

    I've got 10 days to go until my due date! Can't quite believe it. I really wish I knew when this baby was going to make its big appearance, but I guess I'll just have to remain patient. Excited to hear how everyone else is doing!

  32. Ellie

    cherry / 157 posts

    Well, apparently my night of BH-contractions was an indication - my water broke unexpectedly exactly 2 weeks before my due date. I say unexpectedly because I wasn't really dilated and was not having contractions at the time. But, seven hours later, this little man was born.
    The labour progressed quickly and he was in such a rush to be born that the Doctor didn't even make it into the room in time We're home now and incredibly happy (and tired).

  33. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @Ellie: Wow - congrats, mama! Glad to hear your little guy got here so quickly and safely! He's adorable!

  34. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    January 27: ellie (#2)
    Due Dates
    February 1: mrsclownfish (#2), zombiebullfrogholler (#2)
    February 5: mrskrumpet (#2)
    February 6: pachamama (#1)
    February 7: goosebee (#1)
    February 8: saboma (#1)
    February 9: californiadreams (#2)
    February 11: ladybee (#2) , emilie765 (#2)
    February 12: neonpink1234 (#2) , kelley_lovelikecrazy (#2)
    February 15: bella214 (#1)
    February 19: mrs. eagle (#2)
    February 20: mrs. kiwi (#2)
    February 21: red_seattle (#2)
    February 22: cobee (#2), mrsbphd (#1)
    February 23: temperancebrennan (#1) , kiddosc (#2)
    February 25: misolee (#2)
    February 26: ms.line (#1)
    February 27: nywolfmama (#1 & #2)
    February 28: fancyfunction (#2) , sassymama34 (#2 & #3)

  35. kiddosc

    grapefruit / 4278 posts

    @Ellie: Congrats, he's a cutie!

    I was just going to comment how amazing it was that we were all actually going to make it to February

  36. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @Ellie: Congrats!! What a beautiful baby boy!!

  37. fancyfunction

    grapefruit / 4085 posts

    @Ellie: Oh wow congrats! Hope you're all doing well

  38. TemperanceBrennan

    pear / 1998 posts

    @Ellie: Congratulations!!! He is perfect!

    @kiddosc: I was thinking the same thing!

  39. GooseBee

    pea / 14 posts

    @Ellie: Congratulations! He is beautiful!

  40. MrsClownfish

    cherry / 199 posts

    Congrats @ellie!

    As for me...had a membrane sweep on Thursday. Had contractions 4 min apart lasting a minute long for 8 hours that night but then went away. Glad I didn't go to hospital bc I'm sure they would have want to give me interventions to speed things up (since I. Already 3cm dilated) which would likely decrease my chances of successful vbac.

    So still waiting for real labor to start. I've lost my mucus plug like 5 times but it just keeps regenerating. This baby is a stubborn one.

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