My MIL is retired and since she retired last spring she has come to visit 0 times. My parents try and visit every other month. How often do your parents or your SO parents see your LO?
My MIL is retired and since she retired last spring she has come to visit 0 times. My parents try and visit every other month. How often do your parents or your SO parents see your LO?
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
My in laws live 1.5 hours away so we try and go see them once a month, or they'll come into town to grocery shop and we'll meet them up.
My parents live 3.5 hours away and they'll come down every other month (usually around a holiday or if something needs to be taken care of). I try to go up North and visit them instead when possible, but normally it's easier for them to come down. Thankfully, they don't mind since we have all the yummy food down here!
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
Is "when it's convenient for her" a valid answer?
My mom is retired and has seen her four times. Two of those trips, she came to us. My dad has seen her twice and will not come visit us (yet will travel to Mexico. He says it's too stressful to come here since it's not a vacation).
Dh's family sees her at big get togethers/holidays mostly and his mom we probably see twice a month? We do Happy Hours or she babysits for us....she's really involved. When she was first born, it was every week!
I can't believe your MIL has never visited. I do not understand being retired and having no interest in your grandchildren
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts
Not often. We usually go to them. My Dad & Stepmom visit the most, which is every few months (they live 3.5 hours away and we usually go visit a few times a year as well). My ILs don't come down unless it's a holiday, and my mom has only seen my LO like 3 times since she was born.
grapefruit / 4085 posts
My MIL is only 15 minutes away and my parents are an hour. They both visit at least once a week.
grapefruit / 4903 posts
DH's family comes once a month and spends a Saturday with her. My parents live out of state. My dad probably makes it up here 3 times a year or so. My mom tries to visit every month but usually only makes it every 2-3 months.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@blackbird: She's obsessed with her BF and does whatever he wants to do.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
Oh man, well that's a whole nother messed up story, it sounds like
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
My parents live 10 minutes away and come over at least 2x a week to see her for an hour or so. My dad is retired but my mom is not. My dad has his plans but when LO was super little I could call him and ask him to grab something at the store for me and he would drop it off that day or the next day. I loved it.
My inlaws are retired and live less than 30 minutes away and other than holidays/birthdays they don't ever come to see her just because.
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
My inlaws live 2hrs away by plane and visit 4x a year. We try to go to see them once a year.
My mom comes about 4x too. dad tags along usually just 1/4 times.
Now that the kids are older we're gonna try to make it out west at least once a year.
pomegranate / 3779 posts
My parents live 2 hrs away and they come here about once per month and we go there about once per month.
ILs live in South America and have never come to visit in the 14 yrs DH has lived here, even though we have offered to pay for it. We go there about once per year.
pear / 1586 posts
My mum sees her quite often. At least once a week but usually 2-4x. She lives 10 minutes away. My FIL lives with us so he sees her every day. My MIL lives about 20 minutes away and doesn't see her often. Last time was after Christmas.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
My in-laws live 10 mins away and we see them for dinner every Sunday, and my MIL usually babysits once a week while I go to the gym.
My parents are 1.5 hours by plane and they visit probably twice or three times a year? We usually visit there twice as well.
grapefruit / 4819 posts
My parents live a 31 hr flight away from us - mom has been to visit four times since DD1 was born 20 months ago and she stays for six to eight weeks at a time. I've also been home once in that time.
My ILs used to live a 20 flight away from us and we visited them once during that time (the whole first year of DD1's life), but they have since moved back to Australia and we've had three visits with them, each one two to three weeks in length, in the seven months they have been back.
We're moving back to England, as are the ILs, so I imagine once that happens, we'll get together two or three weekends a month, depending on where we live in relation to them. I will
probably see my parents two to three times per year then too, if not more.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
Fil is retired mil is not. They come over once a wk. Fil goes to the casino more often than he comes here. But whatev.
My mom watches ds when I work my dad comes after work to visit w him almost daily too
nectarine / 2274 posts
They come over a few times a month. All of them still work but at least one set of grandparents try to come every weekend.
pomelo / 5820 posts
My dad sees him 2-3 times a week. My FIL and SMIL see him once a week. My MIL sees him once every month... maybe? She lives in the area, but she is really weird about coming over.
pineapple / 12566 posts
My IL's live about a 2 hour flight away and they come maybe 3 times per year. My dad lives in the US and he hasn't been to visit since we moved to Austria. However, we went to him two summers ago and we met him in Thailand last summer. If we don't make it to the US this year, he will come to us this spring or fall.
pomelo / 5326 posts
We all live in the same city. The grandmas see her once or twice a week and my dad comes over at least once every two weeks but tries for weekly.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
My inlaws live in Europe, so at best we see them twice a year. We do make a point to Skype at least twice a month.
My parents are local and we see them regularly.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@littlek: That is sad that your MIL hasn't ever come to visit.
My parent live 45 mins away so they see her every couple weeks. They haven't seen her in a month since they have been out of town the last 4 weeks. But we are going to see them this weekend. They are really excited to see her walking around.
IL's have seen her 5 or 6 times in her first year. Half has been them coming to visit and the other half us going down there (holidays upped our trips). They are coming for her birthday in two weeks. But they are just awkward around her. They expect us to go down to visit them more then them coming to visit. Sorry, those days are over.
pomelo / 5791 posts
We all live within a 2 mile radius. My mom sees DS almost every day. She is his care while I'm at work. My dad sees him at least once a week (on the weekends). IL's, who also live within 2 miles, have seen him less than 5 times. MIL doesn't work either. The IL's expect us to go over there since it's more convenient for them. Sorry, no.
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