would you want/care about having a later in the year baby (Oct-Dec)?

I am wafting about when to start TTC number 3. I already have 2 June babies and my town doesnt have a cut off (the cut off is Dec 31st same as it was when I was growing up)

For my first 2 babies I worked and timed their births (luckily it worked) to coincide with it (think a teachers schedule). I SAH now so there is no restraint on months this time. I know I dont want another June baby (hectic enough with 2) and I kinda wanted some distance between their birthdays.

I had originally thought Oct would be nice but realize that means starting in Jan and besides being a little worried about going into long winter months trapped inside with 3 kids for the long winter Im also not sure I ever want to start trying again that soon.

Ideally I was thinking of trying after my daughter turned 2 in June meaning a March baby but I realize that means I need to accept their birthdays are going to be closer to my June babies as well as that means I wont have a late in the year baby. I dont know why but I kinda want a late year baby despite a lot of the negatives (cold months, holidays, cutt offs for some people etc)

Did you like your babies end of the year birthday?