Hellobee Boards


If you have two or more children and labour started spontaneously both times.....

  • poll: Did your labours start around the same time?
    Yes - my children were born at the exact same gestational age! : (4 votes)
    5 %
    Yes - within three days of each other : (15 votes)
    19 %
    Sort of - they were within a week of each other but more than three days apart : (13 votes)
    17 %
    No - they were more than a week apart in gestational age when born : (34 votes)
    44 %
    My labours didn't start spontaneously (induced, c-section etc) so I can't answer : (6 votes)
    8 %
    No experience, just want to see the responses! : (5 votes)
    6 %
  1. ohapostrophe

    apricot / 464 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: update- #3 arrived at 40w on the dot!

  2. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @ohapostrophe: congratulations! I love her name. It looks like the boys were happy too!


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