We are excited to take our first family trip to NC in a few weeks. We normally go somewhere tropical every year but this is our ZIKA compromise.

Anyway, we have decided to drive because this little man needs a lot of stuff and we would need to rent a car upon arrival anyway(renting a beachfront condo). It seemed more cost effective.

Its roughly a 16 hour drive (including gas/pit stops). We are hoping to drive through the night. LO STTN 11-12 hours. Is it unrealistic to think he *might* sleep most of the drive there? Is it even doable for him to sleep in a car seat? We have even considered stopping somewhere for a night or two on our way there or back (Ontario to NC)

I feel like this is getting long... I need you to tell me what will make my life easier, what I should bring.. any words of wisdom you can basically bestow on me would be great!

Bonus points if you are from/have been to Oak Island and have any family/sight seeing tips!