D just turned 4 a couple of weeks ago. 3 was definitely the year he found his voice - challenging us by saying no, more whining, etc. So far, 4 is more of the same. After some particularly bad days at daycare, we took TV away and instituted a behavior chart at home. If he has a good report at the end of the day, he gets a star at home. If he makes the Rock Star Wall at school, he gets 2 stars. If he has a bad report or a particularly bad night with us, he loses a star. If he has 5 stars by Friday, he gets a movie night. So far, it's been working well and seems to have helped with his attitude.

But yesterday, when I picked him up, his teacher told me that he had an overall good day, but he still needs to work on his listening. She asked him to do something and he said no and she said "Don't you want to get stars at home?" He told her he didn't care if he got stars at home. Then she asked him about the Rock Star Wall and reminded him that she'd give him a marshmallow if he makes the Rock Star Wall, and he said, "I don't care. My mommy buys me marshmallows anyway." Like...really, dude?! He doesn't ever say things like that at home, so I don't understand where this is coming from. And I really don't know how to address it. Other than throwing away the marshmallows and taking away all treats.