Ideally my 19m old would be nursing 3 times per day right now, and I would be happy with that, thinking it would slowly drop off less and less. If we are busy and out of the house, he doesn't ask to nurse, but especially in the afternoons, he wants to nurse nurse nurse when we are home. Sometimes it doesn't bother me, sometimes it does... especially when he gets super insistent. That combined with his cavities... I know my husband wants to me to wean, his dentist, and probably my family is thinking it too.

Before I started having these doubts, I was thinking I would keep things status quo until he was 2, and then start setting more limits, hopefully weaning completely by 2.5 or so. Especially since my husband doesnt want to start trying for baby #2 yet, I feel comfortable with this in theory. But I don't know if I am making the right choice, or just being lazy. How did you know when to wean, if you had to be more proactive about it?