LO is turning 11 months. He has never been the world's greatest sleeper. Very inconsistent -- one waking on one night, then three the next, despite the same routine and solid naps. I usually nurse at night wakings, which I know is more for comfort at this age but it was quick and effective until now.

Lately I go in and nurse and he seems content. I put him back in his crib, and he seems fine. But 10 minutes later (just enough for me to fall asleep) he will flip out again. And OMG the cry-until-hoarse kind of crap. He will be perfectly content if I go in and rock him, but seriously I can't be doing that multiple times a night.

I am at a loss. He falls asleep just fine initially. He has white noise and a fairly consistent routine. I've given ibuprofen in case teething is the issue -- no discernible improvement. He's screaming as I write. It's been about 20 minutes. No sign of stopping.

Do I just need to suck it up and CIO knowing he may well cry for hours on end? I am at a total loss but something needs to give. I'm getting testy and kind of nasty during his wakeups, hissing at him to STFU, and obviously that doesn't help..