Hello bees, I need your opinions on this.
Back story: Lo got into a really good sleep routine while we were staying with my mom in the US for a couple of months (Lo was 4.5 months - 6.5 months). However, when we returned to England, with the jetlag and time change and all, she has gone back to having really crap sleep and naps. Added to all the milestone development she has been going through of late (she wakes up to practice her crawling!) means hubby and I are getting precious little sleep.

Lo currently falls asleep around 7:30pm but wakes up exactly 3 hours later. You could set a timer by it. when she goes down again, she will wake up between 1-2am. Then she might wake up around 5am or, if we are lucky, 6am-ish for the day. Last night, I pushed her sleep forward to 6pm as she has been dropping her 3rd nap of late.

we have tried letting her cry it out but she just screams and screams. We have tried not feeding her during the first wake (as she is clearly not hungry), but she gets so angry and wound up that she ends up staying awake and crying for at least 2 hours.

I am at my wit's end.

That is why I was thinking of introducing a dream feed at 10pm. However I read somewhere that 8 months is way too late to introduce a dream feed. Is that true??

I am confident that she is getting plenty to eat during the day. I still breastfeed as much as she wants, she has porridge for breakfast, and always has dinner. Plus, of late, she has been having formula for bedtime because we were hoping that formula (being heavier) would help her stretch out her sleeps. It hasn't made one bit of difference.

So. Has anyone ever introduced a dream feed late in the game? Is 8 months too late? Will I be creating a rod for my own back later when I have to wean her off it?
