I'm sorry, I've had such a crappy month. It's not even fair. I am *so* tired.

With no break:

E and D get a stomach bug. Luckily I didn't, but I spent a week cleaning up vomit and diarrhea.

D still had the bug when E got a cold, as did I. He started spiking high fevers, like he did last summer when he had a double ear infection and had to take him to the ER. Once I made that connection we took him to the ER.

I would have just taken him to the pedi, but it was Saturday morning, he had just thrown up in my bed, and I didn't want to wait out two more days of increasingly high fevers without antibiotics. At the hospital an ear infection was ruled out, as was strep. He got a chest x-ray and we were told he had an upper respiratory infection.

The following Monday his temp had been gone for over 24 hours, so I brought him to daycare. I thought his eye looked a little swollen, but normal, just woke him up swollen. 2 hours later daycare called to say it had very quickly almost swelled shut, and they thought he had pink eye.

I took him to the pedi to have pink eye ruled out, but she told me almost immediately that he had a double ear infection that was causing the eye to swell. She prescribed Augmentin, which can have side effects of diarrhea, which he now has, again.

By Friday I was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and thought about how nice it would be to have a weekend where we were all relatively healthy. Friday when I was making dinner my eye started to itch, and by the time I went to bed it was bright red and almost swollen shut. I'm still sick from that original cold, by the way.

Then last night, while leaving Target with Evan in the backseat I was t-boned on the driver's side, and I just got off the phone with the garage, who informed me that my car is totaled.

I just can't. I can't decide if I did something just terrible in a past life and this is karma coming back to bite me in the ass, or, if I could manage to find some shred of optimism, if I have a boat-load of good karma heading my way for the shit show that my life has become recently.

Anyway, I just *really* needed to vent.