even if they aren't exactly toxic?

It's a long story, but my mom has bipolar disorder and my dad deals with depression and anxiety. They are both medicated (who knows how well,) but they are all over the place. Sometimes things are good, or one parent is good while the other isn't, or they are both "bad." It's exhausting and it's something I want to protect my children from because I had a front row seat as a child. My mom has been dealing with some medical stuff (that I think is mostly her bipolar disorder,) which has resulted in trips to the emergency room and calling the ambulance. I asked her yesterday if she wanted to go shopping with me and 3 week old DD while DS is at preschool. Apparently, she was in the emergency room so I said we would take a rain check but she said she was fine and insisted we go today.

Well, on our way out of town she started to feel really dizzy and asked me to take her back to her car and she was getting to the point of hysterical so I ended up calling 911 (I realize it's for emergencies but I wasn't going to take the baby to an emergency room and my dad works 1.5 hour away.) As the firemen and EMTs were working with her, all of these memories came flooding back and the kinds of things I want to protect my kids from. It occurred to me, "what if 3 year old DS had been here?" It's not fair for him to witness his grandmother's manic episode. He would have been so scared (other than the fact that he loves fire trucks.)

My parents are not unkind and they love my kids so much (when they aren't so wrapped up in their stuff that they don't see anything else.) They don't do it on purpose, but I want to protect my family so I am thinking an unspoken time out might be in order. I don't want to punish them or anything, but I just can't anymore. My parents mental illnesses were such a huge part of my childhood and I feel like I am "at capacity." I feel like I am robbing them of DD's newborn days if I do a time out. Maybe this is self-preservation...I don't know.

I'm sorry this is all over the place, but the ambulance just left with her an hour ago and I don't want to talk to my friends about it.

Does anyone else have experience or advice?